《His innocent BiWi {Completed}》Epilogue I


One Thursday night after Krishna coming to home.

"You are not coming?" asks Shruthi narrowing her eyes.

"I have an important meeting on Saturday morning biwi, I can't " said Krishna.

"But I told Maasi that I will start to Delhi tomorrow "

"It's okay, I will call her and tell her that we will visit her some other day"

" She is going to visit holy places on Sunday night. She will return after 2 months and moreover it had been more than 4 months since I have seen her"

"Oh, we shall start on Saturday, okay?"

"No I want to go and spend at least one day with her."

"Okay you go, if possible I will start on Saturday." says Krishna irritated.

"Please Kittu, you also come. We will go tomorrow "

"No, I can't. I have an important meeting. If you want, I will book tickets for you" said Krishna angrily.

"Okay, I will go tomorrow" saying that Shruthi went to kitchen while Krishna booked train tickets for her next day journey.

Later that night Shruthi and Krishna were lying on their bed. She covered her whole body with the blanket.

"Biwi" said Krishna removing the blanket from her face.


"Are you angry on me?" asked Krishna caressing his fingers on her cheek.


"Then why are you silent? Won't you talk to me"

"I'm sleepy" saying that Shruthi turned to her side and again covered her head with the duvet.

Sighing Krishna too slept without saying anything as he got habituated to her anger and mood swings. From the last few days she has been acting weirdly, getting upset over small things.

Next morning Krishna went early to office and came back at 3 PM taking 2 hours permission to drop Shruthi at railway station. Krishna booked a cab to railway station as it is difficult to take the luggage on bike.

All the while Shruthi didn't speak a word with him and continued giving silent treatment to him. He tried so many ways to talk to her but she didn't budge.

Both reached to railway station, after checking her coach number and seat number; he placed her luggage neatly near her seat. Shruthi sat on her window seat silently looking through the window.

Krishna went out and bought some snacks, cool drinks and passed it to Shruthi through window.

Without saying anything Shruthi took them and placed it in her bag.

"You won't talk to me "

Shruthi just turned her face to the other side.

"Biwi, try to understand. I too don't want to send you alone but I can't cancel the meeting in the last minute" says Krishna.

"It's okay. You are getting late to office." said Shruthi

Krishna placed his inside the window grill and took Shruthi's hand into his.

"Please biwi"

"What?" Shruthi asked him blankly.

"Don't go like this. I said that I will try to come tomorrow."

While Shruthi just nodded her head as okay. She doesn't want to leave him alone and go to maasi's home. But she can't do anything as her Maasi requested to come and visit her this weekend or else she will be leaving to some pilgrim places with her friend's family and will return only after 2 months. She doesn't want to make her wait for 2 months to see her as she is the only elder one in their family.

"Don't be scared. I already told Maa to be in station half an hour before the arrival time. I shared the details of your seat number and coach number, he will come and pick you up. I will call you frequently."


"Okay" said Shruthi suppressing her sob.

"I downloaded the new games in the mobile which I bought for you last week and also copied few movies and cartoons, if you get bored time pass with them." told Krishna while Shruthi nodded her head , with each passing minute it is becoming difficult for her to be angry on him but she can't make him come with her to Delhi.

"I think the train will start any minute. You are getting late to office ,you leave" said Shruthi calmly as if he stays here when the train start she won't be able to control her tears.

"Okay, be careful" said Krishna checking his time while Shruthi nodded her head without looking at him.

"Bye "said Krishna squeezing her hand.

Meanwhile the green signal was given and train started. Krishna reluctantly pulled back his hand and waved at her but Shruthi bend her head down and looked at her knotted fingers.

When train started moving , her heart beats increased and she closed her eyes tightly.

Unable to control her feelings she looked outside with tears in her eyes through the window and saw that Krishna stood in the same place while train is moving in a slow pace. When Krishna eyes fell on her she immediately pulled back and rested her head on the headrest.

After few seconds, the train was halted. She heard from the fellow passengers that someone pulled the chain to halt the train and will take few more minutes to start the train. Shruthi immediately rushed towards the exit door to get a glimpse of Krishna but she didn't find him anywhere on the platform.

Tears flowed down her cheeks for ignoring him since last night rather than spending more time with him. She knew that it is more difficult for him to stay away from her but instead of making up to him for her absence she punished him more. He is willingly to come but has some work instead of understanding his situation she ignored him.

She started to think that he is not going to come to Delhi the next day because of her behavior. She felt even more sad remembering her indifference few minutes back. She picked her mobile and started dialing his number to apologize him for her behavior but it he didn't pick the phone. She got scared that he is angry on her for ignoring him.

The train started again and the announcement made her come out of her thinking.

"Looking for me?" Shruthi heard a voice behind her.

Recognizing the voice she turned back and smiled broadly with tears forming in her eyes. Without caring anything, she hugged him tightly and continued to say sorry for her behavior.

"Biwi, why are you saying sorry?" asks Krishna wiping her tears.

"Instead of understanding your situation, I ignored you since last night " said Shruthi.

"It's okay"

"Kittu, the train has started now how will you get down?" asks Shruthi realizing increase of the train speed.

"No need of getting down. " says Krishna waving his hand in air.

"Means?" asks Shruthi confusedly.

"Dumbo....It means I'm coming with you"

"Really!! " exclaimed Shruthi .

"Yes" replied Krishna smiling, seeing her wide smile

"But your office & meeting?"

"I called my manager and informed him that I can't attend it because my grandmother passed away." replied Krishna sheepishly while Shruthi jaw dropped down.

"You lied"

"Ha, I can't leave the meeting unless if there is any personal emergency " says Krishna shrugging.

"Seriously Kittu. You killed your already dead grandmother to come with me " said Shruthi laughing.


"What can I do? You are not understanding my situation and I can't avoid this meeting and face my manager wrath. So I lied"

"Sorry Kittu"

"Enough of your sorry biwi, come let's go to your seat " saying that Krishna took her hand in his and lead to the seat.

He made her sit near window and occupied the seat beside her.



"What about the ticket?" asked Shruthi scared.

"Don't worry I bought the general ticket and will talk to TC and ask him whether he can provide any berth "

"When did you buy the ticket?" asked Shruthi surprised.

"Seeing you so gloomy I couldn't let you go. After the train halt, I went aside and made call to my manager, then bought the ticket and came to platform, luckily the train was about to start. I got into the train at last compartment from there I was coming to you through the connection between the coaches and saw you near the exit door looking outside. So, now that I'm coming are you happy? "

"Very happy, thank you" saying that she hugged him sideways.

"You can thank me with a kiss" whispered Krishna.

"Shut up Kittu, we are in train"

"What shut up? I bunked my meeting and lied to my manager to come with you and when I ask you a kiss in return you are telling me to shut up. Poor Krishna, people doesn't have humanity these day" said Krishna faking sad and pitying himself.

While Shruthi ignored him and continued to look outside of the window suppressing her laugh for his dramatic behavior.

Both of them didn't talked after that and whenever Shruthi glanced at him he used to put a gloomy face. Few minutes later, Shruthi opened her mobile to play games but Krishna snatched it from her.

"Kittu, give my mobile" asked Shruthi angrily while Krishna ignored her.

Sighing she pulled him near her by holding his hand.

"Will give two kisses after reaching Delhi" said Shruthi blushing making Krishna smile widely at her.

She played games for some time and slept on his shoulder. Shruthi woke up hearing Krishna talking with some other person. She half opened her eyes and looked at the other person rubbing her eyes tying to come out of sleep completely.

By the way of talking and Krishna requesting him made her realize that he is TC. Shruthi quietly listened to their conversation not understanding what to say.

After few minutes ,TC told Krishna some seat number and left the place not before taking some money from Krishna.

"Come biwi, let's go to our seat"

"This is our seat na, Kittu"

"This is only yours "corrected Krishna

"Oh yes, you booked only my ticket. what did he tell you?"

"Don't worry ,I talked to TC and paid the fine"

"Then where are we going?"

"Yours is middle berth and our opposite passenger sister is in some other compartment so when you were asleep he requested for a seat exchange as it is a side lower berth, I agreed to it. Now shall we make a move?" asked Krishna while Shruthi nodded her head and pulled the luggage and gave it to Krishna.

Few minutes later, both of them settled in another coach, on side lower. After having dinner, they both sat on opposite to each other and talked about so many things. Slowly everyone started to sleep and switched off their lights. Krishna sat at the corner and beckoned Shruthi to sleep in the remaining space.

"No Kittu, you sleep " says Shruthi shaking her head.

"Biwi, without saying anything just listen to me and sleep" said Krishna in a final tone but Shruthi stayed silent in her position without moving.

Taking a deep breath, he pulled her towards him by her wrist and placed her head on his lap. Adjusting her saree properly on her waist, he placed his palm on her eyes.

"Sleep now" ordered Krishna.

Few hours later Shruthi woke up, feeling thirsty and realized that she was not sleeping on Krishna's lap. She immediately woke up and looked around for him but he was not there and the train was stopped in a station. She sat up and started looking to her left and right for Krishna but he wasn't visible.

Shruthi's heartbeat increased when the train started to move. She immediately panicked that Krishna might have got down for something. She got up and took few steps to reach the exit door but was blocked by Krishna who is coming to their seat carrying a water bottle. Seeing him, Shruthi sighed in relief.

"Where were you, Kittu?"

"Got down to buy water bottle biwi, what happened where are you going?"

"Nothing" saying that Shruthi moved to their seat and sat down grumpily. Smiling at her, he came behind her and sat on their seat.


"I'm not sleepy ,if you want you can sleep " said Shruthi.

Shaking his head he looked here and there, removing his shoes and He stretched his one leg on the seat while the other is still on floor.

"Come here " said Krishna offering his hand for her.

Shruthi shifted near him. She leaned her back on him touching his chest and stretched her two legs beside his leg. Krishna stretched his other leg on the seat. It was like Shruthi sitting in between his legs.

He covered both of them with a shawl, wrapped his arms around her stomach and held her tightly, both remained silent for few minutes.

"Got scared ?" Whispered Krishna near her ear. Shruthi glanced at him sideways.

Turning towards him, she buried her head in his chest. He immediately shifted in his seat and placed her on his lap.

"When I woke up you were not there, I was so scared Kittu" mumbled against his chest.

"I won't go anywhere without telling you ,now sleep biwi" said Krishna placing his left hand around her waist while his right hand is caressing her face.

"Hmmm" soon Shruthi drifted to sleep while Krishna stayed awake till early morning.

Next morning both got down in Delhi. As Krishna already informed Karuna about their train timings and his arrival. She reached there on time and stood on the platform. Shruthi saw Karuna looking for them.

"Maasi" shouted Shruthi waving her hand in air.

Karuna recognized them and before she reach them Shruthi ran towards her and hugged her tightly.

Seeing Shruthi's childish excitement, Krishna chuckled and moved towards Karuna.

"She didn't even change a bit, did she?" asked Karuna hinting Shruthi's behavior

"No" replied Krishna smiling.

Soon both of them reached her house and after getting fresh up Krishna went out to bought some clothes for him for the next two days and also informed them that he is going to meet one of his college friend who stays in Delhi.

Shruthi stayed with Karuna and started telling her the details of the places she visited in Mumbai while Karuna was happy to see the bubbly and childish Shruthi back after Mohan's death.

When Karuna was making omelet Shruthi felt nausea hit her. She tried to ignore the feeling but excused herself and rushed to bathroom to empty her stomach, Karuna worriedly followed her.

"What happened ,Shruthi?" asked Karuna after helping her cleaning her mouth.

"Last night I ate samosa in the train Maasi may be because of that I'm not feeling well. " said Shruthi tiredly.

"Take rest for sometime" said Karuna and led her to bed. After covering Shruthi with the duvet Karuna left to kitchen to prepare lunch.

Shruthi woke up after an hour and started vomiting, Karuna took her to the nearby hospital worriedly.

"Kittu" squealed Shruthi as soon as she saw him enter the house.

"What biwi? why are you shouting like that? What will Maasi think if you shout like this." asked Krishna.

"I.....I....she.... went to.... temple" stammered Shruthi struggling to reveal the news to him.

"Why?" questioned Krishna smiling seeing her blush suddenly.

"By the way where are my kisses?" asked Krishna pulling Shruthi by placing his hand on her stomach and lifted her.

"Kittu, leave me" shouted Shruthi sensing his tight grip on her stomach which made Krishna release his hold on her instantly.

Shruthi immediately moved towards the bedroom and stood in front of the mirror, lifting the saree which was covering her stomach she started examining it.

Krishna looked at her amused seeing her strange behavior but soon busted out laughing seeing her trying to bend her head near her stomach and was failing miserably.

"What...... are.. you..trying....to ..do,biwi?" asked Krishna in between his laughs.

Seeing him laughing at her, she pouted and made an angry face. Krishna tried controlling his laugh seeing her pouty face but failed miserably.

"I won't tell you anything " saying that Shruthi moved towards the bathroom but was stopped by Krishna.

"Okay I won't laugh now. Tell me what's the matter? Why are you behaving strangely today?" asked Krishna shaking his head.

"Kittu, give me your hand?" asked Shruthi extending her hand for him.


"Give me" whined Shruthi.

Sighing he gave her his hand. Shruthi took it to her stomach and started caressing it with his hand.

"Do you hear anything?" asked Shruthi expectantly.

He looked at her questioningly while Shruthi blushed. He stood shocked for few seconds unable to understand anything but soon he got the hint and looked at her surprisingly.

"Really!" exclaimed Krishna while Shruthi nodded her head shyly.

"Wow ,biwi" saying that he wrapped his arms around her, making her bend back a little with the sudden hug.

"Kittu careful ,you will hurt my stomach" said Shruthi and untangled herself from him.

"Is this the reason why you were caressing your stomach few minutes back?"

"Yeah" said Shruthi nodding.

"It is fine, biwi"

"No Maasi told me to be very careful during the first trimester" said Shruthi

"Oh....Is that why she went to temple?"

"She wanted to thank god for his blessings" says Shruthi smiling which made him smile too.

"Why were you trying to bend your head towards your stomach?"

"I'm trying to hear whether baby is making any noise or not" said Shruthi

"Biwi, it will take some more months for the movements of the baby"

"Oh "

" I'm so happy biwi, thank you so much" said Krishna and kissed her passionately showing his happiness.

Krishna released her after few seconds and looked at Shruthi who was looking pale suddenly.

"What are you thinking?"

"If papa is alive ,he would have been so happy na" said Shruthi sadly.

"You know what papa said when I asked him to stay with us, he said that he will come and stay with us when we gives him this news but before that he left us. So I think papa is coming back to us in the form of this baby" said Krishna and caressed her stomach while saying last line.

"Is it so Kittu?" asked Shruthi with wide eyes.

"Yes, if it is a baby boy then papa is coming back to us so don't be sad now. Wherever he is, he might be very happy now" said Krishna.

"I wish the same, Kittu " said Shruthi and hugged him tightly.

Krishna doesn't want her to be sad in this happy moment and started to think on how to divert her mind. Suddenly, he remembered Suma's words and smiled naughtily.



"Which tablets did you use to get pregnant, biwi?" asked Krishna suppressing his smile.

"What!" grasped Shruthi coming out of the hug.

Seeing her face Krishna burst out laughing making Shruthi fume at him.

"Suma di told you?" stated Shruthi while Krishna nodded his head and continued to laugh.

"Biwi, how did you get this thought? Seriously, getting pregnant by having tablet. Sorry to say but nobody discovered that technology yet" said Krishna patting her cheek.

"What! Seeing Chintu's mother taking tablets and her growing bump I thought like that." Shruthi defended herself.

"As the months progress the baby grows, those tablets might for vitamins and iron" clarified Krishna while Shruthi stood embarrassed.

"But seriously what were you doing during your tenth standard biology classes?" questioned Krishna.

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