《My Abusive Husband|P.JM✔️》End1-22: Regret?


You stood there staring the door where Jimin had exited as fresh tears started overlapping your dried ones. You felt and a hand on your shoulder making you jump slightly. You turned your head to see Jihye. "Y/N..." She said softly. Of course she had heard everything. In fact a lot of people would have heard everything. You didn't realise you were still standing around of many people that were bound to listen since Jimin was the CEO so of course there would have been a lot of attention on him which then went to you as well.

You broke down crying again and Jihye hugged you tightly. She led you to the back of the club to decrease the chances of being overhead but that was still pretty slim since there people everywhere listening attentively. You looked down with red, puffy eyes as Jihye said "That...That was your husband?!"

You slowly nodded. Jihye looked at you in shock and opened her mouth you say something but then closed it again realising now was not best the time. "Umm...can I say a few more things...I know it might not be the time to..." Jihye said nervously. You nodded your head telling her it was alright. "YOU ARE MARRIED TO THE CEO OF KOREA'S LARGEST BUSINESS!"

...Yep, It was certainly not the right time to say that but you understood her shock/excitement. You sighed before nodding again. "Yes" You mumbled. "Yes, Park Jimin is my husband." You looked at Jihye who had a black but also a shocked expression as she took time comprehending what you said.

"Ok...I have been trying to figure who it was that you are married to. I've even tried to get Jaemin to tell me but he won't either. How does that hot CEO just HAPPEN to be your husband?"

You gave her a feeble smile. "I get why you're shocked. I mean everyone probably thought that Jimin and I had never met each other before but actually we went to high school together. I met him there and I immediately fell for him since the moment I saw him. We became a couple and I lived with him for a few years before....before we got married years ago" You wiped your tears as you started getting emotional talking about your marriage.

"So...that means he's Jaemin's father?" Jihye asked. You nodded.

After Jihye finally recovered from her shock, you remembered your own current problems. "Jihye why is this so complicated?"

She gave you a questioning look. "What does that mean specifically?"

You felt your tears start rolling down your cheeks again. Jihye came closer to you and gave you hug seeing you vulnerable like this and you started to cry again. "Why is it that...when Jimin was about to touch me one last time my heart started to race rapidly...but when he didn't my heart dropped? Why is it that when he said 'divorce' I felt my heart shatter into a millions pieces?" You said through your sobs. Jihye let go of you to then put her hands on your shoulder and look at you. "Do still want to be married to him?"


You were lost for words. You never really thought about whether you did or didn't. "I...I've never...really...thought about that. I don't know. Why does divorce sound...scary? Even though it's basically the same thing as not speaking or seeing each other which is what we've been doing for the past 2 years."

Jihye tilted her head, looking at you sympathetically. "Why don't you tell me?" She said trying to get you to realise your own feelings. "I...I don't know...I guess it's because even though we never saw or spoke to each other, Jimin and I were still in a way...connected to each other from our marriage. But...the idea of divorce just sound like...we'll be so far apart from each other and...separated forever."

"But I thought you said you never want to see him again?" Jihye asked. You took a deep breath and let your eyes travel around the room. "I...I know I said that but...that's not what I truly want. I never wanted to leave Jimin in the first place. I never wanted to separate from him...I just felt like I had to. I had to so I wouldn't suffer with him anymore. But...I feel like I'm suffering so much more without him." You looked at Jihye. "Why?"

"Do you still love him?"

You stayed silent for a moment not sure what to reply. "I...I've always loved him" You said quietly as you felt more tears run down your already wet face. "Y/N do you still want to be together with him?"

....Do I?


"J...Jimin...What are you doing?" You asked afraid of the answer. Jimin ignored you and pulled you into the lounge room before harshly throwing you to the floor. He smirked at you and slowly started to remove his belt.

"Did you think I was done with you?"

Before you could react you felt a burning sensation on your left arm making you scream and clutch it in pain. You cried as you looked at the red mark Jimin's belt made.

You had put Jaemin to sleep and you thought that you had escaped being beaten because Jaemin caught the two of you but no...he's still doing it.

"Jimin" You cried. "Jimin please don't-"

You screamed a second time as Jimin hit your leg with his belt. Then another on your arm. Then another on your stomach. You laid in your back crying in pain as he didn't stop.

Jimin glared at you with a look of unforgivingness. He took deep breaths in fury while you took deep breaths trying to control the pain he gave you. He stared at you, his eyes piercing right through you. "You really know how to piss me off Park Y/N!" Jimin yelled and whipped you with his belt again. Hard. Really hard. You threw your head back and screamed as you clutched your right arm and stomach. You felt something warm pool out of your arm and looked to see blood. The pain was extricating. It spread through your whole body. Jimin's leather belt hurt immensely as it made contact with your skin.


"Jimin...Jimin stop! Please!" You begged. "J...Jaemin is still upstairs. Please stop."

You half expected him to simply continue hitting you again but instead he bent down at your level. He smirked at you then slipped his belt under your neck, wrapping your neck around it and pulled you into a sitting position beside him. You couldn't scream as you felt his belt tighten around your neck sucking the air out of your lungs.

He's choking me! I can barely breathe!

Your eyes met Jimin's devilish ones. He didn't look like the man you fell in love with but indeed like the devil. "You made me this angry Y/N, so now you will receive the consequences for it!" Jimin removed the belt from around your neck and you fell down again and took a deep breath of air. You didn't get much time to do so as you felt Jimin's belt attack you again.

Another flashback

You walked out of the bathroom after getting ready for bed and found Jimin standing next to his bedside table. You went up to him and gave him a back hug with a huge smile plastered across your face. Jimin was surprised at your sudden action but then turned around to then wrap his arms around you too. "I missed you baby" He whined and buried his face in your neck. "What took you so long?"

You giggled and said "I was only in the bathroom for a few minutes."

"But that's too long for me" Jimin said cutely and held you tighter. You giggled once again at his behaviour then something on his bedside table caught your eye. "Is that our wedding photo?"

Jimin lifted his head up and looked at it too with one of his arms still around your waist. "Yes it is."

"Jimin we just got married today. How did you get a framed photo of it already? Usually it take ages to get those pictures back" You said as you looked at the picture of you and Jimin which was taken only hours ago.

Jimin smiled at you and pinched your cheek. "I have my ways" He whispered. Jimin leaned forward making your foreheads touch each other. "I can't believe that your my wife now. Not my girlfriend anymore but my wife!" Jimin said excitedly and lifted your feet of the ground to spin you around. You smiled and wrapped your arms around Jimin's neck. "Well you better believe it because you are now my husband which means that I will be beside you forever."

Jimin leaned closer to place a kiss on your lips. "Well I'm glad that you will be beside me forever."

Jimin then pushed you down onto the bed and hovered above you. He started hungrily attacking your lips as if he hadn't given you a kiss in ages. Of course you responded back, closing your eyes and moving your lips along with him with your arms still around his neck. You could never get bored of the feeling of Jimin's lips on yours. It was a feeling unlike any other. It made your heart burst with pleasure and beat rapidly.

After you both were out of breath you finally let go of each other and Jimin laid down next you. You turned your body around towards him. Your faces were extremely close to each other. You could feel Jimin's breath on your skin and you looked in his eyes which were full of love. "Today has been the happiest day of my life. Marrying you" You said softly and intertwined your fingers with Jimin's.

With his other hand, Jimin tucked a strand of hair behind your ear and started moving his fingers around your hair. He put his forehead against yours and said "You are the best thing that ever happened to me Y/N. I don't deserve someone as amazing as you. I love you with all my heart and I cannot breathe without you.

I'm so glad that you are the person that I will spend the rest of my life with."

End of flashback

You put your head in your hands and started to cry again. Everything was just so complicated. You didn't want to go back to Jimin because you knew you would just end up screaming in pain again. But the same time you wanted to go back to him because he was your husband, your first and only love and you only truly felt happy with him.

"Y/N" Jihye said pulling you out of your thoughts. "I've only known you for 2 years and I don't know what happened between you and your husband, but I do know that you have never genuinely been happy ever since I met you. You have always put up smiles for everyone and say that your fine but I know you just want to be with your husband."

You look at Jihye not knowing what to say. "Do you really want to divorce him?" She asked. "N...No...Of course I don't" You said weakly. "Then go tell him that!" Jihye said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Go to him. Go run to him before he's gone. Quickly go after him. You should have chased him the second he walked out that door!"

You turned your head in the direction of the exit where Jimin has left some time ago.

But will I regret it if I run back to you? Will I regret going back into your arms only to be abused again?

Or will I regret not running after you now?

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