《Smoke (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)》Chapter 21


(Y/n) POV

It was officially the day to leave for our internships and it was an understatement to say that I was pumped. I couldn't wait to meet a pro hero I had admired almost my entire life. It was around 7:30 am when I began walking to the train station. The blonde had insisted he had to go somewhere beforehand and that I 'will fucking go without him'. I was a bit disappointed. Reasonably so since we had been through a few advancements in our 'relationship' and all I wanted to do was be with him. After spending almost the entire day yesterday, wasting time together, we had decided to part ways since I still had to pack up my things. This, of course, left me with time on my hands that I inevitably used to overthink every small detail. I mean, I had so many questions.

What were we?

What did I mean to him?

Was he my boyfriend?

Was I his girlfriend?

Did he want to keep it all a secret?

Or would he like to show everyone that I was now off the market and that it was all his doing?

Would he want more than just kissing?

Would he want to have..

I shook my head rapidly, blushing furiously at the mear thought of being intimate with the explosive, temperamental boy. I took in a deep breath, letting all of the thoughts go with it. Finally entering the train station, I plopped myself down on a wooden bench near the train tracks, setting my black and (f/c) duffle bag close beside me. I waited patiently. No one from my class had arrived yet, which was quite odd for them, seeing as a few of them were much better at time management than me.

I scrolled and played around on my phone, trying to kill time. I was suddenly interrupted by the loud familiar voices of a few people talking.


I looked up, finding myself looking at Midoriya, Uraraka, Mina, Tsuyu, Todoroki, Kirishima, Sero, and, Kaminari. I quickly stood up, wanting to greet them.

"Hey guys!" I spoke cheerfully, waving at them from my spot.

"Oh hey, (l/n)! How are ya?" Kirishima waved back enthusiastically, a big goofy grin plastered on his face.

They all waked toward me, taking their own seats.

"So, where you headed, (l/n)?" The green haired boy asked, taking a seat between me and the pink cheeked, brunette

So adorable!

"Tokyo, I think?" I responded, placing a finger on my cheek.

"Oh, cool! So you're headed to the big city?" Sero, a person I hadn't really talked to before, spoke enthusiastically.

"Indeed I am!" I grinned.

I was suddenly and inexplicably startled by the feeling of someone sitting closely beside me. I looked over to see the yellow eyed, blonde boy fiddling with his fingers.

"Oh, um, hey, Kaminari!" I smiled softly, trying to shove the memories of the Christmas party into the back burner.

His face lit up.

"Oh, Hi (l/n)! How are ya'?" He winked cheekily.

I tried to internalize the cringe I had just experienced, now hoping some other blonde could get his ass over here.

"Good, how bout' you?" I said, gritting my teeth.

"Great!" He simply said, making intense eye contact with me.

Feeling awkward, wanting to exit the conversation, I spoke again, but to everyone this time.

"So where are the others?"

The freckled boy turned to me.

"Oh, they went through different stations, seeing as they live in different areas and have to go different places." He said, kindly. The usual big smile wasn't missing from his face today, something I admired in him.

"Makes enough sense." I mumbled, now focused on another person who was missing.

Where the fuck is h-

My thoughts were interrupted when I spotted a fluff of spiky, ash blonde hair in the crowd of people walking towards us.


I felt a jolt of energy surging through my body. At that moment, there was nothing I wanted to do more than run over to him and kiss him, but I couldn't. I simply sat there with a smile on my face, waiting to see what he would do. He carried with him a black and orange duffle bag, which looked quite heavy.

Did he have rocks in there or something? It was only a week internship..

"Hey, Bakugou!" Kirishima smiled at him, waving him over.

He observed the group, scanning everyone. His eyes stopped on me for a bit longer than they should've, but I doubt anyone took notice of this.

He completely ignored Kirishima, walking over to me. He suddenly stopped in front of Kaminari, staring him down with a glare.

"Move." He barked, more intimidating than ever.

"Aw man, why? There's an empty seat next to Todoroki!" He pointed over at the calm and quiet boy, who was just minding his own business.

"I'M NOT SITTING NEXT TO THAT HALF N' HALF FREAK, NOW MOVE!" He yelled, gaining a few people's attention.

"No." Kaminari, said teasingly, getting on the explosive boy's nerves. Kaminari was nice, but even I was beginning to grow irritated.

"Uh- here, Kaachan. I'll sit next to Todoroki." Midoriya, whom I now believe to be the kindest human on planet Earth, shyly mumbled, getting out of the seat to my left.

"Whatever." Katsuki growled, giving the electric boy one more deadly glare before taking a seat beside me.

"Jeez, what crawled up his ass this morning? Am I right, (l/n)?" The obnoxious boy commented. I felt the need to be cold with him. I didn't want to deliberately be mean though, so I just ignored him.

I looked over at Katsuki, who seemed to be in the process of popping a vain. I, very cautiously, touched his hand, giving him a pleading look that said, 'Don't worry about it.' It seemed to calm him down for the moment.

We sat in silence, only talking when talked to. I wanted nothing more than to get on the damn train and meet Best Jeanist.

"Hey, (l/n), I need to ask you something" I looked at the golden eyed boy curiously.

This also seemed to gain Katsuki's interest since he tensed up and looked over.

"Wanna go to the mov-"

He was cut of by a loud sound.

As if on queue, the train had arrived. Katsuki, who was gritting his teeth, and I, along with a few others, stood up.

I knew exactly what he was about to say, but I would play dumb to spare his feelings.

"Oh! That's my train! Tell me when we come back, okay?"

I smiled softly at him.

He seemed to be disappointed but oddly perseverant.

"Okay! Next time. See ya later!" He waved at me as I made my way onto the train.

"Yeah, sure." I quietly spoke, happy to be out of the situation.

I sat down next to Katsuki, far away from everyone else.

I could see Todoroki, Midoriya, and Mina from afar, but people standing in front of us were blocking their view of us.

"You know what that moron was gonna ask you, right?" Katsuki growled lowly.

"Yeah, but don't worry about it, okay?" I spoke, matching his volume. I rested my head on his shoulder, feeling warmth as his fingers intertwined with mine.

"For now, just rest. We have a long ride ahead of us." I mumbled. I closed my eyes, feeling a bit drowsy as it was still in the early hours of the morning.

I let the darkness consume me as my sleep deprived self got the best of my conscience.



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