《Skinny (Cameron Dallas fanfic)》4.


"Where were you?" Nash questioned as I walked by his room.

I had just gotten back from my little "date" thing with Carter.

"I went down town to go shopping." I lied.

"We're your bags then?"


I thought looking down at my empty hands.

"I couldn't find anything I liked now if you'll excuse me I'm tired." I tried walking past him but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

"Wait, are you okay?" he asked with a concerned face.

What does he mean by "okay"?

"I'm fine why?"

"Because you look a little thin lately, have you been eating?"

"I said I'm fine!" I snapped pulling my arm away and hurrying to my room.

Once I got inside I went to my suite case and pulled out some sweats and a tank top. I went and looked at myself in the mirror.

How could Nash think I look thin? He has to be lying, I can tell. I see all the judgmental stares from people probably thinking,

Look at that whale

She's too ugly to be related to Nash

Feeling tears run down my cheek I flicked the light out and went to sleep.

"Lexi get up we have to be at the venue in 15 minutes!" One of the boys yelled jumping on my bed trying to wake me up.

Sighing I pushed whoever it was off the bed and went to grab new clothes.

"Hey!" the person complained sitting up, me now seeing that it was Taylor.

"Sorry Taylor I thought you were one of my brothers." I apologized.

"It's okay, just meet us down stair in the lobby okay?"

"Yeah see you soon." I replied as he walked over towards the door.

I just grabbed a pair of skinny jeans some moccasins and one of Cameron's baseball tees. I brushed my hair quickly along with my teeth and made my way done stairs.

"Hey Lexiii!" Hayes said jumping on my back and kissing my cheek.

"Hi Hayes now get off me you weight a ton dude." I joked wiggling out if his grasp.


The event has been going on for about an hour and a half. The boys are up on stage dancing and I'm off to the side trying not to be noticed. I'd rather not have a billon girls looking at me and picking out all my flaws while I stand up on a stage.

I was too lost in my thoughts to notice Cameron walking over and literally throwing me over his shoulder.

"Cam put me down!" I demanded pounding on his back with my fists.

"Okay if you insist." he said dropping me.

Looking up I noticed that I was now on stage with hundreds of eyes all on me. I could see Cam with a smug ass smile on his face that I was about ready to slap off.

"Guys this is Lexi me and Hayes sister." Nash explained walking over and helping me off the ground.

I turned to the crowd and awkwardly waved. I guess they were asking the boys questions because I saw some girls get handed microphones.

"How old is Lexi?" one of the girls had asked.

"She's actually my twin so 16." Nash answered.

"Is she dating any of you guys?" another fan had asked and I started to blush.

"Lexi I think it's time we tell them." Taylor had stepped forward.

I looked back at him really confused.

"Me and Lexi are getting married." he said in the straightest face.

"What the hell man! I though me and Lexi were getting married." Cam stepped forward too.

Then everyone burst out laughing. I even laughed especially when Cam and Taylor pretended to fight for my "love".

"Just kidding guys Nash would kill us." Taylor said.

"Damn right I would." Nash added.

After that I had stayed on stage but only to watch the guys. I sat towards the back on my phone for the rest of the time.

Bart's taking us all to dinner so now I'm waiting on the couch in My brothers room till their ready.

"Hello wifey." Cam said taking the spot next to me on the couch.


"Hello hubby." I said laughing.

"We still need to pick a date." he said between fits of laughter.

"Hmm I like June 27th." I said smiling.

"I think that's perfect." he added.

"Okay guys if you're done planning your wedding we need to go meet everyone else." Hayes interrupted us. We all went down stairs to wait for the cars that are going to take us.

"Okay so Carter, Cam, Nash, Lexi, Hayes and Shawn in the first van. Taylor, Aaron, Jack& Jack and Matt with me in the second." Bart had told us as the cars came.

I got into the way back between Carter and Cam. Cam had put his arm around me and I could tell that it bothered Carter. So I decided to text him.

Lexi: are you okay?

Carter: I'm fine.

Lexi: you sure? You seem a little off

Carter: I'm perfectly fine. Now why don't you talk to Cameron sense you guys seem to be close

Lexi: Is that what this is about? Carter we're just friends and it's not like we're were boyfriend girlfriend

After that he didn't text back. I kinda feel bad for saying it that way but there was no reason for him to get mad Cam was just being friendly.

Before I knew it we were at the restaurant and everybody filed in. it seemed to be pretty empty so we didn't have to wait long. we got the biggest table there and I somehow got stuck between Carter and Cameron again.

"What would you like sweetie?" the nice waitress had asked me.

"Um I'll just have a water and a garden salad." I said thank you and she moved on to everyone else.

Soon enough the waitress had brought us our food and everyone was happily talking and eating. The salad I had gotten was pretty big so I ate small bits trying to make it look like I ate more and just stuck to water. I had tried to eat a little more but I just couldn't hold it down.

"I'll be back I just need to use the bathroom." I excused myself from the table and went to find the ladies room.

"Don't do it." a voice said behind me as I was about to walk in.

Turning around I saw Carter standing there.

"Why would you care anyway?" I asked turning back around and going straight through the door.

We are now back at the hotel and I felt much better about myself after I went into the bathroom.

Right now we are all in Matt and Carter's room. Carter's across the room from me glaring in my direction. The other boys are all sitting around on their phone or playing the Xbox one of them had set up.

"Lexi let's talk in the hallway for a second." Carter said standing up and motioning towards the door. Sighing I stood up and followed him out the door.

Next thing I know Carter is pushing me up against the wall. Not trying to hurt me, more like trapping me so I'm forced to talk to him.

"What's going on with you and Cam?" he asked me with dark eyes.

"Nothing, I already told you we're just friends." I said trying to squirm out of his grip.

"That's bullshit!" he's basically yelling now and I'm sure the other boys could hear us.

"It's not bullshit it's the truth and I'm sorry if you can't accept it. I could be with either of you anyway Nash would kill me!" I fired back.

"Well I wouldn't want to date some anorexic freak anyway!" he shouted really loudly this time leaving me alone in the hallway.

"What did he just say?" I turned and saw Nash standing there with the rest of the boys behind him, their mouths wide open.


Sorry about not updating last week I had to babysit and I just couldn't find time during the week i know this isnt very good but i tried -xx

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