《The Fourth Friend (An Amphibia Story)》Part 1: Welcome To Amphibia


Skylar's P.O.V

'Hurry up and wake up Sky' Sasha says as she barges into my room.

'Noooooooo, sleep is more important than school' I grumble, hiding my head under my pillow. 'And how many bloody times have I told you to knock Sash'

'Maybe I'll start knocking when you start waking up on time' she remarks as she pulls the quilt off of me and takes my pillow away.

'Ok fine, I'm up, I'm up, what's with you today?' I ask as I stretch out a bit.

'Have you seriously forgotten what today is?' She facepalms.

'Sasha we've been over this, my brain does not function properly in the morning' I explain. 'Or for most of the day for that matter' I whisper.

'It's Anne's birthday today you dummy' Sasha exclaims.

'Oh shoot! I still need to get her a present!' I panic a little as I rush around my room packing my bag.

'I know you said that your brain isn't working but here's the plan' Sasha starts. 'I'm going to convince Anne to skip school with me and we can spend the day doing whatever and you can skip last lesson and go find her a present, sound good?'

'Sounds like a plan to me, we don't do anything in P.E anyway, plus I have my last class with Marcy so we can skip together'

'Good luck convincing miss straight A's to skip' Sasha scoffs.

'I have my ways' I smile as I put my bag on my shoulders ready to leave.

'You do realise that you're still in your PJs right?' Sasha deadpans.

'Oh shi-'



'Why do the guys in that class have to be so annoying' I grumble as I walk to the bathroom. I'm about to enter when I hear laughter coming from down the hall.

'Yo Sash sickroom's over here' I hear Anne's voice.

'Forget about the sickroom, forget school, let's get out of here and celebrate your birthday in style' I hear Sasha as well.


'Oof, skip school? I don't know Sash-'

'Anne this is your thirteenth birthday, you only get one of these. So let's make it the best birthday in the history of birthdays'

I poke my head around the corner and approach the two.


'C'mon Anne have a little fun, it is your birthday after all' I say as I give Anne a side hug.

'When did you get here? You know what never mind that, let's do this. but I gotta be home by six though, my parents are throwing a big party for me and they REALLY want me to be there'

'Sure thing Anna-banana' I say with a smile and go to walk away.

'Aren't you coming with us?' Anne asks.

'Nah, I need to get back to History or Marcy is going to kill me' I chuckle.

'Oh ok, cya later dude' Anne calls out as I walk back to class.

I walk into class, pass the teacher the hall pass and take my seat next to Marcy.

'What took you so long? It was just a bathroom trip'

'Crap I didn't even use the bathroom!' I yell as I slam my head on the desk.

'You're so dumb' Marcy deadpans.

'You're not wrong' I mumble.



'C'mon Mar Mar just skip with me and we can go find Anne a present' I persuade.

'For the last time Skylar, no' Marcy groaned as she put her books in her locker.

'It's only P.E, you're just going to be on your Switch the whole time anyway' I continue.

'Yeah but, not doing work is different to not even showing up' she protests.

'Please Mar Mar, for me' I say giving her puppy dog eyes.

'That face makes you look like an idiot and nothing more' she chuckles and closes her locker. 'But my idiot, fine you win let's go' Marcy grabs my arm and pulls me to the exit.


'YES! You're the best Marcy' I cheer.

'I know' she replies with a confident smile.

'LOCKER DOOR, LOCKER DOOR!' I panic as she almost walks into an opened locker.

'That was close' She nervously chuckles.



'Now this is a perfect gift for Anne' I joke as I show Marcy a dog toy which was made to look like a pineapple pizza.

'I mean it is only two dollars, I'm sure Domino would like it' she replies.

'Yeah true, ima get it as a joke but I still need a proper gift' I declare.

Marcy chuckles at my enthusiasm. 'You do you Sky' 'let's try the thrift store next, they usually have something cheap and cool' Marcy suggests.

'Sounds good to me' I confirm. I go and pay for the dog toy then follow Marcy downtown.

After a few minutes of walking me and Marcy finally get to the thrift store.

'How about a frog music box for the frog lover' I joke.

'Actually that looks pretty cool, let me send Sasha a pic'

I walk over to Marcy and lean on her shoulder while I look at her phone. Marcy rolls her eyes at my action.

'She says that her and Anne are on their way'

'I guess we should just wait outside then' Marcy nods at my suggestion and we go find a bench out the front of the store.



'Took you two long enough' I joke at Sasha. 'Fifteen minutes I think'

'Oh Shush you' Sasha says annoyed 'so where is this thing' she turns to Marcy.

'Well it's inside but...' Marcy started but I wasn't really paying attention, not after I saw Anne's face.

'Hey, what's wrong? And what happened to being home by six?' I ask while wrapping my arm around her shoulder.

'Huh? Oh nothing, and it's not important...' she mumbles.

'You know you can't lie to me Anne' she didn't reply. '*sigh* ok, I won't pry for details but you do know that you can talk to me right?'

'Yeah I know, thanks Sky that means a lot' she smiles a little and that's all I was after.

'Anytime' I give her one last hug and then turn back to the group.

'Ok so here's the plan, Anne you'll go in and steal the music box and then we'll all head to the park'

'What! Steal it, are you nuts?!' I exclaim completely shocked at my sister's suggestion.

'You don't have a problem with that do you Anne' Sasha says in more of a statement rather than a question.

'O-of course not' Anne replies as she enters the store.

Anne takes a deep breath, picks up the music box and looks at us. Sasha gives her the thumbs up, Marcy looks neutral and I give her a sad smile. I could tell that she really didn't want to do this. Nevertheless Anne put the music box in her bag and left.

The four of us were now at the park huddled around Anne and the box.

'You gonna open it or not?' Sasha asks.

'Right, right, on it' Anne says.

Anne opens the box and then I see a flash of colours and then just darkness.


'Wake up Skylar' I faintly hear someone say. 'Skylar wake up, '. Sasha.


'Oh thank god you're ok' she says while pulling me into a hug.

I chuckle and hug her back 'I'm glad you're ok too' I finally look at my surroundings to see that both me and Sasha are in some sort of prison cell. 'Where are we?'

'I can answer that' an unknown voice answers my question. I look closer and see two terrifying eyes, one green, one blue. 'Welcome to Amphibia creatures'



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