《Smoke (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)》Chapter 22


(Y/n) POV

Once we had arrived, Katsuki, had woken me up. I felt a bit groggy but it was all soon swept away by the feelings of pure excitement. I was about to meet Best Jeanist, and I wanted to make the best impression possible. I mean, what would he think if I showed up all angry-looking like the ash blonde beside me?

I waved a quick goodbye to my classmates and walked out alongside the explosive boy.

We made our way out of the train station after some banter on which way to go. We were both new to the area, so I had already anticipated the arguments.

We silently walked along the sidewalk to the agency building, awkward tension building around us in the air.

"So, Baku- I mean, Katsuki?" I made an effort at starting a conversation, hoping it would lead to something less uncomfortable than walking quietly.

"Hm." He grumbled, a calmer tone than usual noticeable in the simple hum.

"Are you excited for the internship? I mean, he is in the top 10 best heroes!"

"I guess so. I just hope it's not a waste of my fucking time." He growled. He seemed to be uninterested so I remained silent, not wanting to irritate him or put him in an even more sour mood than he already was, if that's even possible.

Once we had made it to the tall building, we were greeted by a lovely thin, brown haired woman behind a receptionist desk.

"Hi! How may I help you kids this morning?" She spoke softly, her words edged with a slight curiosity. I mean, what would two, seemingly average, highschool students be doing at a top notch hero agency?

"Who the fuck are you calling ki-" Katsuki cursed before I wrapped a band of solidified smoke around his mouth. Not to tight to hurt him but just enough to shut him up for a bit.


"Excuse him." I smiled politely, slightly embarrassed of the crimson eyed boy's words.

"We're here from U.A. High for our internships."

Her eyes widened slightly.

"Oh! No wonder I recognized your faces from somewhere! I saw you both in the Sports Festival! And then Best Jeanist gave me both your applications! Right this way." She exclaimed.

By this time, Katsuki had already blown the damn smoke band into smithereens, his expression absolutely priceless. I simply giggled, grabbing his arm and dragging him towards wherever she was taking us. The brunette led us into an ordinary looking elevator. She quickly pressed a button with the number '7' engraved on it before we ascended.

"The elevator is quite slow these days. Sorry about that." She blushed, embarrassed.

"Oh, it's fine." I smiled reassuringly.

We all stood in silence, waiting for the awkward ride to end. I looked around, my vision being limited to the people enclosed in the box with me. The woman seemed quite young, her early twenties maybe. She was tall and thin, beautiful long, thick brown hair cascading down her back. Her eyes were a breathtaking shade of light brown with sparse green specs in them. Easy to say, she was truly model material. My eyes then flickered to the angry ash blonde guy standing lazily beside me. His eyes were fixated on the floor, not taking a moment to look at anything else but. His hair, as usual, was spiky and unkept. Somehow, he still managed to look good in it though. His arms were folded around his chest loosely, one leg pressed against the steel wall. He was great to look at, but I turned my eyes back to my shoes, scared that he would find out I was just staring at him like some sort of creep.

I let my thoughts absorb me as I let out a quiet sigh.


Maybe I shouldn't have chosen this agency.

What if I waste my time?

Why is Katsuki being so cold?

Did I do something wro-

My doubts were interrupted by an obnoxious 'ding' and the loud sounds of elevator doors opening.

"Here we are!" The tanned woman spoke. We all shuffled out of the elevator quickly. My skin began to crawl and my stomach churned as nerves completely invaded my body.

I took in deep breath, letting the exhale wash away most of the nerves. I began to shake slightly, the room somehow getting colder than it was before.

"Mr. Jeanist! Your interns from U.A. High have arrived!" The tall girl chirped happily, a wide grin plastered on her face.

She turned to us whilst we waited for him.

"My name is Nagisa Haruhi by the way! It's very nice to meet you both!" She extended her arm toward me, offering her hand which I gladly shook.

Katsuki simply nodded, mumbling a quiet "Whatever."

"Ah yes, the two interns from U.A. High. Bakugou Katsuki and (L/n) (Y/n), correct?" The blonde hero suddenly appeared behind us, giving me a slight startle.

I shook of the small scare, Katsuki and I both nodding in unison.

"Good, now come with me."


"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN I NEED TO GET A HAIRCUT?!" The blonde boy's voice boomed through the office as interns, including me, giggled.

"Your hair is out of control, it needs to be refined. It's that simple." The pro- hero simply stated.

"Fine, but you better not fucking ruin it!" He yelled again, amusing me.

Let'd say that the result had Katsuki furious. His hair had morphed from a spiky, unkept, fluffy mess to a sophisticated, short, side cut.

To make it worse, one of the other interns, male may I add, sat a little too close beside me, only making Katsuki's face redder in rage.

"What do you guys think?" Best Jeanist asked the rest of the interns.

"Another perfect cut, Mr. Jeanist!" The all exclaimed together.


"Now then, I need you both to change into these." He handed us both some tight looking, skinny jeans.

I sweat-dropped, knowing exactly how the hedgehog would react to the news.

"Why the fuck?" He growled loudly.

"Number one, watch your vocabulary. It's not very hero-like to curse like that. Especially at your age. Number two, it's simple branding. Wearing them is a requirement for my interns, or have you forgotten who your boss is?" He retorted smartly, gaining a smirk from my end. I watched as the explosive boy gritted his teeth.

"I chose the wrong fucking agency."


Nagisa took us to our designated changing rooms. Considering the fact that there were no other girls interning this week, it made sense why it'd be so damn organized. I quickly changed into the blue denim, expecting them to be more uncomfortable than they actually were. I walked out, colliding with someone as I closed the door behind me and turned.

"Oh, sorry about that, Katsuki." I smiled sheepishly, embarrassed at how clumsy I could be sometimes.

He looked me up and down, then avoided my gaze, a very light shade of pink dusting his pale cheeks.

We seemed to stand there in silence for what seemed like forever before I interrupted.

"C-can we talk later?" I spoke quietly, hoping he'd heard me so I didn't have to say it again.

"Yeah." He mumbled as we both began walking back.



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