《porn star | taekook》014


"Let's just start dating!"

Jungkook heard the older say, but had no idea how to answer, since he never thought about getting into a relationship with Taehyung, even though he wouldn't mind.

"Jungkook?" Taehyung actually sounded serious for once "if you don't wanna date me, just tell me instead of ignoring me"

"I didn't know you were that serious about it, sorry"

"Do you think I would actually fuck you without having something like, I don't know, a small crush on you?" the older said, or rather asked with a really annoyed voice "To answer that; yes, if I were drunk"

"Well, please get yourself some alcohol then"

"Is that a no?" Jungkook just looked down, he honestly didn't know what he wanted to do "nevermind then" Taehyung sighed and laid down on the couch, but he didn't expect the younger to sit on top of him.

He looked up at him, they eyes met, but soon their lips met each other.

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