《i'm right here || jasper whitlock》sixteen


"What happens when Bella's scent wears off of Theresa? Then what?" Rosalie asked Carlisle as she argued with him.

"It'll confuse him at least, it'll give us time."

"That's a huge confidence booster" Theresa said to herself as she walked passed the two.

"I'm going to run Bella south" Edward said as he had his arm wrapped around Bella's waist tightly, "Lead the tracker away from here because once he finds out that Theresa's scent isn't Bella's-" Edward paused before continuing to speak, "He's going to go after her."

"No Edward," Carlisle said sternly, "James knows that you would never leave Bella. Wherever you go is where he'll go first."

"I'll go with Bella. Jasper and I will drive her south" Alice said to Carlisle before turning her attention to Edward, "I'll keep her safe Edward."

"Can you keep your thoughts to yourself?" Edward asked her as she nodded, "Yes" She said as she took Bella's hand in her own and walked towards her car.

Theresa walked over to where Jasper was putting bags in the trunk of Alice's car.

"I guess it's no use trying to ask you to change your mind" Jasper asked Theresa as he stopped packing and stood in front of her.

"You know it's not" Theresa said as Jasper stood up straighter and turned his head away from her, not wanting to show Theresa how scared and worried he was for her.

Theresa noticed this and placed her hand on his shoulder, "I'm a big girl Jasper, I can protect myself."

Jasper sighed, turning his attention back to Theresa, "Please don't do anything reckless Theresa."

"Darling" Theresa said, correcting him.

Jasper stood still, confused, "What?"

"You don't ever call me Theresa, it's usually ma'am, darling, or Tess. And to be honest right now I don't want that to change because I feel like when that changes it's because something bad is happening. Just like in the woods. And something bad isn't happening right now. It's just a little setback."


"I-" Jasper said, cutting himself off, looking away from Theresa for a second, biting his lip, before turning his attention back to Theresa and taking her cheek in his hand, smiling before continuing, "I'm sorry darlin', my fault."

Theresa smiled at him before turning her attention to Alice's car, where Bella sat in the passenger seat.

Jasper noticed this and let his hand fall from Theresa's cheek.

"Bella-" Theresa said as she walked over towards the car, but was cut off by Bella, "Tess please, go with us."

"No, Charlie needs you Bella. I won't let him loose you and I won't let you get hurt."

"But your mom-" Bella said, but was cut off by Theresa as she smiled sadly, "Doesn't care."

Bella looked at her hands before looking back up at Theresa, tears flooding her eyes. The girls weren't very close, but they were close enough that Bella felt like she might loose a good friend. And that scared her.

"Be careful, please" Bella said as a tear fell from her eye.

Theresa smiled, trying to calm Bella down.

"Of course. I have a family of vampires to keep me safe."

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