《Lusting for you-completed》Chapter 12


His hands ripped into the sheets at either side of my head. Fabrics and mattress stuffings fluffed up into the air. I breathed hard wincing as I did but the panic in me didn't subside. His teeth elongated as he leaned in ever closer hus expression menacing unlike any I had seen before.

"You want to die?" He bit out tightly and breathed in tbe scent of my fear. I trembled some more aching even more.

" I could oblige you there. Drain you dry even now. Say the word and its done, " he murmured furiously, his voice a quiet fury that begged to be unleashed.

I stiffled the urge to cry out in fear and instead I concentrated on the swirling dark orbs that were his eyes. I looked intently into their depths searching for something. Something elusive that would reassure me that my Lucian. The Lucian I love, was behind his words. I saw it then, the softest glimpse of fear that he couldn't hide from me.

He was afraid. Not afraid to lose his meal but to lose me. To lose my love for him.

"You've always known haven't you?" I asked him hoarsely as a different kind of pain ripped into me. "You've always known that I loved you. Was in love with you. Am in love... with you. "

His eyes shifted away from mine. Abruptly he sprang away from me and stood at the foot of the bed glaring down at me.

"You knew from the very start, " I breathed out accusingly. "It was why you came back to me. Why you appeared at that driveway three years ago. "

I stared at him. His stony silence said it all. With a gasp, dry sobs racked through me. I understood it all. Now finally I saw the truth of all that happened. He hadn't needed me that stormy night. He hadn't come running to me for help as I had fondly deluded myself into thinking. He had run to the only person who loved him. He came for my love.


But I didn't yet know why.

"Why? Why did you specifically need someone who loved you? What was it all really about?" I asked finally. If I was going to die I would like to know exactly why.

" You owe me the truth," I whizzed out painfully. My ribs aching familiarly. I felt a strange sense of deja vu. I have been here before. My life at the precipice of imbalance. Only this time I will not allow him to manipulate my innocence to his advantage. I won't allow him to use my love for him against me. I won't bend to his will and suggestions. I will stand firm for the answers I seek.

"Fine be stubborn. Don't drink from me. But know this! I will not drink from you or anyone else until you bend to my will. Only when you drink my blood. You die and you will take me with you. The choice is in your hands, " he whispered softly then in a furious move shrouded with rigid anger he closed to room door quietly afterhim only to slam out the front door a second later.

I allowed my eyes to slowly shut refusing to consider his ultimatum just yet. I had time still. I was not about to die just yet.

At least not without some help.

I drifted off on the next dizzy spell to lit over me.

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