《TECHNICALLY-NOT IN LOVE(Completed✅✅)》Part 9


I can't see her crying.Even I don't want her to stop because the pain which she is enduring should come out

I didn't stop her but when I couldn't tolerate more I stopped her and explained

Like a small kid she is lending her ears

She did not exaggerate

I want her to annoy and shoot me glares but now I'm also not in a state to mock her

I left with her gaze on my back

At other time I would feel happy but today she is gazing just because she is in trauma

I wish I can skip the time and make her happy.

Her tears pricking the last piece of my broken heart

I wiped my tears and went away

Day is getting bright I just wish the same dawn in our lives with Amrutha bright smile

Those bastards should get punished...

They do not have right to live

Many can loose their senses in alcohol but it doesn't mean they can force a girl in such a harmful way

They will get punished for sure...I will use my all business tactics in punishing them

For the first time I'm using my business profile but I'm not regretting because I know whatever I'm doing is perfectly alright..They had already taken her statement so no worries.I saw her how hardly she voiced about the terrible incidents. Sometimes her breath got stuck in words.

I decided

Only thing I need to heed is about Amrutha physical and mental health

After sid eluded I got relieved and felt happy as they were not successful

The pain they gave is hell then what about the girls who faced their complete physical abuses



A:Varsha!!How did I get saved

Nurse in my ward answered me instead of varsha

N:Yesterday night around 1am sid sir brought you here in ambulance mam.Actually when you are in the bus sir had seen and chased the bus and informed to police.Cops were late to reach the spot so sid sir fought with them and saved

In the process he got injured near his hand but thankfully its very minor

Mam sir loves you alot..He is not in a state to speak then.We all got frightened to reach sir.He is not ready for first aid even then cops asked him to do.So he agreed


He got injured because of me

Oh no how is he now?

I am an idiot I didn't care anything

Meanwhile I saw cops entered

I just nodded and started explaining everything now I know how it pricks to explain each and every detail including their torture of licking to kissing

Ewww!!!!I just can't take it more

I don't want to say

I started crying making high noise.They tried to calm down but my inner tumorials were nowhere to calm

They called sid

Sid held my shoulders giving me huge support

No never I want someone to go through these all...

I started narrating each and everything to them they are writing.My nerves twisting remembered my helplessness and terrible night glimpse giving me goosebumps and fear to me

Somehow I completed the worst narration of my life.I feel relaxed now after the outburst of continuous crying

I just hope no girl should go through this...

Cops left

I saw sid standing beside me

With that I again started sobbing

He held my hand

I don't know what to say further

Medications made me to sleep


I again opened my eyes to see my mom crying and my father stood with his hand on her shoulder

We are crying like no end

Arey auntyji don't cry na please

I saw sid consoling ma

Thank you son!!I am always grateful to you

S:hat's so big deal aunty she is the one who fought with them bravely not me

Anyhow leave the evocation

My dad patted his shoulder

With sad pout he is trying to light the situation

My mom blushed and hit his hand playfully

I laughed at his oldie flirty talks

First time I ever smiled at his flirty talks to other women

I saw vignesh coming with two elderly people with him I recognized them as Amrutha parents as I have seen their family pics together

I saw aunty crying endlessly and uncle he stood stubborn but I can see pain in his eyes...He is strong pillar to Amrutha

She loves him alot

She is indeed dad's little girl

She always used to miss her dad in the college


2days holidays are enough for her to jump into her home town

I somehow wanted to feel them comfortable so I tried to crack a joke and it bursted well

I didn't have anything since yesterday night.I was not in a mood to have anything

Varsha and sandeep left saying they will again come in the evening but I don't want to leave so I asked vignesh to bring my clothes

Varsha scolded me for not having anything. Its been more than 12 hours since I had my food...

While going I remembered uncle and aunty too didn't have anything

So I dragged myself to hospital canteen and ordered food for myself and to them.

I saw ammu sleeping.So slowly I convinced them to have food...

Finally they have completed their lunch with my flirty talks making them chuckle

Later I sent them to ammu flat and I sat near ammu who is sleeping like a cute baby

16 hours completely changed everything. Havoic created in our life is no less than cyclone

My hand is still paining but it's better than before

Slowly I dozed off on the chair after a dreadful day.

I again saw close of the day

Still ammu is sleeping

I went for walk while I came back I heard some voices in Amrutha room

I saw a tall man with a gym body facing his back to me standing.

Sid!!Where were you?

Varsha questioned

Again my attention drifted to the man standing now his face revealed to my blow

He glared me hard

I looked at Amrutha who is holding his hand and blinked her eyes

He again diverted his concentration to Amrutha

She passed a feeble smile to me

I am standing near the bus stop for my cab as I missed the bus because of that srishanth scene in the college

I flabbergasted by someone push

I saw Amrutha hugged me tightly



I excitedly got prepared for going out with her

I don't know about the bubble of happiness till I meet Amrutha

I had many dates but this is not even a date still I feel bubbles in the pit of my stomach



I need to go for a body checkup

I made my way to the bus stop where I used to wait for her.I messaged her to come out but she is nowhither.I am waiting for her along with the mosquitoes and flies kissing me every exposed part

I called her then it got engaged

May be she remembered a creature is waiting for her desperately she called back

Oh wow mam!!Finally you recognized me.Greatttt......

Sid!!Meet me in the canteen

Now??!!We are getting late come

I want you to meet someone idiot.Come soon

I shrugged off and reached canteen waiting for her till perpetuity

God this girl!!

Hey sid!!!

What made you this time to reach?

Sorry Sid!!Let me introduce him


I raised my eyebrows

The happy bubbles which were roaming got blasted by a single pronoun "him"


Hey come come

She waved her hand to someone who is now coming towards us

He is the reason I'm late.We got engaged in


I can't take this

I don't know if I love her or not but surely I like her

Nooo.You did not tell me you are engaged Amrutha Mathur

Shut your mouth for a while sid.I said I got engaged in a conversation with him

A big reassurance

I'm breathing now


Who is he?

How he know my Ammu

Meanwhile tower reached our table

A:Hey meet him.He is sid

Hello!!She told me about you lot of times

I smirked at the mention he know me as Amrutha told him

But sorry!!I don't know about you anything. As she never apprise me about your existence

I saw the tower face turned to awkward smile

My ego satisfaction

Ammu glared me and I gave I don't care look

Sid!!Meet arnav....


Flashback end:

Nurse snapped at us

We all left the room in line like School kids going out

Varsha,vignesh and sandeep sat in the visitors room

I went out and saw arnav is talking in a call

I don't want a brawl in hospital as he would do it for sure if we have a conversation

Sid!!Thank you for saving her but stay away from her....

I heard him in a stern voice


Guys so new entry arnav

Next update soon

Lots of love indebited❤


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