《My Abusive Husband|P.JM✔️》End1-19: Do You Miss Me?


How are you?

Are you well?

Do you miss me?

Do you still think about me?

Have you moved on?

You stopped sending me those letters a long time ago

Does that mean you've found someone?

Is there another woman lying next to you right now?

Because there's no one next to me

It's been 2 years and I still think of you

It's been 2 long, hard years and I still can't move on from you

I've tried to

I've tried really hard to find someone else but every time I look at another man my mind goes back to you

I just can't you out of my mind even after all this time

Every time I think of you I remind myself why I left you

So I wouldn't be hurt by you

You sat at the edge of your bed with your head leaning against the headboard. Your hands lay gently on your lap and your eyes gazed down. Imagines of Jimin flashed into your mind unwillingly. You hadn't seen him in 2 years. 2 whole years. At least not in person. You've seen Jimin on the tv, receiving an award for most successful businessman of the year. Jimin has grown his company to being not only the most successful in Seoul but it is now one the most successful in all of Korea. You had seen his picture in newspaper and on social media. His young and stunning looks made him more popular and gave him more attention from many women.

When will I really see you next?

You were so lost in your thoughts you didn't realise someone had entered the room until they sat next to you and tapped your shoulder. "Hey Y/N, you ok? You look really down." You turned your head and sighed. "I'm fine Kook."

"Really?" Jungkook said and raised an eyebrow. He'd heard that too many times to believe it anymore. You gave in and said "Have I ever been since that day?"

Jungkook sighed and mumbled "True." Jungkook put a hand at the back of your head and pulled you towards him. You closed your eyes and rested on him. You both stayed silent for a moment until Jungkook broke it. "Hey aren't you supposed to be getting ready for that big celebration thing you have to go to soon?"

"Oh yeah" You remembered. "I should probably change should'nt I?"

"Knowing how long you take to get ready you should have started ages ago!" Jungkook rolled his eyes making you giggle. You got up from the bed to change as Jungkook exited the room. Today was a celebration for your company's success in making a deal with another and the project you were both working on was now complete. It was big celebration with everyone from both companies meeting at a rented hall.

You got dressed, styled your hair and put your make up on.

Just as you finished Jungkook entered your room again. "Woah Y/N, you look stunning" He said and gave you hug. You laughed then said "Shouldn't you be hugging your girlfriend instead of me?"


"Well for starters she's obviously not here. And I would be hugging her right now if you didn't call me over to babysit Jaemin" Jungkook said and pinched your cheek.

After you had accepted the fact that you weren't ever going to see Jimin nor ever be able to get over him, you started to try and set Jungkook up with a few people. And luckily it worked out with a colleague of his who he now lives with in her apartment.

"You should propose to her!"

Jungkook choked on the air at what you said. "I'm sorry what?!"

"Propose" You repeated.

"Y/N I've only dated her for a year and a half" Jungkook said not expecting you to ask such a question. "Still, I think she's a really good person. Don't loose her!"

"I know that but why would I propose to her now? You and Jimin dated each other for over 2 years before he proposed."

Your smile faded away at the mention of Jimin. You really missed him. You wanted to see his smile and his face and hear his voice again in person. Jungkook noticed your sudden change in mood and quickly apologised. "I'm sorry Y/N. I probably shouldn't have said that."

"No it's ok" You said and looked down. It had been such a long time without him and you wondered whether he still thought about you as much you did about him. "Do...Do you think...he's...found someone else?" You asked in a small voice. Jungkook put a hand on your shoulder. "If he did, I think he would have asked for a divorce by now." It's true your still legally married to him. Even after all this time. You just don't talk or see each other anymore. You still wear your wedding ring with you, it was the only real memory of him.

"One more question just out of curiosity, what company did yours make the deal with?" Jungkook asked. You thought about it for a moment. You had completely forgetten what the name was. "Shit...I forgot" You mumbled.

"Language!" Jungkook scolded. You rolled your eyes and smiled. Jungkook held your hand. "Come on, I'll drop you there." You and Jungkook made your way to the car along with Jaemin since he can't be left at home alone. Once you got there you went out of the car and waved goodbye. "Bye Mummy!" Jaemin said and waved at you.

"I'll see you tomorrow Sweatheart, make sure you go to sleep soon." You said goodbye to Jungkook too then went inside.

You were immediately greeted by a live band playing and many, many people. You walked your way through everyone until you found your good friend. "Jihye!" You called out. She turned her head around and a smile formed on her face at the sight of you. She immediately came up to you. "Your finally here."

"Yep, did I miss out on anything?"

"Yes!" Jihye said in an excited tone. "What?" You raised an eyebrow. "Have you seen the CEO of the other company? He's. Freaking. Gorgeous."


You laughed at her excited manner. "Oh come on, I think your overreacting." Jihye frowned. "He is gorgeous! He's more than gorgeous. He's so hot!"

You rolled your eyes. "Just because you don't have a boyfriend that doesn't mean you have to drool over every good looking guy."

Jihye crossed her arms. "And just because you've separated from your husband that doesn't mean you have to think bad about every other guy!"

You sighed.

"You still haven't shown me who your husband is" Jihye said.

"Because Jihye, I don't see him anymore! How can I show you?"

"You could at least tell me his name. I've been dying to see who your married to. I've even tried to fish it out of Jaemin but he won't tell me either!"

Now you crossed your arms. "Jihye we've been over this. I don't want to talk about him."

She rolled her eyes. "Come on, I'll prove to you how hot the other company's CEO looks!" Jihye grabbed your wrist and started dragging you over to where your boss was sitting at a table along with many other co-workers from both companies.

You didn't go over to them but stood at a far distance not wanting to interrupt. Jihye pointed out. "That's him! Mr Park!"

You gasped as you saw the man sitting next to your boss.

I wasn't paying attention to anything that was being said. I was sitting next to Mr Jung, the CEO, along with a few of our employees. I wasn't listening to what they were saying. I couldn't focus on what they were saying. Whenever I'm not strictly working I can't do anything else expect think about Y/N. I wonder where she is. I wonder how she is.

I excused myself from the table and walked over to the bar and sat on a stool. I put my elbow on the bench and rested my head on my hand. I just wanted to be alone for a few minutes.

Today is a special day. I wonder if Y/N remembers. I wonder if she still thinks about me. Do you miss me? Because I still miss you. Like crazy. I feel like I've gone insane when I'm not at work and I'm alone in the house. Work has just been a distraction for me. A distraction for me to get my mind off Y/N. I gave myself so much work that I've now made my company one of the most successful in Korea. But still...success isn't happiness. It isn't the happiness that I lost a long time ago with my family. I just want to see Y/N. I don't want to be here. I don't want to do anything. I just want to hold Y/N again. I run my fingers through my hair in frustration. This is crazy. I'm going insane. I can't do this. I want this to stop. Thinking about you rips and tears me apart. I want to forget you. I want to hate you. I looked down and sighed.

"~But you're my everything (You're my)

Everything (You're my)

Everything (You're my)

Jebal jom kkeojyeo Uh

Please go away huh

Mianhae (I hate you)

I'm sorry (I hate you)

Saranghae (I hate you

I love you (I hate you)


Forgive me~"

I sang to myself quietly feeling tears build up in my eyes already. I want to say these words to Y/N. I want her hear this. I want to hate her for leaving me like this but at the same time want to love her the way I used to again.

I looked up to a woman sit down next to me and face me. She was quiet attractive, with long brown hair wavy hair and she was wearing a red long dress with a V cut at the neck. "I didn't know you could sing Mr Park" She said seductively. I knew she was from the other company since she wasn't one of my employees. "Sohee" She said introducing herself.

I gave her a feeble smile and said "Nice to meet you. And yes I do sing sometimes. I've been making a few songs of my own."

"Really?" She asked leaning forward with her elbow on the bench. I could already tell what she was trying to do and I'm sick of other women trying to seduce me. Although I have tried to date someone else a few times I just can't get over Y/N. Nevertheless it would be rude to just walk away. It's not like I was falling for her tricks anyway.

Sohee smiled. "Wow that's very impressive. You write songs yourself?"

"Yes I do" I smiled slightly embarrassed. "Wow" Sohee mouthed. "Have you ever thought about being an idol? You'd be amazing. You can sing and your absolutely charming." Sohee moved her hand closer to mine. I eyed her hand which getting closer but didn't move my own. I shook my head and gave a small smile. "No. No I couldn't."

"Why not?"

"Because...I feel like if I did, I would break down on stage every time I sing."

Sohee stayed silent for a moment. Then she tilted her head. "Have you written these songs for a certain someone?"

"Yes" I replied.


I paused before looking down at my hand on my lap which had my wedding ring on my finger. "My wife" I said. "It's for her. I haven't seen her in a long time and I really want to, so I can sing to her all my songs. I can't stop thinking about her. I keep wondering when I will see her next so she can listen to my feelings that I've put into lyrics." Sohee looked down for moment slightly disappointed since she obviously had different thoughts which I just crushed at the mention that I already had a wife.

I stayed silent and looked around. And as if my prayers were answered I spotted her. My eyes widened and I didn't believe it. I felt my heart race faster. No. It can't be. How is that possible? After all this time I finally found you. It can't be.....


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