《My Naughty Babysitter》My Naughty Babysitter (18)


She gave me instructions and I followed. It was awkwardly silent for only a few minutes but it felt like hours.

"So, how are you and Danny getting along? I hope he isn't too much of a pain" She suddenly said and I chuckled.

I shook my head, "no he's not annoying at all, we actually have a lot of fun and I'm glad because these holidays would've been really boring. He makes me laugh a lot which is nice and he makes amazing food. He also let's me talk for ages and doesn't tell me to shut up, which is a change and when I do finally shut up he always has his own say and we just talk for hours" I was shocked that I had talked so much when I could've just said a simple 'Daniel is great'.

Oh my god Annie, wait to go, she didn't need to hear your life story. I cleared my throat, embarrassed but I felt better when she began to chatter like a chatter box.

"You know I remember when Daniel was young, he used to ask Clarissa to pretend to be hurt so that he could save her" We both laughed. "And when she wouldn't pretend he would go ahead anyway and try to pick her up bridal style and scream "don't worry miss! I'll save you!" By this point we were laughing our heads off.

"That's so adorable!" I coo.

"What's adorable?" Daniel suddenly asks as he and his father walk in through the back door.

I look at Katherine wondering if I should tell him what we were talking about and she shakes her head causing me to giggle. "Nothing" Katherine and I say at the same time causing us to giggle again.

Daniel glared at us, probably knowing that we were talking about him but after his mother and I didn't say anything for a while he pouted and went after his father. I chuckled and shook my head.


"You know, he may be a... What do you guys call them these days... A... Fuck boy??" My eye brows shot up and I actually took a step back, shocked by her language however she didn't seem fazed, instead she shook her head and sighed, "but he seems to really like you, I mean... You're the first girl he's brought home in a year so... Give him a chance okay?"

I didn't know what else to say, so I shook my head, "we're just friends"

She scoffed and looked at me, "sweet heart, friends don't look at each other the way that you two look at each other, so don't even try to pull that shit on me"

I forced an awkward laugh and focused on cooking. I didn't know how to respond to that. 'Yeah he likes me and I like him but we can't be together because I'm mentally and emotionally fucked up and don't want to put him through the trouble'.


When dinner was finished Daniel helped set the table and Katherine grabbed the tray of lasagne. Daniel stood up and pulled a chair out for me. I pursed my lips, trying to fight back a grin and sat down. He sat next to me and everyone came downstairs. When everyone was seated Sam stood up and began to serve out the plates. I thanked him when he put some lasagna on my plate and waited for everyone to have theirs before digging in. On the first bite I couldn't help the small moan that came from my mouth.

Katherine chuckled, "so you like the food then?"

I nodded my head, not embarrassed about my moan, "it's so good" I said before taking another bite. I was starving and this was heaven.

Everyone chattered away, the girls asked their parents if they could go places, Lilly talked about her princess movies and I ate. Suddenly I felt a warm hand on my thigh and my heart skipped a beat. I looked at Daniel in the corner of my eyes and saw him eating his dinner like he didn't have his hand on my upper thigh. It made my skin tingle and my stomach flip. I tried to calm my breathing but then he began to draw light patterns. I was thankful that I was sitting or else I would've collapsed. I cleared my throat, hoping that he would stop even though I really didn't want him to but we were at the dinner table with his family surrounding me.


I leaned over and discreetly covered my mouth, "you're a little tease, you know that?" he didn't reply, instead he smirked and removed his hand. I released a breath and thanked God that he stopped otherwise I was going to beg him to bury himself inside me.

When we finished dinner my panties were still soaked and there was a knot in my stomach. I had to push my lust down and carried my plate to the dishwasher. "Thank you for dinner" I said to Sam and Katherine with a grateful smile, "it was so good, I will definitely be thinking about it for a while" I chuckled and Katherine chuckled with me.

"It was so good to meet you Annie, I'm so glad you came over for dinner and I hope we can do this again" she told me before she pulled me in for a hug. I usually hated hugging people but her hug was motherly and put me at ease. I easily hugged her back before turning to Sam.

I saw fear flash through his eyes and I knew he thought I was about to hug him. I held back my laugh and put my hand out for him to shake. He let out a discreet breath and took my hand. "It was nice to meet you guys" I said to the both of them.

"It was lovely to meet you Annie" Sam replied with a small smile. Clarissa and Sarah had gone upstairs so I waved at Lilly.

"Bye Annie!" Lilly screamed from the table.

I laughed, "see ya later Lilly"

Daniel put his hand on my lower back sending my body into a flurry of emotions again as he guided me out of his house. We walked out of his house silently until we got into his car and he spoke. "So? Was it as bad as you thought it would be?"

I chuckled and shook my head, "it was really nice and your mum is an amazing cook" I told him, thinking about that lasagna. I was going to miss it.

"I'm really happy you got to meet my family" he said as he gave me that look. The look I now know as the 'I really like you' look.

I slowly returned it with a small smile, "I am too"


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