《Immortality With My MateAlice x Reader x Jasper》Chapter Seven


"What are you doing here Morpheus?" i asked looking at him confused and agitated

"I heard you ran away so i went to find you" he began to said " also i was visited my brother and then i smelt your scent, which is not hard to miss" he continued

"Why are you looking for me?" i asked

"My brother called me and asked, have i seen you saying you left a note" he said" is that true?"

I looked away trying to figure out how to answer this.

"Why do you want to know?" i asked looking back at him

"No reason," he shrugged. He looked behind me and asked

"Who are they?" I turned my head and saw everyone looking our way confused on why I'm talking to these people.

"They're no concern of yours" I said with a little attitude. Someone walked beside me and put their hand on my shoulder. I didn't have to look to know who it was.

"May I ask who you are?" Carlisle asked.


"He's no one" i said through gritted teeth

"Oh well may I ask what you want?" Carlisle asked. I could feel him looking at me, but I ignored it.

Morpheus looked at me and smiled. "her" he said, still smiling, but this smile doesn't seem right. We heard more footsteps in the woods. I looked to see a 5 '10 male with short black hair and russet skin.

"I smelt somebody else crossing are you alright bella?" I looked at him confused. 'Who is bella?' the said girl with brown hair and pale skin walked towards the black haired male.

"Yes I'm alright jacob" the girl Bella said to the boy I now know is named Jaocb.

Jacob looked at where I was and looked at me. I smiled at him and I could see a little blush on his face. I began walking towards him. My hips swayed a little bit. Eyes still on his not breaking at all. I stood in front of him and held my hand out.

"Y/n......how are you?"I asked. He looked at my hand hesitating a little bit. Then he shook my hand.

"Jacob... good," he said nonchalantly.

'Why is she staring at me?' he thought. I only looked at him tilting my head a little to the left.

"Huh" I said lowly but he heard it.

"What" he asked

"Nothing" I began " just that you're another wolf" I said and turned around to feel someone burning their eyes towards me. I looked around and set my eyes on another pair of golden eyes, but it wasn't Alice's eyes that was staring at me. I began to look over them and I found myself looking at an male with honey blond hair and to be 6'3 'wow he's tall' i thought. I looked back at his eyes and they held such emotions. He seems to be angry. I wonder why.


"May i ask who you are?" i asked the person looking at me

"Jasper" he said, voice deep

It's like I couldn't take my eyes off of him; they were attached to each other. The world does not exist when we are looking at each other. It was like how I saw Alice, like there was something pulling towards them. What is this? Why am I happy to see them? without me noticing i began walking towards him like i was in a trance or something. When I was close enough I stopped, looking into his eyes even more and I noticed jealousy swimming inside his eyes.

"What are you jealous of?" i asked calmly

"I'm still trying to figure that out," he answered back. I looked to Alice just to see her right beside him looking at the both of us with the same look Edward showed me before I left them. What is that?

Someone cleared their throat. I rolled my eyes as I knew who it was.

"What morpheus?" i demanded

"Oh sorry for interrupting your little moment, but I need to talk to you in private" he told me, looking around at the people that were still present.

"Now" he said more firmly

I looked at Carlisle before i looked back at morpheus and said

"Alright you have five minutes"

We begin to walk alone in the forest. I could hear the leaves under my feet crunch under my weight while walking through them. I look up to see him stopping by a tree. The tree looked like it was on it's last branch but still standing strong. The leaves were turning brown and yellow when it's not even Fall. yet it still is there. I looked at the man who is only 4 inches taller than me.

"Now what do you want to talk about that you had me walking in the forest with the likes of you?" I asked the man in front of me. He didn't turn around for a minute or two, until I turned him around. He looked at me with that same smile that didn't seem right to me. It was starting to creep me out.

'If you can hear my Edward I think something is wrong' I said in my head hoping he could hear me.

Please, I hope he heard me.

She is beautiful no wonder Alice looked at her like this. The way her beautiful skin sparkled even when the sun wasn't out. The way she walked towards me, how her hips sway without her trying. The way her curves were just being hugged in the right places. As she stood in front of me everything seemed to just vanish. Her golden eyes had a shine to them like they were the sun themselves. I was so captured by her that I didn't notice Alice walked beside me. We were interrupted by someone clearing their throat. I can tell Y/n didn't like this person when she rolled her eyes. To be honest I'm starting not to like them either.


"What morpheus?" she said sounding agitated

"Oh sorry for interrupting your little moment, but I need to talk to you in private" he said to her. When he did I could feel how he was really feeling. I don't like this at all. What is he planning?

"Now" he said firmly, now i know he's up to something. I looked at her to see what she was going to do. She looked at Carlisle and looked back at the man.

"Alright you have five minutes." she told him. She began walking into the forest, I began to stop her but when i did someone stopped me. I looked up to see carlisle.

"Why did you stop me?" i asked trying to stay calm

"Leave this to her i know she can handle herself" he said, but he wasn't looking at me he was looking into the forest.

"I have a bad feeling about this" I began to say " there's something wrong I could feel it.

"I do to" I looked to see who said that and I saw Edward stepping up to Carlisle as well.

"It's just the way he was looking at her the whole time" he said trailing off " and it's not only that i can't read his mind it's like something is blocking me from it to see what he's really thinking" he stops for a minute.

"Als- he stopped and his eyes went wide. Why what's happening?

He looked at Carlisle and at me. He turned towards emmett

"Y/n is in trouble"

"Now what do you want to talk about that you had me walking in the forest with the likes of you?" I asked again. He starts to take steady steps toward me. I took a step back.

"What are you doing?" i asked, not getting an answer he began to shift into his wolf form. He growled at me. He was ready to pounce on me until somebody tackled him to the ground. I looked around and saw Edward, Carlisle Jasper and someone else that i don't know. The one i don't know was the one that tackled Morpheus and he doesn't seem to be struggling. He was 6'1 with pale skin and had black hair. I was being pulled behind someone back and it seems to be Edward.

"Thank goodness you heard me," I said letting out a breath of relief.

"What do you want?" I look to my right and see it was Jasper who asked that. He seems angry.

"I still can't read his mind," Edward said. Come to think of it neither can I, why is that? What does he really want from me? While they were trying to restrain him I heard something behind me. What was that? I had that feeling again, who is that following me? I had shivers going down my spine as I kept looking around the forest.

'Pain' I heard what pai- my thoughts were cut off by my screams. The pain so much it brought me to my knees. I couldn't bare the pain as i tried to curled myself i a ball>

"AHHHHHH" I yelled. The pain intensified, why am I feeling so much pain?

"Y/N" someone yelled my name, but I couldn't move. The pain was still going strong.

'Please make it stop' I thought to Edward. As the pain was still there my eyes began to blur. I couldn't see anyone.

"AHHHH" I yelled louder as I heard footsteps come near me,I was beginning to feel numb. I couldn't feel anything after a while. Then I turned to look up at the sky and it was starting to get dark. I could see the red and yellow mix into each other making the sky look even more beautiful. A shadow blocks my view of the sky and my vision is still blurry. I could hear them say my name.

"Y/n stay with me please" I don't know who it was but i couldn't keep my eyes open. They were so heavy that they felt like they were wearing a ton. My eyes began to close on their own. I tried to fight back but I couldn't. I feel myself being lifted up into someone's arms. I couldn't but I tried. I could see the trees rush pass my vision as the person who was carrying me ran through the forest. I could tell that the pain had stopped, but it took so much of my energy that I closed my eyes. Everything went

She got away well I'll report what happened to her. The revolting wolf couldn't go with the plan. What a waste of my time.

"Let's go shall we?" I began walking away from the scene. With my companion walking beside me.

"What are we going to tell him?" they ask rather calm

"Nothing at the moment" i spoke leaving the conversation

"why do he need her anyway?" they asked 

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