《Always With You (Completed)》Chapter 11


Nandini turned her face to Navya, biting her lips, covering face with her hand, asking Navya what to do(with gestures and expressions). Manik came to her and asked her to turn her face around. She didn't. Manik tried to pull her face his side but she stayed stiff. Manik finally made Nandini to turn her face around. Nandini smiled broadly.

Manik - What's wrong? Why are you behaving strangely?

Nandini - Nothing, nothing.

Manik - Sure? (lifting a brow)

Nandini - yup.

Manik - okay, if you say so. By the way, for how long are you guys going to stay here. Just one lecture is left for today, you all wanna attend that or not?

Navya - Ours free.

Dhruv - And, we are not in a mood to attend it.

Manik - Okay, then let's go out. I think we should not stay here.

They all went to the outdoor basketball court. Nandini was not speaking at all.

Manik - Guys, how about we all go out for celebrations tonight. I have good news worth celebrating.

Nandini - (excitedly) Sure. Why not! Let's go, guys(winked at them)

All - okay. let's go.

Manik - Fine then, you all be ready by 6. I and Kabir will bring our cars.

All - Okay.

Nandini - (to herself with a sigh) Thank god.

Manik (bent down and in Nandini's ear) Very bad. I know everything.

Nandini turned to Manik and kept on looking at him and got pissed. All boys started playing basketball.

Mukti - (got the ball) We also want to play.

Manik, Kabir, Dhruv, Abhimanyu - NO!

Mukti - But we...

Kabir, Dhruv - Mukti, try to un.... Abhimanyu - Guys, let me...(he went forward in full attitude with a clever gaze) Mukti(angrily and loudly), come let's play(with a broad smile)

Manik, Dhruv, Kabir - ARGH!!!!

Suddenly, it became boys VS girls. And boys won in the end, but they were astonished to see girls playing soo well. They went to their dorms to get ready at 4 pm. Except Manik and Kabir, others went to get some gifts for Nandini by 4:30 and returned within an hour.

At 6 pm, boys reached at gate of girls dormitory and when they came, they all left together. They all went to a restaurant and booked a private dining area there. Manik arranged a cake and then they ordered. They all were quite happy. Nandini cut the cake and they all started eating. They were enjoying a lot.


Kabir - By the way, Mr. Manik, didn't you have a good news? Tell us quickly.

Manik - Sure. But first, I have a question for a few of you. Dhruv, Abhimanyu, Alia, Mukti, would you guys like to develop some games and software together? I am going to establish my company soon and I want my first work to be a game with my friends.

They all looked at each other surprisingly and then turned to Manik together and said...

Dhruv, Alia, Abhimanyu, Mukti - Let's do it!!!!!!

They all started smiling and laughing as they were very happy.

Nandini - Come on, let's give a toast to Manik.

They all raised their wine glasses and drank wine at same time. They took their seats and started eating again. Kabir and Manik were not drinking much then Dhruv got up to pour in their glasses. Nandini pulled their glasses back and....

Nandini - They both have to be sober as they have to drive. You keep on drinking.

Dhruv - Okay, as you say Ms.

Navya got a call from her father. She got tensed and picked the call.

Navya - Hello?

Randeep - I wanna meet him right now!

Navya - huh? but dad it's 7:30 now. How....

Randeep - I don't care, what time it is. I wanna meet him now. I am texting you the venue. Come there with him or just send him there. By 8 pm sharply.

Navya - Dad, dad....da....(she shaked her head crazily)

Kabir - What happened now?

Navya - Dad wants to meet you, right now.

Kabir - What? but.... ARGH...

Nandini - (spanked on Kabir's arm) Go, meet uncle.

Kabir - Girl, have you gone crazy? huh? I have never met him before. I don't know what he likes, what he dislikes. What if I make any mistake and he rejects me. What will I do then?

Nandini - My god! Are you really Kabir. You are afraid of being reject. Come on, boost your confidence man. You are my brother. What will people say?

Kabir - Done? Done? Girl, I am not a 5 year kid who will do anything with your little buttering. Got it?

(turned to Navya) yah, so where should I meet him?


They all started staring Kabir and Nandini hit him.

Navya - Wait, let me check. (while reding the message) My goodness. Dad is in the same restaurant.

Kabir - What? (after a deep breath) Okay, let's go.

Navya and Kabir collected their stuff to leave. Kabir was getting quite nervous. He hugged Nandini....

Kabir - Sorry, I am leaving so soon. I hope you wouldn't be angry.

Nandini - It's okay. I will be angry only if you would get rejected. Don't be nervous. You're my bro. (while patting him) Go now.

All - All the best.

Navya and Kabir took the lift and went to 5th floor and met Navya's dad.

Kabir - Hello, uncle.

Navya - (hugged her dad) See, he...

Randeep - Take your seats.

They sat down. Randeep ordered for all. They all were silent till they were served.

Randeep - Soo.... Your name?

Kabir - (confidently with a slight serious smile) Kabir, Kabir Dhawan.

Randeep - Your age?

Kabir - 22

Randeep - 22? And you in same year as Navya? Did you failed any class?

Kabir - No, I am doing Business Management for the second time. I am graduated from Business Management and Technology university in U.S.

Randeep - Then, why doing again?

Kabir - (after a broad smile) I came here for my sister but is staying here for your daughter.

Randeep - Your sister?

Kabir - Your daughter's best friend.

Navya - Ya, he is Nandini's brother.

Randeep - Okay, Have you ever done business before or attended any business meetings?

Kabir - Yes, a lot.

Navya - Dad, how do you know?

Randeep - I am a business man too. He is sitting here like I am here to give my contract and he is persuading me to give my contract to him only. (with a broad smile)

Navya - Okay.

Randeep - Your job or occupation?

Kabir - I am a business man. Buying shares of others is my favourite thing. I am waiting for my degree for Hotel Management.

Randeep - Great. And what about your family members?

Kabir - A sweet loving sister, a loving and caring Mamu(uncle) and if you agree your daughter will join soon. (with a bright smile)

Randeep - And Your parents?

Kabir - Actually, (sighs) they died in a car accident years ago.

Randeep - ohh... Sorry.

Kabir - (with a smile) It's okay. You didn't knew about this before.

Randeep - Will it be possible to meet your family right now?

Kabir - Nandini is here. She can come but don't know if mamu could come. Let me call him.

(calls Manish, he answered the call)

Kabir - Hello, Mamu. Where are you?

Manish - What a coincidence. I was about to call you. I am in a hotel in the city for a meeting. I just got freed and thought I saw you on a table. And then thought I must be mistakenend. One minute, are you wearing a black jacket?

Kabir - yes

Manish - White jeans?

Kabir - yes

Manish - white sports shoes?

Kabir - yess (he smiled and looked around) But where are you?

Manish - wait, I will come there.

Kabir - okay.

Manish went to their table. Kabir was happy to see him and hugged him. Navya was totally shocked. Manish and Randeep too hugged each other. Seeing this, Navya was more shocked and confused.

Randeep then hugged Kabir...

Navya - Manish uncle!!?? What's going on? Will someone explain me?

Randeep - you keep quite. Manish, I have to say, your nephew is really nice. I wonder what your daughter be like. Kabir, i asked you to call her here.

Kabir - sure. (he called Nandini and pursuaded her to come there)

Nandini told others that she would be back soon and left.

Nandini reached them and was totally surprised. She started smiling. She hugged Manish.

Nandini - hello Randeep uncle.

Randeep - hello beta(childg. And happy birthday.

Nandini - thank you.

Navya - huh? What's happening. Nandini, you know dad? H... Ho.. How??

Nandini - dad? Randeep uncle is you dad?

Nandini and Navya both got confused and were not getting anything. Others made them sit first.

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