《MHA Boyfriend Scenarios》Why He Loves You ❤



He loves how much you care about him and sometimes still wonders why you waste your time on him.

But he loves you more than anything, and if anything were to happen to you he would never forgive himself or anyone else.

You always make him smile , and he loves it when your around .

You really bring out the best in him!


He loves your smile, the way you smile always warms his cute cinnamon roll heart!

He's happy to be with you and to have someone like you in his life.

He also loves to have someone to be a fanboy with .

If anything were to happen to you he would never be able to think of himself as a hero no matter what happened, he cares too much about you.

He loves how you just accept the fact that his is a legitimate butthole and that you love him for the way he is, and he loves you for the way you are!

Your the one he really trusts, you are the reason he is actually in a good mood on most days.

If anything were to happen to you, well. . . SOMEONE GONNA BE DEAD!


You're the light of his life.

You always make him smile.

You help him keep his cool when ever he gets too annoyed by misbehavior in the class, or you just help him keep calm in general with any situation.

He wants to be by your side always, so you never get hurt.

If anything happens to you, he'd live in guilt for not protecting you.


Your the only one who understands him.

Even though he wonders why a girl like you would love a guy like him, he'd still do anything for you tho.

You are the one girl he truly loves.

If anything happened to you, he'd be too upset to do anything, all he'd want is for you to be there with him.

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