《Skinny (Cameron Dallas fanfic)》15.


"Be back at a reasonable time our flight leaves at 7:30 tomorrow." I told Cam, kissing him on the cheek as he and some of the boys went out.

Cam and I are flying back home for prom which is in three days. Taylor and Jacob had left a couple of days ago since she had to help set up and everything.

"Yeah yeah, anyway Carter and Matt are going to stay here with you." He said, kissing me back.

"I don't need a babysitter." I pouted.

"Don't talk to me, talk to Nash about it." He defensively put his hands up.

"Nash!" I screamed, walking into his room.

He was in front of his mirror fixing his hair before they left.

"What?" he turned around to face me.

"How many times do I have to tell you? I don't need a babysitter." I stated in a very angry tone.

"And how many times do I have to tell you I'm not letting you stay here alone." He shot back at me.

I sat there glaring at him for a few seconds.

"God you're so annoying." I yelled back at him.

"I'm not being annoying, I'm trying to protect you!"

Just then Matt and Jack G had walked into the room.

"Girls, girls you're both pretty." Matt said smirking.

"Shut up!" Nash and I yelled at the same time.

"Holy shit they did the twin thing." Jack laughed at us.

"Get out!" We both screamed again.

That only seemed to make them laugh more as they walked back down stairs. I turned back to Nash still glaring at him, then taking Cams hand and storming out of the room.

"I'll see you later." I kissed him and walked towards my room, locking to door after me and jumping into the bed.

"Lexi do you want something to eat." Carter came knocking on my door.

Getting up, I unlocked and opened the door.

"No thank you." I replied, stretching.

"That wasn't really an option it was more meant as in what do you want?"

"Nothing seriously I'll be fine okay?" I tried to tell him.

I needed to fit into that dress and nothing's going to stop me even if that means skipping a few more meals than usual.


"Okay fine but Matt and I will be back in about an hour, you'll be okay by yourself for a little while right?" He asked.

"I'll be fine don't worry. Just while you're out can you get me more tampons?" I mumbled.

"No! No way and I going into the girl isle." He shot me down.

"Aw come on please? Haven't you ever gotten them for your sister?" I asked.

"Yeah but my mom was with me!"

"Don't be a pansy, make Matt do it then." I demanded.

"Ugh fine." He said walking out.

I walked back over towards my bed and grabbed my laptop. Logging into netflix I decided to watch mean girls for what seems like the thousandth time until the boys had gotten back. They had left around 8:30 and should be back around 9:30.

The movie was a good 45 minutes in when I started to become dizzy. Hopping out of bed I headed towards the bathroom down stairs where the extra strength aspirin was.

Grabbing to of those I slowly made my way into the kitchen, felling almost weaker. Filling a glass with water I downed two of them and placed the glass on the counter.

I guess my aim was off because it messed the counter and fell straight in the floor.

Going to grab the broom the clean it off I slipped in the water and ended up smashing my ribs off the counter and my head off the floor.

Groaning, I tried to move but my side hurt too much. Soon I heard the door open and two voices filled the house.

"Lexi you owe me so big for this! A little kid asked me if I was a boy then why I needed- LEXI?" He shot down next to me, Matt following.

"Lexi what the hell happened? Are you okay?" He rushed pulling me up.

"I slipped and now my side hurts really bad." I winced in pain.

"There's a nasty cut on your head too so I think we should get you to the hospital." Matt helped me up.

"Yeah okay but can you call Nash I don't want him to come home and freak out as to why we're not here." I took slow steps to the car while Matt helped.


"Carter's already doing that. Just keep this on your head." He commanded, placing at wet towel against the cut.

Climbing into the car I leaned my head against the window and closed my eyes. I tried to think of something else beside the pain in my side when I take a breath.

Nash's POV

"Hang on guys one sec. Hello?" I excused myself from the table to answer my phone.

"Hey dude we're on our way the the hospital Lexi slipped and I think she broke a few ribs." Carter explained.

"Alright ah I'll grab Cam and meet you guys there." I started to panic.

Walking back over towards the table I motioned to Cam that we need to leave and headed towards the car.

"What's wrong?" Cam asked as we got into the car.

"Carter called, He says he said that Lexi fell and they think she has few broken ribs." I responded speeding the car along.

"What did she slip on? Is she going to be okay?" He started throwing all these questions at me.

I told him I didn't have much details and had to wait till we got there.

Lexi's POV

"When's the doctor going to be back?" I whined like a little kid.

"Soon just don't move around too much until we know what's wrong." Carter scolded me.

Sighing I went back to looking throwing my phone. I heard the door open and looked up thinking it was the doctor. But it was my brother and Cam coming in.

"Hey babe, you alright?" Cam walked over kissing my cheek.

"I'm fine, my side just hurts a little bit." I shrugged it off as the door opened again, this time it was the doctor.

"Ah hello Miss. Grier, it looks like you have a couple cracked ribs and just a small cut on your hair line." He looked at my chart.

"Is there any thing I can take to make it stop hurting?" I asked.

"Yes we have already put in a subscription for you. Would you boys mind going to get that while I finish up with Lexi and her brother." He motioned towards the door.

"Can Cam stay? He's my boyfriend." I asked, not letting go of his hand.

The doctor nodded and took a seat as Matt & Carter walked out the door.

"When I was examining your side I noticed that I could feel all your ribs. I could see all the bones sticking out clear as day. So what I'm trying to get at here is do you have a problem with eating? Or at least use to?" He looked at his charts.

I immediately freeze once he said that, feeling Cam squeeze my hand harder. Looking up I saw that both my brother and Cam had heart broken but serious faces on.

"Um I use too?" It came out more like a question.

"Well you see," he started, "I'm suppose to inform a parent about this but I understand that they're not here at this moment. But I am willing to let this go if you promise to get back on the right track, eating healthy and starting to keep a food log of what you eat." He said.

"I promise." I stared to freak out. My parents can't know about this.

"Good and I can count on you boys to help her right?" He asked.

They both shook their heads yes and he told us we were free to go.

I was about to get up when someone scooped me in their arms.

"You know I can walk right?" I asked looking down at a sweet looking Cam.

"I know but I'm just trying to be that cute boyfriend okay." He cheekily smiled.

"Sure whatever you say. Just know that you're ganna have to do this again tomorrow because there's no way I'm walking through an airport at 6 am." I smiled,resting my head on his chest.

"Deal." He whispered as we got in the car, positioning me on his lap.

Soon I fell asleep as he began to lightly sing to me.


boring i know but I was reaaly busy this week sorry Xx

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