《His innocent BiWi {Completed}》Part 11


Next day Krishna woke up hearing his mobile ring. He took the mobile and saw that it was his colleague who is calling him. He tried to get up but realized that Shruthi was still sleeping with her head on his chest hugging him tightly, his hand was wrapped around her waist.

He slowly removed his hold on her and placed her head on the pillow, covering her with the duvet he walked to living room and attended the call.

It was 8 AM in the morning and his colleague called him to office urgently regarding some issue. After disconnecting the call, he walked to the bathroom and took a shower. After half an hour, he was dressed in formal clothes ready to go to office. He came to wake up Shruthi but she was sleeping so peacefully hugging his pillow tightly, he didn't have a heart to wake her up from her sleep. He kissed on her forehead and left to office leaving a note for her.

Shruthi woke up after an hour and checked the time. She then immediately rushed to bathroom to take a quick shower and came out of the bedroom in search of Krishna. He was nowhere in the house. She then went to Kitchen searching for him and found a sticky notes on the refrigerator.

- Krishna

Shruthi felt sad that he went to office without having food and she scolded herself for sleeping past her usual time. She wasn't feeling hungry so she boiled milk and had tea. She thought of calling Krishna and asking him whether he is going to come home for lunch or not. She tried his number but he didn't lift the call. She started to feel restless thinking that he was angry on her for disturbing him yesterday. For every 10 minutes she dialed his number but every time the response was the same 'The number you are calling has been switched off'.

He is defiantly angry with me , that's why he didn't lift my call in the afternoon and now it is switched off.

Don't be silly Shruthi, he must be busy.

No if he is busy he should have at least lifted the call and told me the same. He is angry, I know.

No Shruthi, don't let your little brain think rubbish.


Now-a-days , Kittu is not talking to me properly and yesterday also, he snapped at me and last night he didn't even utter a word while having dinner.

He must be stressed out with office work Shruthi and regarding Kittu not talking to you properly, what were you doing when he tried talking to you every time from the past few days? huh? you always cry thinking about papa. Didn't you notice his face whenever you cry and talk about papa, his face looks pale and dull.

But what can I do, I'm missing papa so much.

Do you think he is not missing papa? You stayed with papa since childhood Shruthi, but Kittu he was away from his father for 8 years. Did you even once thought about how Kittu must be feeling ? what he might be going through because of papa's death? Do you remember how happy he was when he told you that papa will come and stay with us before you starting to Mumbai.

He was missing his father Shruthi, instead of bringing him out of this mood you kept on crying and made him feel sad. You always had papa with you Shruthi more than Kittu, he must be missing him more than you. You are cribbing that Kittu is not talking to you. Whole day he have to take care of you and manage office work , at the end of the day when he comes home to talk to you, what you are doing ? Crying about papa and making him more strained mentally. Poor Kittu, what can he do Shruthi?

Yes, till now I didn't realize how Kittu is handling his pain. I was being so selfish that I didn't think about his feelings even once.

Papa always wanted you and Kittu to be happy. His whole life he worked a lot to give you both a beautiful life. You have Kittu to share your sadness and problems. Did you ever once realize how he too needs a person to share his feelings? He lost his father and what you are doing Shruthi, instead of being supportive to Kittu, you are making him more miserable.

Yeah, I should have taken more care of him. Poor Kittu, must be suffering alone. I should and will bring him out of this mood.


hahaha.....Now finally you are thinking like a matured girl. For that, first you should start behaving like the way you used to behave previously. Don't be sad and don't make him sad by looking pale and sad. Remember one thing Shruthi if you are happy then Kittu will soon come out of his gloomy mood.

No, for Kittu's happiness I will do anything. If a smile on my face brings happiness to Kittu, then I will always smile for him so that he can always be happy.

Good, now come let's get ready and wait for Kittu.

She had lunch and again tried his number but it was switched off. She thought about different plans on how to make him happy. While thinking she slept off on the sofa.

She woke up in the evening and tried calling him but didn't get any reply from Krishna. Slowly again her fears started coming out that Krishna is angry on her that's why he is not lifting the call, but again she scolded herself for thinking negatively.

Later in the evening, she went to Suma and told the same that Krishna's phone is switched off.

"Arey, stop worrying Shruthi, he might be busy with office work."

"But di, if he is busy what happened to his phone? In the morning when I called him, he didn't attended it but now it is switched off. I'm scared di" said Shruthi worriedly.

"Don't worry Shruthi. For your satisfaction, I will call Vamsi and ask him to know check about Krishna once." saying that Suma took her mobile to call her husband but before she could call him, she got a ping from Krishna in watts up.

Suma showed the message to Shruthi. She felt peaceful after seeing a response from him. She bid bye to Suma and came to her house. She tried Krishna's number once again, after few rings he lifted the call.


"Sorry Biwi, I was busy didn't see your missed call in the afternoon."

"It's ok Kittu, did you had breakfast and lunch?"

"Yeah I had it from office canteen. Listen, you finish your dinner and go to sleep, ok?"

"I will wait for you, Kittu?"

"No Shruthi, I will reach home very late. You sleep" Shruthi frowned hearing her name instead of biwi from him but remained silent as it is not time to discuss about this.

"Okay, take care Kittu"

"hmm, bye" saying that he hung up without hearing her reply.

Shruthi felt happy after talking to him. She realized that he is not angry with her with the tone he had talked to her. She slept on the sofa waiting for him. In her sleep she felt someone carrying her , placed her on soft bed and covered her with duvet, by the smell of perfume she recognized that it was Krishna. She was too sleepy so she didn't bothered to open her eyes.

After few minutes, she felt that other side of the bed dip and soon she was taken into his arms. She smiled and hugged him tightly, closed her eyes not at all ready to leave him.

Next day he woke up and took a shower. Drying his hair he came to living room and saw Shruthi standing on a stool, trying to change the curtains of the windows in the living room. She tugged her saree pallu end near her waist exposing the skin. He looked at her face and saw her trying to catch hold of the rod biting her lower lip continuously. She didn't notice Krishna.

He slowly moved towards her and touched her waist. Shruthi stood shocked and after few seconds, she looked down at his hand.

"Kittu" whispered Shruthi. Without saying anything Krishna hugged her stomach tightly and buried his face and kissed her stomach. Shruthi closed her eyes tightly and placed her hands on his shoulders for support.

He continued to kiss her and unable to control the sensations that are causing in her with his kisses, Shruthi entwined her fingers in his wet hair and pulled him more close to her and hugged him tightly to her stomach.


So how is this chapter? Hope you all enjoyed reading this part as well.

Thank you so much for reading this part :).

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P.S: Next update will be after 2 weeks as I'm going to my hometown this friday. I'm missing my family and moreover my brother birthday is on saturday. So, family time :D ;)

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