《Skinny (Cameron Dallas fanfic)》5.


Shit. Shit. Shit.

Is all I'm thinking as I sit in my room with Nash and Hayes staring at me.

We've been sitting in my room for about a half hour in complete silence. I'm glad for that because I have absolutely no clue what to say too them. Like sorry I'm a freak who doesn't eat or when does throws up?

"Why?" Hayes was the first one to speak up.

I looked up but couldn't get the words out of my mouth.

"Guys I swear Carter was lying to you." I lied, it was the first thing that came to my head.

"Oh did he? Then why do you look so thin lately? Lexi do you not see how bad this is you could get really sick from this!" Nash burst out at me.

"I don't need a fucking lecture Nash!" I fought back.

"Well obviously you do Lexi or you wouldn't be doing this."

"No Nash I don't." I said, grabbing my phone and leaving slamming the door shut behind me.

I just need to get out of here right now and try to think this over. I can't believe that Carter broke his promise to me.

I felt tears start to stream down my face as I ran to the elevator and got in. Once I got out I ran through the lobby and out the front doors that little park me and Carter went to.

It was around 12:30 at night so everything was quiet. I walked over to a tree and sat underneath it. Leaning against it I closed my eyes and sighed. This is just to much to handle right now.

It was getting pretty late but I really didn't want to go back there and have Nash give me another lecture. I was getting sleepy and just dozed off.


Cam's POV

Everything has been crazy this morning. We had come back from dragging a pissed off Carter back to the hotel to find out that Lexi had run off and we had no clue where. She didn't come back last night and Nash is running around like crazy trying to find her. We've all called her at least 40 times each. I'm sitting in the hotel lobby just trying to think of places she could be.

"Cam." a small voice behind me broke me out of my thoughts.

Turning around I saw Lexi standing there tired and dirty.

"Lexi thank god you're okay." I said picking her up and hugging her tight.

"Um Cam you're squishing me." she mumbled into my shoulder.

"Oh sorry but we have to go tell Nash you're back." I reached for a hand but she pulled away.

"No please I really don't want to talk to him right now." she defended.

"Okay, okay let's just go to my room so you can get some rest."

She nodded yawning and I decided to pick her and rest her head on my shoulder. I went over to the elevator and pushed the floor number and leaned against the wall and can feel her snuggle her head into the crook of my neck.

The doors open and I walked into the room and laid her down on the bed. and tucked her into the blankets.

"I'm just going to talk to Nash I'll be back." I explained kissing her forehead and shutting off the light.

I got to Nash's room and I can hear noises coming from inside. Instead of knocking I just walked in and saw stuff everywhere and Nash sitting on the bed breathing heavily.

"Nash, Lexi's back" I said walking in front of him.


"Really where? I have to talk to her." he sprung up.

"Hold on dude, she's in my room sleeping but she said she doesn't want to talk to you." I tried to explain.

"To bad for her, I want some answers." he demanded, trying to leave the room.

"Nash look, Lexi is to tired to talk right now you need to give her sometime and chill out." I tried to calm him down.

"Chill out? You want me to chill out after finding out the my sister has a fucking eating disorder and didn't come back last night. She was my fucking responibility what if she had gotten hurt ar something worse, my mom would kill me." he pushed me out of the way, trying to walk towards the door.

"You seriously need to calm down she'll talk to you when she's ready just clean up this room so we can make the flight later."

With that I left the room and went to the gym to blow off some steam.

Lexi's POV

I woke up in a bed that wasn't my own and remembered that Cameron had brought me back to his room. I was glad that he didn't make me go face my brothers, yet anyway because we have a flight home in a few hours.

"Ahh you're up" Cam said as he walked back into the room.

"Yeah thanks for letting me crash here." I said stretching my muscles.

"It's no problem but we have a flight to catch in about 3 hours. I had Mahogany pack up your suite case." he explained joining me on the bed.

"Thank you but what do mean by 'we' I thought your flight wasn't till like 3 tomorrow?" I asked a little confused.

"Oh yeah there was a change on plans I'm coming home to North Carolina with you guys." he beamed.

"Really?" I asked hopefully.

"Really. I just hope Your mom's okay with having three teenage boys in the house" He chuckled.

Words literally couldn't describe how happy I am right now. With Cam in my house I'll have a better chance of avoiding the much awkward and unwanted conversation with Nash.


Hey guys hope you like it! Next few chapters are ganna be good.

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