《Always With You (Completed)》Chapter 1


At 6 am, the phone rang and that was video call, didn't woke. It rang for the second time, and finally the call is answered.

The person on phone - You are still sleeping. Quick get up, to be Mrs. Manik Malhotra. (still didn't got up) Fine, I will be right there Nandini.

Nandini - NO Manik, (while getting up) See, I got up. ok?

Manik - Good girl, Now get ready fast, we have to leave at 8 am. And I and dad will be at your house at 7 am. Your dad asked to have a good meal together before leaving.

Nandini - Really, he just need excuses to keep us together. Forget it, I'll be down soon. Bye. See you.

Nandini got ready and directly moved to the dining area. Her father, Manik and his father were already there waiting for her.

Manish - Nandini, you are late.

Nandini - sorry dad(while hugging him). And Good morning!

Manish - Good Morning

Nandini - Good Morning Uncle(Raj Malhotra), Good Morning Manik.

Raj and Manik - Good Morning.

Manish - Let's eat. And yes, you two eat more, we don't know if you will get good meal at college or not. Then you will miss it.

Nandini - Dad, we are just going to the college. If we would not get good meal, we will eat outside. Simple.

Raj - Come on Nandini, that food is not healthy. That's why we were saying to get admitted to a nearby college but both of you refused.

Manish - Hey, it's still not too late. They can still get admitted there. I am going to call the principal. He will get all the arrangements done.

Manik and Nandini - Enough, we would not go to the college of this city.

Raj - But you still haven't told us the reason!!


Nandini - Uncle, who told you and dad to hold such a grand engagement ceremony. Every single person of this city and some from outside knows that I and Manik are engaged. You know, only paparazzi don't know this thing till now. Otherwise, whole state would know that.

Manish and Raj - What?? You should be happy. Now, no boy or girl will come after you!! This is called being far sighted.

Manish - So, I will call, that you two are getting admitted to nearby college. So, they can make arrangements.

Nandini - When did we say that. Dad.....

Manik- Nandini!! Stop it.

Manish - That's like a good boy.

Manik - They will never understand.

Manish - Huh???

Raj - Okay, forget it.

They continued to eat. Suddenly,

Manish - By the way, I just noticed this. Nandini, Manik where are your rings? We asked you to not remove it. And for that we made you wear two rings each.

Manik and Nandini - oh... See one is in right hand's ring finger and here's the other one(while showing chain over neck with a ring in it).

Raj - Good!!

Manish - Nandini, K.D called me yesterday and he said that he will be back soon and has already got admitted to the same college as you two.

Nandini - Really?? That's great. But dad even if he would be in front of me how would I recognize him. After all, I haven't seen him from five years. Dad, send me his pic.

Manish - Girl, I can't. K.D took promise from me that I will not show his pic to you. He wants to see if you can recognize him.

Nandini - No problem, Dad you have to promise me also that you will not send him any of my pictures. Let's see, if he can recognise me or not.


Manish - OK. I promise.

Manik - Nandini, If I am not wrong K.D is your cousin right?

Nandini - Yes, my one and only brother.

K.D is Nandini's aunt's son. He lost his parents in a car accident and went abroad to study. He has a whole great company under his name. But as he was young, the company is handled by Manish and Raj. Now, his only relatives is Manish and Nandini. He is very possessive regarding Nandini as she is her only sister. Nandini is also possessive about him.

After breakfast, all started to get luggage in the car. Manik and Nandini were leaving for the college.

Raj - Manik, Nandini Take care of yourself as well as each other.

Manish - Take care.

They hugged each other and Manik Nandini got into the car. Manik was driving while Nandini sat beside him. They left. There was traffic on the way. They were waiting for green signal while on other lane there was a big crowd. Suddenly, Nandini covered Manik's eyes. She covered window from her side.

Manik - Is there any car accident victim??

Nandini - Yes(while taking her hand off Manik's eyes hesitatingly)

Manik - It's okay. Hey, you really care about me that much. Impressive.

Nandini - Don't be flattered. Look straight. And yes don't call me To be Mrs. Manik Malhotra. It's not good.

Manik - OK, I will try.

Nandini - huh? okay, okay forget it.

They were near college when Nandini get off the car and took a taxi to college.

Manik - Be careful. Text me when you will reach college and then dorms.

Nandini - OK, Now, we will just be strangers. bye.

Manik - Bye

Nandini left, Manik too drove off the car. They both reached college and then their dorms. The dorms have capacity of 4 students. But they both caught eyes of many as they are very attractive, beautiful.

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