《love to die for | mattia polibio》s i x t e e n


'hello?' i heard nat's voice burst from mattia's phone after he pressed speaker.

'nat, hey, what's going on, are we in the clear yet?' mattia spoke.

'uh yeah.. i mean yes. the police were just going door-to-door. they don't know it was you guys.' she stuttered.

she sounded nervous.. on edge. i figured that she was still just a little overwhelmed.

'natalia, breathe.' i said 'everything's gonna be okay.' i tried to reassure her.

i heard her produce a loud sigh.

'yeah, it's going to be fine.' she said with more confidence.

'so where can i meet up with you guys?' she said.

'come to us now-' i began saying before i was interrupted.

'no- i mean nah its cool we can meet up with you tomorrow morning.' mattia said.

i looked at him confused.

'trust me' he whispered.

'i- um. are you sure you don't want me to get you guys like now?' nat said.

i felt mattias big hazel eyes burning into me as i looked down into the phone.

i looked up and held eye contact with his pleading eyes for a few moments.

'hello?' said nat.

'yeah, um we'll see you tomorrow nat, just make sure you keep close to your phone.' i said.

'okay well stay safe.' nat said.

'will do natalia, bye.' said mattia, strangely eager to end the conversation.

after he had put his phone away, our eyes met and i raised a brow at him.

'so... where are we gonna go all night?' i said.

a smirk spread across mattias face like butter.

'you remember the night we met, right?' he said, with a playful undertone.

'of course i do, it wasn't even that long ago now that i think about it.' i laughed, thinking about how much had happened and how fast.


'true.' he laughed, 'well, either way, that means you definitely remember when i asked you to spend a night going around the city with me and you fucking rejected me bruh.' he said.

i burst out laughing.

'oh yeah.' i giggled, 'i'm sorry about that.'

'well you can make it up to me because that's exactly what we're gonna do tonight.' he laughed.

in that moment i felt masses of adrenaline coursing through my veins.

i grabbed mattias face and pulled him close.

'you know what? let's fucking do it.' i said.

a huge smile proliferated on his face and i could see the reflection of stars in his eyes.

he held my face in return.

'let's fucking do it.'

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