《love to die for | mattia polibio》t h r e e



'y/n please.' he said putting on a cute face.

my stomach felt funny everytime he said my name. it sounded different coming out of his mouth.

'i've known you for like 20 minutes, mattia. and besides, i have places to be, so bye.'

i began heading back towards the main streets when i felt him grasp my shoulder. i felt something strange where his hands had connected with me, a kind of, spark.

i looked dead into his big brown eyes, 'let go of me.' i said firmly and shook him off me.

i continued on my way, leaving mattia in the alleyway. just like that. i texted my mom and told her i was okay and texted natalia telling her that i was 10 minutes away.

for some reason i couldn't get mattias image out of my mind. i felt bad, he genuinely seemed as if he wanted to take me somewhere. not to mention the fact that he stopped me from being caught beneath the feet of a thousand demonstrators.

i kept replaying our conversation in my mind and before i knew it i was at nat's house.

natalia's house wasn't the.. biggest. it was quite damaged and wasn't in the best neighbourhood but it was okay because it felt like a second home and it was comfortable. natalias family were just less well off.

i knocked on the door and after she opened it, nat threw herself into my arms. i returned her energy and squeezed her tight.

'i was worried about you y/n, why are you so late.'

'it's a long story, i'll explain later' i said, smiling to her as we walked into the kitchen.

as soon as i entered, the smell of fresh pasta wrapped itself around me.

natalia's family was italian and her mother's food was honestly to die for.


when i spotted her, i embraced angelica in a warm hug. she was practically my second mother.

after putting my purse on natalia's bed upstairs, we sat down and ate dinner with her two younger brothers and mom. their dad had passed away 4 years ago, so her mom served as a single mother, just like mine.


that evening me and nat talked for hours before we finally went to sleep.

i told her about what had happened with the protestor guy and she laughed.

'he sounds crazy' she said.

'he was crazy.' i laughed.

'what did you say his name was again though.'

'uhhh, i said i couldn't remember his name.' i lied.

i don't know why i lied, i just wanted a piece of him for myself, something about him only i'll ever know.

'ragazze! colazione!' nat's mom called us for breakfast.

i yawned and dragged myself out of bed, followed by nat.

'mom said some of my cousins are coming over later, that cool with you?'

'yeah it's fine.' i said.

i've met most of natalia's cousins before. gianluca was my favourite by far, he was so cute i just wanted to eat him.

just after we had finished breakfast, nat and i were playing gta when we heard a knock on the door.

'i'll get it.' i said.

i carefully unlatched the door and pulled it open. when i raised my gaze to see which of nat's cousins it was, i gasped.

i couldn't believe the tall figure that stood before me, staring into my eyes and smirking.

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