《Smoke (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)》Chapter 24


(Y/n) POV

The week seemed to pass by faster than I could ever hope. It was already Friday morning, which meant I only had 2 days of this internship left before I could finally get back home. Today was a bit different though. Best Jeanist had informed me, along with the other interns, that he would be picking a few of us for an actual mission. AN ACTUAL MISSION. I was basically shaking in my seat, itching for some kind of action. I could tell, Katsuki, felt the same.

The dirty blonde man looked around, slowly observing each and every one of the interns in the small room.

"How about-" he paused for a moment. "Hikaru-" He nodded toward a tall, dark haired boy with striking blue eyes. "(L/n)-" He looked at me. I cracked a small grin, happy to be chosen for the mission. "And-" he paused, looking over at Katsuki. I had expected him to pick the red eyed devil but then his gaze flickered toward a short purple haired boy who seemed to be on the shy side of the spectrum.

"Ah, Ryusei." He seemed taken aback by the calling out. His face flushed slightly as he looked down at his feet and nodded gently. "The three of you will meet me at the front of the building tomorrow morning at 9:30, alright? Come suited up, I don't want any set backs. I will send Ms. Nagisa over to your rooms later to give you the mission details. Read them over. If you have any questions or concerns, don't be aftaid to ask me or Ms. Nagisa. The rest of the day will be off, so feel free to do as you please, now if you'll excuse me." He began walking away, Nagisa following close behind him.


When I looked over at the ash blonde, I could almost see the fumes coming out of his ears. I walked over to him, cautiously.

"Uh- hey?" I whispered sitting down next to him.

"That motherfucking prick fucking looked at me. HE FUCKING MADE EYE CONTACT AND CHOSE THAT PUSSY BITCH ASS BOY." I watched, amused as he let out a chain of cuss words.

"Plus, who's gonna be there to protect you if you get hurt." He looked away from me, avoiding eye contact at all costs. I blushed intensely at his statement.

"Katsuki.." I grabbed his face, making him look me in the eyes.

"I'll be okay, okay? And you'll get to kick ass soon enough." I smiled at him reassuringly.

We stared at each other for a few seconds, not saying anything. His eyes pierced through me. It felt like he was reading my mind, reading me.

"Yeah, sure, whatever." He stepped away from me, to my dismay.

"So- um anyway.." He scratched his cheek, a crimson color dusting the top of his ears. "Get ready, we're leaving."

My eyebrows drew together in pure confusion.


"To the amusement park, dumbass." He growled, grabbing my arm and dragging me back to the dorms.

I looked down at my watch.

"But It's 3:00 pm. It's a little late, don't you think?"

"No. I already bought tickets so don't even fucking think of not going."

This came as more than a surprise to me.

He did what?

But when?

I thought back as far as I could, racking my brain for the answer


"He had insisted I go without him."


Ohhhhhhh, before we left for the train station.

"Awwww~ you're so sweet, Katsuki." I teased him, trying to get some kind of response.


"I know, I know." He smirked.

I simply giggled before going into my room.

"Be out in half n' hour or I'll bust in here and dress you myself." And with that, he shut the door behind him, leaving me a blushing puddle.

I quickly took a shower and got ready. I looked into my bag, hoping to find some casual clothing. I settled on some ripped denim jeans, an (f/c) short sleeved shirt, and a black jacket. I slipped on some black sneakers before looking at myself in the mirror, feeling satisfied with what I was wearing and how I looked in general. I put the jacket on a desk chair, feeling a bit hot as I waited for the ash blonde to text me. Soon enough, I heard the door handle rattling before he walked in.

"Oi, you ready?" He walked closer, his eyes daggers as they looked me up and down.

"Yep!" I plopped up, smiling.

"Lets go."


"Aw shit." I mumbled to myself halfway through the train ride.

"What." The blonde beside me, who was discreetly playing with my hand, hummed.

"I left my jacket." I pouted.

"Its fine, it shouldn't get too cold. If anything, I'll just lend you mine."

I smiled at this, laying my head on his shoulder.


"Wow! This is so fucking cool!" I squealed in delight, taking in the huge amusement park.

"It's not really that big of a deal, Smokey" He smirked as we made our way to the ticket counter.

"Well, I've never really.." I trailed off, feeling my ears and nose get warmer.

"Are you serious?" He questioned, already handing the red and white tickets to the man sitting behind the glass.

"Y-yeah?" I looked away.

"Ma'am, please put your hand out for me." The man interrupted our conversation.

"Oh sorry!"


"I'm hungryyyyy~" I moaned out, feeling my stomach grumble.

"Jesus Christ, Smokey." Katsuki chuckled.

I blushed deeply. He looked so cute when he laughs.

"W-what the fuck are you staring at?" He barked.

"You look cute when you laugh, that's all."


My eyes widened immediately.

"Please~" I tugged on the blonde's shirt, looking at him with puppy dog eyes.

"Stop fucking pouting. Just go sit at one of those tables-" He gestured toward a few round, red tables. "I'll be back."

I nodded, satisfied.

I played with my phone as I eagerly waited for Katsuki to return with our food. Suddenly, a shadow was cast over me. I looked up, expecting to find the familiar red daggers staring down at me, but instead, golden ones were.

"(Y/n)?" The boy's voice seemed to flood with recognition.

I took one good look at the guy's face. His pale skin. Soft looking, white hair. And lastly, a scar running across his nose.

"K- Kosei?"




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