《His innocent BiWi {Completed}》Epilogue II


Karuna decided to cancel her trip and thought of keeping Shruthi in Delhi to take care of her during her pregnancy. When she told the same to Krishna he instantly denied her suggestion. Karuna was reluctant at first as this is Shruthi's first pregnancy and there is no other person to tell Shruthi how to take care of herself and the baby during this time. But Krishna told her that he will take care of his wife and assured that Suma is there to help Shruthi with her doubts. Having no other option, Karuna decided to go to pilgrimage and after coming back she decided to live in Mumbai with them to take care of Shruthi.

Next day Krishna booked flight tickets for them as he doesn't want her to stress herself by travelling in train. The first thing he did after reaching home is, he called Suma and asked her to check Shruthi.

"Congratulations Krishna" said Suma coming out of their bedroom after checking Shruthi.

"Thank you, how is she?" replied Krishna smiling.

"You know why I congratulated you?" asked Suma confusedly.

"Yeah, we knew yesterday only" he told her blushing a little.

"Then why did you ask me to check her?" asked Suma pointing to a sleeping Shruthi.

"As soon as we got into the flight, she slept off and she vomited once while coming home. I thought she was not feeling well" said Krishna worriedly.

"Krishna, she is perfectly fine. These symptoms are common during pregnancy."

"Oh but......"

"Don't worry, I will prescribe some medicines which will reduce her nausea a bit. I will take her to hospital tomorrow and conduct some regular checkups" said Suma.

"Can't we go now? I mean we should get them done soon right?"

"No need, she is fine and the check up is just a regular one."

"Okay, I will bring her to your hospital tomorrow"

"Congratulations once again, take care of her" saying that Suma went to her home. He went to his room and saw Shruthi sleeping peacefully. After vomiting in the cab, she slept off on his shoulder. He carried her to their home and after settling her on bed he called Suma worriedly.

He got on bed beside her and kissed her forehead. After taking her into his arms, he too slept off.

Next day after her check up, Krishna treated her like a glass doll. He decided to not let her do any house hold chores.

He prepared a timetable and made a chart with timings of juice ,snacks, tablets ,lunch & dinner. Every morning he insisted Shruthi to take walk for some time in the nearby park. Shruthi bore his over caring nature for 2 days after that she couldn't withstand his rules and picked a fight with him.

Suma who came there unexpectedly witnessed their banter, seeing Suma Shruthi complained about his rules to her sadly. After laughing for some time hearing his military rules, Suma told Krishna to let her do small works . Finally, he agreed to Suma as she is a well known gynecologist.

Karuna came back from her tour within one month and stayed in Mumbai to take care of Shruthi. Once every month she used to visit her son and stay with him for a week.

"Kittu, my feet is hurting. I can't walk anymore. " said Shruthi after walking few meters, sitting on the nearby bench in the park.

"No biwi, just few more minutes " convinced Krishna holding his 5 months pregnant wife hand and trying to make her stand.

"You are so mean Kittu, who will walk in the early morning?" whined Shruthi standing on her feet carefully, by placing her hand on her protruding stomach.


"Look around so many people are there. It is good for the baby ,biwi. Come on, stop this drama and walk. Even I'm walking with you right ? " asked Krishna placing his arm around her shoulder carefully and pulled her close to him.

" Those are all old people Kittu. You are walking but not with the bump, right?" asked Shruthi innocently.

Krishna laughed at her comment and kissed her cheeks lovingly making Shruthi hide her face in his chest.

Both of them walked for another 15 minutes and returned home.

"I'm sleepy " said Shruthi falling on the sofa and closing her eyes.

Krishna closed the door, came towards her and lifted her in his arms. Shruthi encircled her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly with small smile playing on her lips.

"Biwi" Krishna called Shruthi while walking towards the bedroom with her in his arms. He just got a sleepy 'hmm' as a reply.

"I think you are getting heavy with each passing day." said Krishna sounding serious.

"Why won't I, if you keep on feeding me one thing or the other for every one hour " mumbled Shruthi without opening her eyes.

Krishna placed her on the bed and muttered 'I just want you and our baby healthy and fit' while kissing her forehead lovingly.

When he was about to move away Shruthi held his wrist and stopped him from moving away.

"You too come, Kittu" asked Shruthi looking at him cutely. Sighing he got on bed and settled beside her and pulled her into his arms.

"Ma is also not there, I have to prepare breakfast and then go to office, biwi" said Krishna placing his hand on her bump and caressing it lovingly, he loved doing it as he feels close to their baby.

"I want to sleep in your arms Kittu ,don't go to office today please " asks Shruthi placing kisses on his chest.

"If you ask me like this ,do I have a heart to deny. " said Krishna claiming her lips with his.

"Kittu" moaned Shruthi in between his kisses.

"Today you look tired, sleep now" said Krishna after pecking her lips one last time and kissing her temple, hugged her close to his heart.

Later that day, they both went for shopping.

"Biwi, how is this?" asked Krishna lifting a dress from the track.

"It is nice but color is not good Kittu" said Shruthi and started looking for some other things.

"Okay ,come let's go that side and look for some other stuff " saying that he took her towards other section where toys were present.

"Biwi, this pink dress is so cute na?" said Krishna pointing to a dress which was hanging in the row.

"But Kittu, it is for baby girl "

"So what ? we are not sure about the gender of the baby right? So let's purchase this too if it is a girl then it will be useful otherwise....." he paused and looked at her naughtily.

"Otherwise?" asked Shruthi raising her eyebrow.

"We will keep it safely until we have a baby girl " said Krishna grinning.

"Kittuuu" Shruthi shyly whispered his name.

"What Kittu! I want a baby girl who looks exactly like you" says Krishna caressing her cheek making Shruthi blush hard.

"Someone might see" says Shruthi taking a step away from him.

" Come let's go, it is time for you to have juice " said Krishna shaking his head and took her towards the billing section. After paying the bill, Krishna took her to a nearby Juice counter to have juice ignoring her whining like a kid.


Two hours later, both of them reached home happily with plenty of toys and clothes for their baby.

Months were passing like this with Krishna taking care of Shruthi like a kid, always making sure that she is having food and medicines on time. If he is in office he would call her every one hour from office to make sure whether she is doing fine at home or not.

One day, Karuna went to their village and will be back next day. Krishna decided to take leave but because of a meeting he couldn't take an off. He went to office 2 hours before the meeting but after reaching office he got busy . The meeting was scheduled for one hour but it got extended to 2 hours. Before entering the meeting he called Shruthi and asked her whether she had lunch or not. After coming out of the meeting, he immediately called Shruthi to make sure if she took her afternoon nap or not but she didn't pick the call. After 15 minutes, he again tried but still no response. He tried landline number but remembered that their landline was in repair. Unable to tolerate the tension, he took leave and left to his home hurriedly.

Within 15 minutes he reached home and opened the main door with the spare key. He sighed in relief seeing Shruthi sitting on sofa with her back facing the main door.

"Where the hell is your mobile, Shruthi?" shouted Krishna making Shruthi look at him in shock.

His anger vanished in air seeing her face covered with tears.

"Biwi, what happened?" asked Krishna worriedly, within two strides he was in front of her cupping her cheeks in his hands.

"Tell me, why are you crying?" asks Krishna wiping her tears.

"Kittu" calling his name she hugged him tightly and started crying more.

Krishna placed his one hand on her bump and caressed it while his other hand continued rubbing her back soothing her.

"Is it paining, biwi?" asked Krishna worriedly about the stomach.

Shruthi shakes her head as no and looked at him with tear stained face.

"Will I die while giving birth to baby, Kittu?" asks Shruthi with fresh tears forming in her eyes.

"What! Who told you?" asks Krishna shocked and worried at the same time.

"Tell me Kittu" asks Shruthi still crying.

"Biwi, don't cry. What happened ?" asked Krishna wiping her tears and cupping her face.

"In that movie, a girl died while giving birth Kittu. Will I die too? I want to see our baby ,Kittu. I don't want to die before that. I'm scared Kittu" whimpered Shruthi, that is when he looked at the TV in which some old movie was playing. He took the remote and switched off the TV.

"Tell ...me, Kittu" asked Shruthi hiccupping.

Hearing her fears, tears formed in Krishna's eyes but controlling himself, he consoled Shruthi that nothing will happen to her. Sometimes he too worried whether Shruthi will have any complications in her pregnancy but during every checkup he kept on asking Suma about her progress and was satisfied with Suma's answers. Slowly, his fears were forgotten and trusted Suma blindly.

"Nothing will happen to you. I'm here na, won't you believe me?" asks Krishna caressing her hair and hugging her to his chest.

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because I know that nothing will happen to you as there are multi specialty hospitals and expert doctors. Moreover, Suma told me that you were doing great and there is nothing to worry about. Believe me Shruthi, nothing will happen to you and I won't let anything happen to you. Please don't cry, biwi " said Krishna lifting her face , making her look at him.

This made her calm and she slowly stopped crying all the while both of them enveloped in each other arms.

"Wait, I will bring water" said Krishna pulling back from the hug. Krishna bought water for Shruthi and made her drink it.

"where is your mobile, biwi?" asks Krishna keeping the empty glass on the table.

"That.... " stammered Shruthi and started looking for her mobile.

Shaking his head, he went to bedroom and found her mobile near her pillow. Picking it, he again came to living room and saw Shruthi still searching for her mobile. Taking a deep breath, he stood behind her and tapped her shoulder.

"I kept the mobile here only Kittu" said Shruthi not looking at him but still searching for the mobile.

"You should search in a place where you kept it previously, not in some other place" said Krishna waving her mobile in front of her.

"Where did you find it Kittu?"

"You kept it in the bedroom"

"Yeah, I remember now. I placed it beside me before sleeping but forgot to bring it with me to living room"

"And you totally forgot about it as you were engrossed in watching stupid movie, right?"

"Sorry.....I won't do it again"

"Do you have any idea how worried I was?"

"Sorry Kittu" says Shruthi with a pout.

"You have been doing the same thing since so many days" said Krishna sadly.

"I promise, I will keep the mobile with me from now on" said Shruthi hugging him, making him forget his anger.

Shruthi came to their bedroom calling his name.


"Hmmm" said Krishna looking attentively at his mobile all the while having a satisfied smile playing on his lips.

"What are you doing ?" asks Shruthi taking steps towards him carefully by placing hands on her overgrown bump.

"Nothing" said Krishna hurriedly making Shruthi look at him suspiciously.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" asked Krishna avoiding eye contact.

"Show me your mobile "

"Why?" said Krishna trying to stand on his feet and also hiding his mobile.

Shruthi immediately sat on his lap blocking him and snatched his mobile having no other option Krishna handed it to her as he knew that she won't leave it without knowing what he was watching and moreover he doesn't want her to exert and hurt in the process.

Shruthi unlocked it and saw the multiple apps which were running and clicked on the gallery which was first one in the list.

She went through the images and was shocked to see her pictures of pregnancy during each month.

"When did you took these photos, Kittu?"

"While you were talking to Suma, walking in the park etc....At the ending of every month of your pregnancy, starting from the day you told me about the news. "

She was looking at the photos and was shocked to see how her baby bump looked in every stage of pregnancy.

"Kittu ,I'm looking very fat na" said Shruthi sadly looking at her recent picture.

"No, you are looking healthy " replied Krishna.

"Ahan...this photo is very cute na " said Shruthi showing him her picture during second trimester.

"I like this picture more, you look so chubby " said Krishna a picture which was taken almost 5 days back.

"You like this?" asked Shruthi shocked.

"Why ?what happened to this photo?" asked Krishna confusedly.

"I look like an elephant in this " said Shruthi scoffing making Krishna laugh out loudly.

"But I like this elephant biwi" said Krishna laughing.



"Which Shruthi do you like more? The thin Shruthi or the elephant Shruthi?" asks Shruthi showing him her old picture and the recent one with her bump.

"Do you want me to answer honestly?" asked Krishna seriously while Shruthi nodded her head for him to continue.

" I love both equally but I respect and love this elephant Shruthi a bit more" said Krishna looking into her eyes.

Shruthi was surprised to hear this as she thought he would say that he like her when she was in her normal weight.

Hearing no response from her he asked again " Do you want to know why?"

"Because you are making me a father by bearing my child for nine months. How can I not love you more now ,biwi?" said Krishna caressing her cheek lovingly.

Without saying anything Shruthi just crashed her lips with his and kissed him passionately showing how much she was feeling happy seeing his love.

Krishna entered his home excitedly and saw his devil cum princess sitting on sofa with her back towards the door and scribbling something on paper. He walked towards the sofa and placed the cover which he was carrying on the floor. He stood behind her without making any noise and saw her coloring her drawing book.

"What is my devil drawing?" whispered Krishna in her ear.

"Papa" screamed the baby upon seeing him and jumped on the sofa making the book fall on the floor and encircled her arms around Krishna's neck. Krishna lifted her from the sofa and took her into his arms.

"My princess" cooed Krishna and kissed her cheeks, the baby too kissed his cheeks.

"You came early papa!" stated the kid excitedly.

"Yup! For my princess I came early" said Krishna and started walking towards the Kitchen after picking up the cover from the floor .

He placed the kid on the kitchen counter and removed the family pack ice-cream from the bag. He opened the fridge door to keep it inside.

"You bought ice-cream Papa" said the kid excitedly and started jumping on the counter stretching her hands asking him to give the ice-cream for her.

"Not now, after finishing your home work you can have it. I know your mama might have fed you some snacks" said Krishna and closed the fridge door after placing the box inside it.

"But papa I want it now, please....." begged the baby girl making puppy face.

"No way, Kyathi" says Krishna making her look at him with a pout. He looked around for Shruthi but didn't find anywhere in the kitchen.

"Where is your mama?" asked Krishna while the baby giggled.

"What ?"

"Kranthi locked himself in the bathroom, mama is trying to pacify him" said Kyathi trying to act innocent but Krishna could easily understand that something has happened. Kranthi is Kyathi's brother who is 5 minutes elder than her. Yup! they both are twins.

"What happened?"

"She called him 'papa' in front of his friends" said the baby giggling.

"Argh.... not again " groaned Krishna, she laughed seeing his expression. Krishna looked at his daughter.

"What did you do this time, devil?" asked Krishna narrowing his eyes.

"I did nothing papa, promise" said Kyathi trying to act innocent.

"I'm not your mama to believe you, now spill" said Krishna and started tickling her.

"St...op pa...pa...I...will....tell.....you"

"Last period was drawing period, Kranthi's friend gave him his new color pencils. I asked Kranthi to give them to me for sometime he denied so "


"When last bell rang, I came to mama fastly where she waits for us daily to pick us, I told her that Kranthi fell down while playing and is crying badly" said the baby giggling.


"Mama was scared and rushed to ground with me, when she saw Kranthi from distance she called him papa and went to him worriedly making all his friends giggle at him, knowing his nick name .Since then he has been angry on her so she is trying to pacify him. " said the kid and started laughing.

"I know you very well little devil" saying that Krishna made her hoop on his back and walked towards their bedroom.

When Shruthi got to know that she delivered a baby boy she was so happy; as Krishna told she thought Venkat came back to them in the form of this baby and decided to call him papa, it was not a problem until Kranthi joined school. It was few days after he joined school, his friends got to know his nickname when Shruthi called him and from then on they started teasing him.

He cried a lot that day seeing his friends making fun of him but Krishna pacified him and he was fine during that year. But when the school reopened after summer holidays, his new friends who joined his school also got to know his nick name and they too started teased him. He came home, locked himself in the bedroom and started throwing tantrums that he won't be going to school again.

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