《Sessions With Love ² ✓》Chapter 32



Chapter 32



Waking up on Silas' birthday with him by my side and this sense of peace all around me is like waking up in Heaven. Everything is perfect now. The love of my life is by my side, my best friend has woken up from her coma and is going to be all right. Things couldn't get better. Silas is still asleep next to me, his arms around me as if he is clinging onto life itself. I smile at him as I watch him sleep. He's so calm when sleeping, like nothing can hurt him.

I take his hand and just hold it. It feels nice to have him hold me while we sleep. It makes it feel like I'm not alone, that there is someone there with me. "I love you" I whisper. I may never know how, but I do love him. With all my heart, everything inside me loves this man that holds me so gently, and yet he makes sure that I'm protected. Once Silas used to be the one that sent fear down my spine, now he's the one that makes me laugh and smile and makes me fall in love with him deeper every single day.

He's kind and gentle and sweet towards me. There is no one in the world like him, and neither do I want someone to be like him. He's one of a kind and I could not ask for more. Slowly I pry his arms off my body, as his grip is stronger than expected which is surprising how much he does not hurt me. Trying to be as smooth and silent as I can be I finally manage to get his hands off my body and free myself from his grip, despite wanting nothing more than to be back by his side again.

I smile at him as I enter the bathroom. Doing everything that I need there, I then take a quick shower. When I've finished my shower Silas has woken up and is sitting on the bed. I can't read his face, but I can tell that he's happy. His eyes show me happiness, the kohl black eyes that I've fallen so hard in love with. I walk over to the bed and sit down next to him. "Good morning" I say with a smile as I kiss his cheek.

"Good morning, beautiful" He says to me as his arms snake around my body and pull me towards him. I don't get to do anything before his lips are on mine, and he's kissing me. The kiss is gentle, but he's trying to control it. My eyes slowly close as I allow him to do to whatever he wants with them. His tongue explores everything in my mouth, and I can feel him smirking in the kiss, knowing that he has won. When we break the kiss, I look into his eyes. "Ever heard of morning breath?" I ask him and he chuckles.

"No. What is it?" He playfully asks me. I laugh. "It's what you have. Now, brush your teeth before you kiss me again" I tell him as I stand up from the bed. "Oh, really?" He asks me as he stands up and walks over to me. His arms pull me towards his body and into his chest that is as hard as a rock and I would not be surprised if it were rocks. I turn around to be facing him and smirk. "Yes. Now, brush your teeth, or you will never be allowed to kiss me again" I say to him.


Silas only chuckles which makes me playfully glare at him, he doesn't know that though. "All right, all right, yes, ma'am" He says which only makes my glare become deadlier. He lets go of me and walks over to the bathroom. "Don't call me ma'am. I'm not old yet" I say to him. He turns around and smirks before he closes the bathroom door. I roll my eyes at him, but it's impossible to not smile. Like I said, this is the life and everything is simply perfect now. I hurry to dress myself into some nice clothes.

Which is why I had to have him leave the room, because he can't see the tattoo yet that I got just for him. It has been hard to now allow him to see it, but it will all be worth it once I show it to him. I have big plans for this day. Silas might not celebrate his birthday, but he will after this day. I will change his mind about it, no matter what. This is going to be the best birthday that he has ever had in his life, he will be happy, I know that.

"What do you want for breakfast?" Silas asks me once he comes from the bathroom. I think about it for a couple of minutes. "I don't know. You choose" I say to him. Ignoring the weird look that he gives me once I answer that question, I walk out of the room and into the hallways. Walking past the people that are there I head for the dining room. Knowing that Silas will most likely get there before me, as he loves using his secret passageways, and loves surprising me by being ahead of me to places.

I don't even know why he wants that or why he simply doesn't walk with me, but it is funny to see the look on his face when he smirks and chuckles when his eyes meet mine once I have entered into a room. Though, Silas could never have predicted the things that I have planned for this day. He likes to be in control over everything and be aware of the things around him, though he will have to learn that he can't be aware of everything that happens around him, not when it comes to me, some have told me that I'm the total wild card.

Walking into the dining room, I'm not really surprised to see that Silas is already seated there. "You know, one day, you're going to get lost in the walls" I say to him. It only makes him chuckle. "May be. May be" He says with a smirk. Walking over him, I sit down next to him, as he wanted to be able to hold me when we eat and be close to me. Where he will be able to protect me. I did it adorable but strange at the same time, since there is very little that could happen in a dining room.

Though, I know better than to argue about my safety to Silas. I know first hand what he would do for my safety and just how far he's willing to go. It's best to not argue with him on that front. We start eating but every once in a while our eyes would meet. The look that he has is like testing mine, to see what I have planned, to see if I have something planned for today. Though, he can't know yet what I have planned, it will all unfold before his very eyes and very soon as well.


"Do I really have to?" Silas asks me. I glare at him. "Yes. It's necessary. And it would make me very happy" I say to him with an innocent smile on my face. Silas doesn't look that happy about it, but he will just have to man up. He sighs. "Only for you" He mutters to himself before he puts on the blindfold over his eyes. Standing behind him, I tie the blindfold in place, so he can't see anything. He doesn't know the plans that I have for him, but he will know soon enough.

He may not like it at the moment, but he will love it soon. "It's only for a couple of minutes. Don't worry... and I would like your gun" I say to him. Silas has a couple of guns on him at the moment, how he does it I will never know, but he does have so many of them. I only need one, thought. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" He asks me, clearly not liking the fact that I want a gun. I may or may not (leaning towards not) have shot someone with a gun before.

"Yes" I say. "You're just going to have to trust me. You do trust me, don't you?" I ask him. Silas is lucky that he can't see the smirk on my face when I ask him. I know that he trusts me more than he trusts anyone, and that he does trust me with his life. "Of course I do" He says. "Then trust me on this one" I tell him with a smile, even when he can't see that smile. I take his hand after he has handed me his gun which I put in my pocket, making sure the safety is off, of course.

"This way" I say to him as I hold his hand to lead him out of our room. This time he will have to use the hallways like a normal person and not the secretive person that he is. It's hilarious to see just how much he wants to rip that blindfold off his eyes and shoot it. Which is why I took the gun that he uses when he shoots something in anger. It's the gun that he can easily get to and uses it every single day.

I'm almost busting out into laughter as I lead him through the house. I'm walking around everywhere, taking a very long way to get to the place that I want to go to. Because Silas knows this house like the back of his hand and he could walk in here with his eyes closed, it's easy for him to know where it is that we are going. Which is why I'm doing everything that I can to confuse him. I have no idea if it is working or not, but I do hope it is because it will be boring if he figures out what I have planned for him.

In order for this to work he needs to not suspect a thing. "Leanna, where are we going?" He asks me, clearly getting tired of this, but I'm not done yet. We've been walking for a solid ten minutes, and counting. Just going around the house. We've already passed our bedroom three times. I do hope that all of this does confuse him because that makes all of this much better for me. Besides, I am enjoying this, more than I had realized. Something about confusing him just makes me smile.

"It's just a little further" I tell him, almost laughing while speaking. This is the best. "We've been walking in an endless circle in our own house. Leanna, I'm certain a little further is poppycock" He speaks. I giggle. That is a funny word. "We're almost there" I say. I doubt that helps the matter, though I don't let go of his hand, and he does not let go of mine. I don't think that he has noticed, but he has been creating patterns with his thumb over the back of my hand, which I think is sweet.

"You've been saying that this entire time, Leanna. Those five words are getting a bit tired" He says, and I roll my eyes. "Just deal with it. Besides, you're here with me, what more do you want?" I ask him, with a sly smirk on my face. Knowing that he won't be able to answer that. He's silent after I say that. "Remind me again why we're doing this?" He asks me. Well, that silence lasted a long time, or about half a minute, give or take. "I never told you in the first place" I say to him.

Silas is a lot of things, but he is not patient. Though, that is what makes all of this even better because I know very well that he's not patient, and I'm really testing him by having him blindfolding and walking around the house, not to mention the fact that I have his favorite gun in my pocket, where he won't be able to get it any time soon. I will hand it to him after he has seen my surprise. I've worked so hard for it, and there is no way that this day is going to be ruined because of him wanting to shoot something.

I think I'm enjoying this maybe a bit too much, more than I should be, but it's just fun to watch Silas get frustrated that he can't see, and he's trying to figure everything out, and he's not in control. "Silas?" I ask him with a smile on my face, even when he can't see that smile. I hope that he can feel that I'm sending him a warm smile. "Yes, Leanna?" He asks me. Why do I love it when he says my name? It somehow rolls perfectly off his tongue in every right way possible.

"Nothing. I just wanted to say your name" I say, in truth, I'm starting to run out of things to say to him. And I don't really like it when there is silence between us. Silas chuckles at my words, and if he could, I'm sure he would roll his eyes. "You are different" He mutters, but I did hear it and I suspect that I was meant to hear it. "Is that such a bad thing?" I ask him. He laughs. "No, it means that I never want you to change" Silas tells me.

"Well, you don't have to tell me twice about that, I like the way that I am, and I'm not going to change" I say. Even when I know that I have changed. I'm not the same that I was before, without the voices I will never be the same person that I was. I've felt just how much I'm not the same as I was, and I'm someone else now. I just hope that Silas has not yet seen that person that I am now and still loves the one that I was, because it would destroy me if he only loves the one that I used to be and not who I am now.

I stop right in my tracks in front of a door and Silas stops as well. "We're here. I'm going to take the blindfold off, but you can't open your eyes, not until I tell you to" I tell him, and he nods his head. I think he's just happy to get rid of the blindfold itself. I untie it and take it off, but I also try to make sure that he has his eyes closed, I don't want the surprise to be ruined. With a bright smile on my face, I open the door. "You can open your eyes now" I tell him.

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