《Skinny (Cameron Dallas fanfic)》19.


*Two months later*

I woke up to the sound of thundering and lightning. Cam's arm was wrapping around me trapping me against his chest.

Cam, Nash and I had moved into an apartment in LA together. It's four bed rooms but I've mostly been staying in here with Cam. Some of the boys are suppose to come visit us later today.

I'm not sure how long but we all know who's going to be doing the house work when they're here.

Turning over I tried to get in a more comfortable position. Thunder isn't exactly my favorite thing in the world. Usually I go and lay with Nash but I guess Cam will have to do.

"Cam?" I asked, poking his shoulder.

He just made a groaning noise and rolled over. Sighing I pulled the blanket off myself and walked down the hall towards Nash's room. He was already up on his phone.

"Nash?" I knocked on the door.

"Hey Lex, I thought you might come in here." He moved over and patted the spot next to him.

"Yeah well Cam's being a pooper and won't wake up." I crawled under the covers and curled up in his side.

Placing his phone on the nightstand he wrapped his arm around me and we both fell back to sleep.

I woke up a few hours later with a gross feeling in my stomach. Nash wasn't in the bed anymore but I could hear voices down the hall. I'm guessing the other boys are here.

Looking at the clock it said 2:39 so I must of been asleep a lot longer then I originally had thought.

Getting out of bed I felt that horrible feeling in my stomach and ran for the door. Yanking it open, I ran towards the bathroom and slammed the door behind me.

Almost leaping I reached the toilet and started emptying the contents of my stomach. I heard someone come in and hold my hair back.

"You okay babe?" Cam asked me as I brushed my teeth.


"Yeah I think it was just something I ate." I answered, rinsing my mouth out.

"You sure? Because this was happening last week too."

"I'm sure." I went and grabbed his hand.

"Alright well the guys are here." He opened the door do we could walk down the hallway.

Before I could even round the corner I was engulfed in someone's arms. Looking up I saw Matt smiling at me.

"Hey don't hog her I want a hug too!" Taylor yelled, pulling me out of Matts arms and into his own.

"Hi Taylor." I laughed wrapping my arms around him.

"Our turn!" Both the Jacks yelled also hugging me.

Once the put me down I looked around to see who else was here. I saw Carter standing in the kitchen talking to Nash.

"Hi Carter." I walked over and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Lexi hey!" He smiled and also hugged me.

"So what are you boys doing today?" I asked going and grabbing a water from the fridge.

"I think we're just ganna go food shopping and oh Nash you have a meeting to night." Cam came and sat next to me.

"Well I'm going to get changed." I stated and slipped out of my barstool.

Going into my room I went and picked up some shorts and a light sweatshirt. Turning on the shower I noticed I was out of shampoo so I went under the sink to grab a new bottle.

When I opened the door a box of tampons fell out. Picking it up I noticed that it was unopened and that got me thinking, when did I get my last period? The last one I remembered was right before-

Holy shit.

Forgetting about my shower I turned it off and hurriedly changed into my new clothes and brushed my hair and teeth.

Rushing into the living room I noticed that only Carter and Matt were left.

"The other boys went to the store." Carter explained as I went and stood in front of them.


"That's good because I need a favor." I nervously said.

"Sure what is it?" Matt spoke up this time.

"Ineedyoytogotothedrugstoreandgetmeapregnancytest." I rushed out, not looking at them.

"Did I just hear you right?" Matt got up and walked over towards me.

Nodding my head ashamedly, I still refused to look up at him.

"We'll be back." Carter got up with a faceless expression and basically pulled Matt out the front door.

Trying not to freak out I went over and sat on the couch. About 20 minutes later Matt and Carter came back through the door and handed me a bag.

"There's 2 in there just to be safe." Matt told me as I got it and walked into the bathroom.

After doing my business I set the two sticks on the counter and sent a timer on my phone for 5 minutes.

Walking back I took a seat on the toilet and threw my head in my hands. What if I really was pregnant? I'm only 17 I have no clue how to take care of a child!

The timer went off. That 5 minutes went a whole lot faster then I was expecting. Getting up I walked over towards the counter and closed my eyes.

This is it I thought as I slowly looked at each stick. Tears started to form in my eyes as I saw two little blue plus marks.

I quickly hid everything and walked out to the living room. Both boys looked at me and I threw myself into Matts arms sobbing.

"It's going to be okay Lex." Matt tried to sooth me by rubbing his hand around my back.

"W-what if Cam doesn't want it?" I choked out and looked up at him.

"If Cam doesn't want it then you'll cone love with us when we get a place here next month." Carter joined in and pulled me into his arm.

"Yeah! And we'll be the best uncles!" Matt tried to cheer me up.

"I think you'll have a hard time beating Nash for that one." I let out a little laughing back.

Carter sat there holding me in his arm for a little longer until I decided I really should take a shower.

By the time I had got out and changed into some soffee shorts a t shirt and thrown my hair into a missy bun the boy were already back and being noisy as ever in the living room.

They were all sitting around drinking from kegger cups and being very loud.

"Hey babe and buttface." I said to Taylor and Cam as I sat down on his lap.

"Listen love birds if you're going to sit here and swallow each other then I'm ganna need some more alcohol." Taylor complained as he got up and went into the kitchen.

He came back a few minutes later chugging a bottle of god knows what throwing a few cans of beer to the boys. He placed a mikes in my lap but I had to decline.

"Ah no thanks Taylor I'm not in the mood.." I trailed off.

"Com on Lexi have some fun." He tried to hand it back towards me.

"I said no." I got angry.

"Since when do you turn down alcohol?" Jack G asked me from across the room.

"Since I have another person to take care of." I huffed, getting off of Cam's lap and storming towards my own bedroom.


Hey guys sorry for the huge time jump I just needed it to happen and now that it's summer I'm going to try and update more

And for those who don't know what a kegger cup is it's just a red solo cup

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