《His innocent BiWi {Completed}》Part 12


"Kittu" whispered Shruthi. Without saying anything Krishna hugged her stomach tightly and buried his face and kissed her stomach. Shruthi closed her eyes tightly and placed her hands on his shoulders for support.

He continued to kiss her and unable to control the sensations that are causing in her with his kisses, Shruthi entwined her fingers in his wet hair and pulled him more close to her and hugged him tightly to her stomach.

After few seconds, he lifted her in his arms and made her stand on her feet. Krishna looked into her eyes lovingly, he cupped her cheeks in between his hands and started to reduce the distance between them. Shruthi closed her eyes and started to breath heavily, anticipating his lips on her. After few seconds, Shruthi felt his lips on her forehead, she blushed and hugged him tightly resting her head on his chest. Krishna too hugged her and bend his head towards her neck and started pestering kisses on her shoulder, ear and jaw.

Shruthi fisted his hair and closed her eyes tightly. He moved his hand towards her waist and removed the saree pallu end which was tugged there. Shruthi was lost in his kisses that she didn't even realize his hands on her. Continuing his kisses, his hand made its way towards her shoulder and started removing the pin which was holding the saree in place. While removing it, he accidentally poked her with the sharp pin which bought Shruthi out of the passion.

"Ouch" winced Shruthi pulling back from the hug and placed her hand where she felt the pain. She held the saree and rubbed on the skin to ease the pain.

Shruthi turned to Krishna and found him standing making a baby face with the pin in his hand.

Shruthi giggled seeing his expression which made Krishna smile at her. He placed his hands on her waist and before he could think of another move, he heard the wall clock bell and looking at it showing 8 AM.

"Oh god, I'm getting late." groaned Krishna placing his head on her shoulder while his both hands rested on her waist.

Shruthi face fell and she tightened her hands around him without her knowledge.

"Kittu" whispered Shruthi.

Krishna moved back and looked at her face. He slowly reduced the distance between them and kissed her passionately and pulled her more to his body. He didn't gave a chance for her to kiss him back, he nibbled her lower lip and continued to kiss her roughly.

When he was satisfied, he stepped back and was about to walk towards the bed room. Shruthi held his hand, stopping him. Krishna looked at her; Shruthi giving him a sad look with pouted lips. He chuckled seeing her expression, moved towards her and cupped her face.

"Sorry biwi, I have to get ready now otherwise I will be late to meeting." said Krishna while Shruthi nodded her head sadly.


Next 10minutes Shruthi stood at the door step of their bedroom and observed Krishna who was hurriedly getting ready to office.

He walked past her carrying his coat in one hand and his laptop bag in the other, Shruthi followed him behind. He came to living room and hurriedly wore his shoes pressing some keys on his mobile.

"Kittu, breakfast is ready" said Shruthi.

"No biwi, I will have it after the meeting" saying that he held his phone in between his shoulder and neck.

"Yeah I'm coming downstairs, wait for me" saying that Krishna disconnected the call.

"My colleague is waiting biwi, bye " saying that Krishna hurriedly walked towards the door and held the handle.

"Kittu" saying that she held his hand blocking him not opening the door. Krishna looked at her questioningly. Without saying anything Shruthi stood on her toes and pressed her lips on his cheeks giving a small peck. Krishna stood shocked with her sudden kiss. His mobile ring bought him back to earth.

"Come home soon" said Shruthi shyly and opened the door for him.

Krishna nodding his head as yes, walked out of the house wobbly towards the elevator. He didn't expected Shruthi to give a good bye kiss that too without being asked by him. This incident proves that she is no more scared about his intimacy and is ready to take their relation to next level. He remembered the bathroom incident which happened few months back, the mini make out session in the morning, when he kissed her she didn't make a fuss like before, she is ready to start a life with him in true sense. He did a happy dance and turned back.

On the other end, after Krishna walked out of the house ,Shruthi closed the door and covered her face with her palms shyly for kissing Krishna for the first time willingly. Though it was just a peck, she herself initiating that simple kiss is a very big step for her. She blushed thinking their morning make out session and the kiss she gave to Krishna few seconds back.

Shruthi was startled hearing the sudden knock on their door, confusedly she opened the door and was shocked seeing Krishna. Without any delay Krishna pulled her into a hug and kissed her cheeks.

"Wear the saree which you wore on our wedding night. Will come home soon" saying that he pecked her lips and ran towards the lift.

Before entering the lift, he lifted the phone which was ringing.

"I'm coming buddy " saying that he winked at her and got into the lift.

Shruthi recovered from her shock, looked around to check whether they were noticed by anyone. After confirming that nobody watched their moment Shruthi walked into her house blushing. Whole day she thought about their moments from the starting of marriage; his impatience, her innocence and ignoring Krishna's needs. She felt bad for making him wait for so long.


She sat in front of TV and kept on changing the channels as she is not interested in those. She was eager to see Krishna and thinking about his hard kisses she was scared a bit but at the same time she loved it.

Shruthi was waiting for Krishna impatiently, she left the main door open and was looking at it for every 10 seconds. Though it was not the usual time of his arrival but she anticipated him to come home early, her impatience grew to nervousness thinking about his closeness. She thought of making this day most memorable for both of them.

"Shruthi, you are ready. Thank god" said Suma entering the house.


"Come let's go to mall. What will you do sitting alone at home? "

"Di, Kittu told me that he will come home soon." said Shruthi uncomfortably.

"It is 4PM only, are you guys going out?"

"No but.."

" Arey, Krishna has spare keys right? We will come in an one hour Shruthi, I can't handle sunny alone and do shopping. Please " requested Suma.

"Yes he have the keys but why shopping suddenly?"

"I have to buy groceries and some clothes for Sunny. we will come back soon, okay?"

Shruthi thought about it as there is still some more time for him to return. She can return after an hour and get ready. After Krishna's arrival, she can start dinner preparations as everything is ready to cook.

Both of them started to Mall, Suma started to shop carrying Sunny in her arms while Shruthi looked around thinking about Krishna. When they are standing in a queue at the billing counter, Sunny started to cry.

"Di, I will take him outside, you pay the bill and come soon" said Shruthi taking Sunny in her arms.


Shruthi took Sunny outside the store and started consoling him making funny faces, finally he stopped crying and is looking around the place. She was showing him different shops and in the opposite coffee shop entrance, something caught her attention. She took few steps and stared at the scene in front of her as the walls are of glass anyone can see what is happening inside. She then heard few girls commenting something about the scene. Her eyes filled with tears and unable control herself she walked away from there. Composing herself, she moved towards the shop where Suma was and stood there waiting for her.



"What are you thinking so deeply?"

"Nothing di" replied Shruthi sadly.

"What happened Shruthi? Why are you looking so dull suddenly?"

"Woah... My head is aching. Shall we go to home?"

"Oh okay, I'm done. Let's go "

When they came outside, it started raining; they booked a cab, it took 45 minutes for them to reach home in the heavy traffic. After reaching home, Shruthi saw that her flat is still locked and Krishna didn't return.

"See, we reached home before Krishna" said Suma nudging Shruthi on her shoulder.

"He must be with work" said Shruthi stressing the words 'busy' and 'important'.

"May be , you go and take rest " saying that Suma took her bags and left to her flat.

Sadly Shruthi opened the door with her key and stepped into the house. After entering, she closed the door and dropped herself on the floor and started crying.

Shruthi opened her eyes and looked at the surroundings, she slept near the door crying. She tried to get up but felt dizzy, she sat there for some time. After rethinking about the incident she witnessed in the Mall she took a decision. She went to bath room, washed her face. Cleaning her face, she came to living room, sat on the sofa and switched ON the TV.

An hour later, Krishna came home and without making any sound he opened the main door and saw Shruthi sat on sofa watching TV, her back is facing him. He closed the door and slowly tiptoed towards her. He encircled his arms around her neck from back and kissed her cheek. Shruthi removed his hold and stood up, looking at the floor.

"Are you angry?" Krishna asked her sadly, Shruthi remained silent.

He lifted her chin and kissed her on her lips, he missed her so much that he wasn't in a state to even notice her irresponsiveness. After kissing her, he looked at her eyes smiling but seeing her tears his face fell.

"Why are you crying , biwi?"

Shruthi stood silent still crying.

"Is it because I kissed you?" asked Krishna sadly, she nodded her head as no

"Then are you angry on me for not coming home early today?" again she nodded her head.

"Why are you crying then?" asked Krishna a bit irritated. She didn't answered him and again shook her head as no.

"What happened to your stupid mouth? Why are you not speaking? answer me, why are you crying?" asked Krishna angrily but immediately cursed himself for shouting at her.

"I know I came late that's why you are angry na? Sorry biwi I was struck with.." Krishna didn't continue his words as her words registered in his mind.

"I want to go to Maasi's place. "


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A special thanks to new readers and also to those who added this story to their reading list. Couldn't thank you personally, sorry :(

On 9/12/2015 this story ranking was #34 in general fiction , I was so happy. Thank you for your support guys :)

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