《love to die for | mattia polibio》t w e n t y


'mattia polibio, you are under arrest on the suspicion of drug trafficking, distribution and possession of class A drugs.'

'y/n l/n, you are under arrest for the possession of class A drugs.'

you have the right to remain silent.

anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

you have the right to an attorney.

if you cannot afford one, one will be appointed to represent you before any questioning if you wish.

you can decide at any time to exercise these rights and not answer any questions or make any statements.

the ground beneath me was shifting and i felt my vision going blurry.

i could hear mattia calling my name, telling the cops to get off him and that i hadn't done anything wrong, but he felt so far away.

i felt my skin burning at my wrists where the handcuffs rattled and on my arms where the cops had latched onto me, sending shudders through me as vivid images of my history with my dad flashed through my mind.

i didn't struggle or resist. all i could focus on was natalia.

i watched her slowly back away, her arms folded against her chest and tears rolling down her cheeks as if she was fucking innocent.

waves of rage crashed over me, making me increasingly furious upon every hit.

but i remained silent and still as the police stuffed me into the back of a car like i was a fucking rag doll.

i'm going to fucking kill her.

i'm going to fucking kill her.

i'm going to fucking kill her.

the violent thoughts that circled around my mind continued to fuel my aggression and bury my shock and disbelief.

i tuned back into reality for a moment and saw mattia being dragged past the window.


mattia resisted the two officers as much as he could and pulled himself back to the window that i was sitting beside.

'y/n i'm so fucking sorry for fucking everything, it's all my fault and you don't deserve any of this shit.' he yelled, 'but i fucking love you, don't worry, everything's gonna be alright.' his shouting faded out as he was violently dragged away.

i fell into a state of shock, and began sobbing, feeling as if i was puking out my heart as i thought about how that may be the last time that i'd see his big hazel eyes.

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