《Smoke (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)》Chapter 25


(Y/n) POV

Let me tell you a few things about Kosei Haruno. Me and the guy go way back to pre-school. We used to be best friends in fact. Up until the 7th grade, we were connected by the hip. But then in 8th grade, the guy got cocky about his quirk, becoming a total dickhead. And no, not like Katsuki. Katsuki thinks he's the best but deep down, he knows he's got a long way to go. But, Kosei? Kosei genuinely believes that no one can beat him. He got wrapped up with the wrong people in junior high, played with girls like toys, just to throw them away a week later when he got bored, and gloated about his 'power' to everyone in a 50 mile radius. Soon enough, he stopped talking to me in public and joined in when kids would occasionally pick on me. But then in private, we would still be best friends. Up until one day, some kids physically assaulted me and he just watched. He stood there and watched, doing nothing about it. Then the boy had the balls to try and confess his 'love' for me and attempt to kiss me the same night. Of course, I slapped him and told him to fuck off. Soon enough, some fancy hero school in Tokyo requested for his transfer and he left. No goodbyes, no apologies. He just up and left with no hesitation. I wasn't one to hold grudges so I moved on rather quickly. After U.A. took me in, I completely forgot about that other school. I didn't have many friends so it wasn't like I was leaving anything behind. I had moved on with my life. And I really hoped he'd done the same with his.


I looked at him, in complete and utter awe.

I hadn't seen him in years.

I stood up automatically, giving him an uncomfortable, short lived hug.

"The one and only!" He smirked that familiar cocky smirk he always had placed on his face as he pointed at himself.

I laughed awkwardly, not knowing what to say.

"I missed ya'! I haven't seen you in what..2 years?"


His eyes swept my figure quickly, not without me noticing though.

"Yup." I popped the 'p'.

I started sweating lightly, nervous.

Shit, this guy's trouble.

"S-so what are you doing here?" I asked, hoping to seem normal.

"Oh, me? I just got here. I'm waiting for some friends, y'know?" He casually put his hands in his pockets. Something he used to do quite often.

"What about you? Who are you here with." He quickly added, seemingly getting uninterested.


One more thing about that golden-eyed demon? He was obsessive. The days after I rejected him, he tried to 'get' with me relentlessly. I remember the last words he said like it was just yesterday.

I was beginning to hope that he hadn't kept his promise.

"U-um- I'm with uh-"


My eyes widened as I heard the familiar raspy voice. I completely forgot that Katsuki was coming back with our food.

He quickly set our trays down on the table and stood next to me.

Kosei's breath hitched slightly, not enough for me to confirm it though.

"Who are you." He stood up straighter, glaring at Katsuki as he walked closer toward us. Somethings he usually did to assert dominance.

"Her boyfriend, you?" Katsuki quickly held me closer to him, grabbing me by my waist. He then stood up straighter. I blushed slightly, hoping Kosei would back off.

The white haired boy's eye twitched at this. A thing he did when he was annoyed and or angry, but Katsuki didn't know this.

"I'm one of (y/n)'s former boyfriends and best friend." He smirked.

My blood began to boil.

This little bitch.

"Dude, here's some advice. If I were you, I'd run to the hills. She'll just throw you away like she did to all those other guys." He escalated it further.

I looked up at the blonde. He seemed to be just as pissed off.

"She's a slut."

Katsuki looked up, his eyes narrowed at Kosei.

I could tell he was trying to keep his temper to a minimum.

"This is our first date, and you're fucking it up."

Katsuki said lowly.

"Aw, cute." He smirked daringly. "She's a skank and you fucking know it. Has she already slept with you?"


I gritted my teeth.

"Shut the fuck up, Kosei. You have no idea what you're talking about."

I warned.

"Oh come on, (y/n). You followed me around like a little puppy dog."

"That's enough out of you, ya' fucking extra. Go eat shit." Katsuki grabbed my arm and dragged my away, leaving our food behind.


For the rest of the day, Katsuki, was rather quiet. He only talked when talked to and It was starting to get on my nerves.

It was our first oficial date and this shit happened.

I couldn't blame him though. Hearing that kind of stuff about my boyfriend wouldn't sit well with me either.

That's why I decided to drag him to the ferris wheel.

Every basket was enclosed in glass, so we would have a bit of privacy up there.

Once we were on it, we sat down, Katsuki uncharacteristically sitting as far away from me as possible.

We stayed in silence.

I couldn't bring myself to break it. Luckily though, a few seconds later, he did just that.

"What that extra said, was it true?" He sounded a bit solemn. Something completely out of character for him.

"No! Not at all!" I spoke, getting closer to him.

"Katsuki, we were grade school friends. He ended up being an utter douchebag so we separated. Then he tried to be with me and I turned him down. He was the one chasing after me. Not the other way around." I spoke with a soft voice, hoping he would listen to what I had to say.

"And what about everyone else?" He spoke a bit louder, now looking at me.

"What? Who else."

I said, confused.

"All the 'other guys'."

He sounded hurt.

"There were no other guys." I grabbed and began playing with his hand. "He lied."

"Why would he lie about that?" He sounded a bit angrier now.

"I don't know! Maybe he still likes me? All I know is that he wants you to do what you're doing right now! He wants you to get away from me. Can't you see that?" I began feeling a bit fumed myself.

How could he doubt me like that?

"You sure?" He added

That was it.

"Katsuki! Don't you fucking understand? You are my first everything! You're the first and ONLY guy who has held my hand. You were the first guy to un-platonically hug me! You're my first boyfriend. You were my first kiss for fucks sake. I've never had anyone else and I don't WANT anyone else. The only person I care about in that way is you. YOU. Not him! Not anyone. YOU. If you don't wanna believe me, then that's your problem. Not mine."

I felt tears brimming my eyes. I wasn't gonna cry though. I stood up and sat in the opposite chair.

We stayed quiet.

Suddenly, I heard rustling and a new warmth sit close next to me.

I looked at him sternly.

He did the same.

"I-i'm sorry." He mumbled, looking away from me.

"I shouldn't have said those things. I should've known better than to let that motherfucking prick fill my brain with all that shit."

I embraced him in my arms, not being able to stay mad at him.

He wrapped one of his arms around me and placed the other behind my head, pushing me closer. I set myself on his lap, letting his warmth enclose me.

The sky was now a mix of orange, red, and pink and we were at the top.

We just watched the sun set in silence, unable to let the sound ruin the beauty.

I turned toward him, calmly smiling.

I gave him a quick peck on the cheek.

He seemed to be surprised, but soon grabbed my cheek and closed the gap between us. It was a long lived kiss. It wasn't steamy. It wasn't hot either. It was just passionate and loving.

"(Y)-(Y/n)?" He spoke quietly.

"Hm?" I hummed, staring into his stunning, crimson eyes.

"Y-you look p-pretty, by the way." He looked at something in the distance.

I smiled at the compliment. It sounded really odd coming out of his mouth but I decided not to question it.

"Thank you."



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