《Death Note Boyfriend Scenarios》First Fight
I am sitting alone in Lights room, waiting for him, reading a new book I had borrowed when I heard his front door open. I smiled knowing that Light was home. I quickly rushed to go and greet him but I stopped when I saw him panting. His hand were gripping the table tightly, sweat was dripping down his face, and he had a crazed look in his eyes. When he saw me, he smiled. But it wasn't the usual sweet smiles he gives me. It was almost... evil.
"Hey, (F/N)," He said.
"H-hi, Light... are you ok."
Light suddenly laughed as he came rushing over to me swinging me around in the air. "Never better!"
"Light... what happened?" I ask hesitantly.
He smiled at me. "L is dead."
"L. Is. Dead." The room was silent before he erupted into another fit of laughter. I was confused. I knew who L was but I was confused on why Light felt he needed to kill L. Sure, L was trying to stop him, but I thought Light would try to find a way to prove to L and the task force that Kira was powerful and could rid the world of all even and try to bring L onto Kira's side. L wasn't a criminal. I always thought the point was to rid the world of evil.
"Light... I'm confused-"
"What is there to be confused about, (F/N)? He's gone! Dead! I killed him! I am the true god! He is gone and he can't get into my way anymore." He lunged back onto me again kissing me but I pushed him off. He looked angry.
"But Light, L wasn't a criminal."
"So? He was in my way."
"But... but I thought the point was to just rid the world of criminals, I thought you would try to get L on your side -"
"Don't be stupid, (F/N). That would never have worked. I needed him dead and gone. So now I can be a god. This is just part of my plan."
I cross my arms and give him a stern look. "Don't call me stupid. This is not the Kira - no, the Light I know and love. Your goal is to make the world a better place-"
"Don't tell me what my goal is! My goal is to become a god! I decide who lives and dies! I decide who is worthy!"
"You sound like a rambling mad man."
"And you sound like a bitch who doesn't know her place." I stop at his words. He has never called me that before. And I never thought he would.
"How dare you call me that?" I yell at him.
"What? A bitch? It's because you are one. Why can't you just be f**king happy for me? God, sometimes I wonder why I choose you off all the better, smarter, prettier women in the world to be my goddess. All you do is whine and you think you know everything. Let me give you a reality check, (F/N), you don't know anything. You are useless, and I could do so much better."
With that I am a sobbing mess on the floor. I cry violently into the palm of my hands trying to pretend that never happened and he never said that. I wish I didn't say anything, but then I stand back up and slap him across the face. He looks angry and as if he wanted to say something, but before I give him the chance, I run out of the house.
I sit at the park bench silently crying. I keep telling myself he didn't mean it, but I don't really know if he did or not. Part of me wanted to march to the task force and yell that Light was Kira, but the other part of me couldn't because I still loved him. Even after he told me he wished he chose someone else to be his goddess. I pull my knees up to my chest and rest my head in the crook and cry some more. If that's what he wants... I'll leave.
Lawliet has been kinda distant. Being me, my first thought was that he was cheating, but I was able to swish that theory away quickly when I realized it was just his work schedule was always so... packed. He never had time for me. Sometimes he'll be too tired to do anything, and I understood with all the work he would be busy, however it was just disappointing that he was never able to do anything.
As he sat at his desk I gently tapped his shoulder gesturing I wanted to talk to him. He gave me an exasperated look but obliged.
"Lawliet, I was wondering if maybe you would like to consider... a lighter work schedule."
"What do you mean?"
"I worry about you sometimes; you're always working and you hardly sleep -"
"I don't need sleep." I sigh trying to keep myself composed.
"Babe, of course you need sleep. It isn't healthy to-"
"Please, would you quit pestering me?" he asked with a hint of rage in his voice. I had never seen him like that. He is always quiet so it startled me to hear him speak with such a dark and menacing tone.
"I'm sorry. I just... I love you and... I want to spend more time with you."
"You know how important work is. I am this close to catching Kira. It has taken me a damn year to find him and it probably wouldn't have if I didn't have you always on my ass complaining that you want to do something. Work comes first, (F/N). Will you ever understand that?" I just stare at him in shock. He has never spoken to me like that. I sigh heading for the door. "Where are you going?"
"Anywhere but here."
"What do you mean?"
"For a genius, you can be so stupid sometimes! You've hurt me, I need some space. I'll come back tomorrow and if you want to talk, fine, but right now, just leave me alone." With that I head to my (B/F/N) house where I cry and rant to her about the whole thing.
(L's Pov)
S***. How could I f*** up like that. The one girl who has ever loved me and treated me like a regular human. One girl who has respected me. If I'm not careful, I could lose the most beautiful girl in the world. And maybe she's right. The lack of sleep is probably why I'm slacking on all my work... and god, how could I blame (F/N) for not finding Kira? She has been the most supportive and helpful person on this case.
The news of L's death spread like wildfire throughout the mafia. No one really knew what to think about it -- all anyone knew was that Kira killed him. Mello seemed to be the most affected. At first I thought it was because he cared about L or something but I quickly realized that wasn't the case. Mello was angry L hadn't chosen him to be his successor, but rather Near.
I thought a good way to make Mello feel better was to bring him some chocolates. I got a basket filled with all his favorites and made my way to his room. I knocked on his door to hear him mumble something. I walked in to see him moping on his bed, his arms crossed and a pissed off look on his face.
"Cheer up, Mello. You're still the smartest person to me," I say trying to lighten the mood. He just huffs and turns away from me. "I brought you chocolate."
"Whatever, just put it over there." I put the chocolates down and slowly sit next to him. He turns his head away from me. I can't tell if he is embarrassed to look at me or trying to hide his sorrow. I lean my head on his shoulder but he shrugs it off of me.
"Babe, are you ok?" I ask sweetly.
Suddenly he jumps up pushing me away. I'm shocked at his sudden outburst -- it scared me.
"What the f*** do you think, (F/N)?" He shouts.
"I'm sorry-"
"Do you know how much I wanted this? Instead I f**king loose the title of L's successor to a sheep? I worked so f**king hard to come second to Near?" At this point, Mello is no where close to calm. Slightly frightened, I sit on the bed as far away from him.
"I'm so sorry, I know how much this meant to you-"
"No you don't. You have never known what you want in life because all you do is depend on others. You can never fend for yourself you always need someone. And you're gonna end up nowhere with nothing." I stare at him shocked.
"Hey, there's no need to be mean. And as a matter of fact-"
"Shut up, (F/N)! I'm so sick of hearing your damn voice! You're a ignorant cow!"
"I'm ignorant? Do you know what you are? A sore loser who is a coward and completely oblivious to the fact I care about you and I don't care if you are L's successor or not. But it doesn't matter. Nothing will ever matter." I grab my things and head for door; I refuse to let him see me cry and I refuse to turn back when I hear him call my name.
A few months ago I gave Matt the key to my house so he could come over and wait for me to get home from (school/work). However, I was really beginning to regret it. He would come over and just about trash the place. There would always be food wrappers around him while he sits on the couch playing video games, and he never picks it up when he leaves. One day I came home extremely tired. I had gotten into an argument with someone and all I wanted was to just lay on the couch and watch a movie or something. But when I get home I see Matt lounging on the couch playing video games, with wrappers around him and a broken glass on the floor.
"Matt, what happened?" I asked staring at the broken glass.
Without moving his eyes from the game he was playing, he just shrugs. "Dunno," he mumbles.
"Well, can you pick it up?"
"After this." I sigh and walk in front of the computer making him die in the game instantly since he was unable to see. "What the hell, (F/N)?" He shouts.
"This isn't your house you know. You can't just leave it a tip. And when I gave you that key, it was so you could be patient and wait for me. Not make a huge mess."
"There isn't a huge mess. You are over exaggerating."
"Even if I was, you should be respectful and not leave trash everywhere." He glares, standing up and kicking a potato chip bag across the floor.
"It's your job to pick this s*** up. You're the woman." I can't believe I'm hearing this.
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me."
"And what's your job? To be a lazy pig? Or to be an asshole? You're doing a good job if that's what it is?" I grumble. He suddenly barges over to me grabbing my arm tightly. I gasp at how tightly he holds onto me and how he squeezes.
"Don't you ever speak to me like that," he shouts into my face. I yank my arm away from him; he doesn't intimidate me.
"Get out."
"You heard me. Get the hell out." He lets out a growl and leaves slamming the door. I sigh and begin to cry. I'm too tired and annoyed to pick anything up, so I go to my room and cry myself to sleep instead.
Near has always had a childlike personality, but today, it was getting on my nerves more than ever. I am usually able to accept how much he adores his toys and just play with. But now it is becoming annoying. Especially when he chooses playing with toys over me.
"Can we do something else?" I ask him.
"Like what," he responds playing with the toys robots. I sigh.
"Would you like to see a movie?"
"Would you like to go to the mall?"
"Would you like to do anything that doesn't involve toys?"
"No." I groan once again. He looks over at me sharply. "What is it?"
"All you ever want to do is play with toys. It just gets tiresome. I would really like to do something else."
"Well, I don't want to do what you want to do."
"Ok, but do you think then maybe you could put the toys down and maybe try to think of something we could do that has both of our interests?" His normally white face suddenly becomes red with anger.
"No, (F/N), I want to play with my damn toys!" And just like that, the robot comes flying out of his hand and hits me bang in the chin. I know he didn't mean to do it on purpose, and that is just flew out of his hand, but I could no longer hold back my anger.
"You really are such a child! I am trying my damn hardest with you, and I can't do it anymore. When you are done being a brat you can come and find me, but for now, just.... Stay away from me!" I shout leaving him alone in shock with his toys.
I go back to my house and sulk on the couch, staring at the scrapbook Near gave to me on my birthday. I begin to cry.
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Another World Trip: Journey with My Cat and an Otaku Loli Goddess
Have you ever suffered from cultivation tropes including but not limited to: Arrogant young master living waaaay longer than they should? Genius MC turned trash turned genius again? Peanut galley and everyone else lacking common sense and NOT being called out on their bullsh*t? The MC themselves lacking common sense several times? Cool characters we meet but NEVER see again? Then you're in luck! Here at Another World Trip: Journey with My Cat and an Otaku Loli Goddess we spit in the face of our most hated tropes over and over and over again with reckless abandon and embrace the ones we love! Join our socially inept MC, his cat and a goddess who made the wrong choices in life and is now paying for it in the best of ways. Don't suffer from the tropes, kick your leg up, relax and laugh your ass off! Discord Link: https://discord.gg/9gntC4N
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Spirit Immortal
Over a million years ago, the first human contracted with the first Spirit. Ever since then, Spirit use has become commonplace. Humans used Spirits to carry items and start fires. Eventually, even start wars. Thousands upon thousands of years past and one day, one human did the impossible. He transcended his mortality and ascended to the realm above. In the present day, the Frie Clan was once a great clan of the Himmel empire. However, a devastating battle ten years ago crippled the clan and their numbers dwindled. To make up for their loss, the upper echelons decided to adopt young orphans and nurture them to become a future pillar of the weakened clan. Shin was one of those orphans. Although picked up by the Frie Clan, not all is smooth sailing for Shin and the other orphans... Chapters are released daily at UTC+8 0100 unless stated otherwise Support me at: https://www.patreon.com/Linodo For additional content, visit me at: Linodofictions
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