《TECHNICALLY-NOT IN LOVE(Completed✅✅)》Part 8


All set to reach aaruku

Sandeep is hell excited to go

We just started our voyage and about to cross city outskirts

We all got a message on group from sid

He is acting weird these days.......

He is more excited than all of us to the trip

After Amrutha joined our team he is always staring or just speaking with banters

Even Amrutha is getting irritated with his extra attention

I know sid as a good guy who never teases girls but about Amrutha it's very different

I thought to confront sid but I did not find time to ask him

However I feel like Sid likes Amrutha

I don't know about his past clearly but I know he got divorced just by thinking about his lost love

I thought to check the message from Sid

Even before we got to see sid message I saw our manager message

Dear team members,

We are cancelling the trip as Amrutha condition is not good.She got physically attacked in a lonely bus.She got admitted in city hospitals

It came out as a shocker to all of us

She got physically attacked mean it is rape

God Amrutha how is she

I tried calling sid but his phone is not reachable

We asked the receptionist about Amrutha she asked us to go to the I.C.U

I saw sid with his red eyes silently pouring his tears out

I am getting tensed with all the events my legs were not taking a step just by looking at sid

I can understand what might have happened

Sandeep is speaking but my mind still can't accept it happened to her

They need you varsha

You need to help them

Please go to them


His red eyes

I swear I never saw him in this anger even not when his parents disowned him


He hugged me hard and started sobbing like a child...

Amrutha!!My Amrutha is a warrior varsha...She fought with the demons.I'm not with her when she needed...My ammu

No sid!!Calm down nothing can happen to her.Now she is safe don't worry.Its not your fault don't cry.

Sid what happened? How?

Siddhartha pov:

I started racing with bus

I saw her screaming

I increased my pace

I saw them holding her hair and I heard her last shout...

I can't tolerate it anymore and with that I brought the car facing the bus.He tried to hit the car but tactically I made him stop the bus

I entered the bus and saw my love lying in pool of blood with her tear stricken face along with Mark's on her body

Her dress got teared,her hair is like a bird nest in the cyclone

I never saw Amrutha this vulnerable

I wanted to hug her....

Suddenly someone started punching me but I gave it back with more intensity.

I remember the pain they gave to Amrutha

I saw the man who pulled her hair I broke the hand with which he pulled her

Psychotic people

I didn't think twice before breaking the bones of them

They deserve more

I made sure I hit the spot hardly so that they couldn't go for any physical relationship for an year

If I can I will do it for their life long

I saw cops arrived and ran to my ammu

She got fainted


I don't know what to do now

My ammu please get up ammu

Sir don't worry she will be fine!!Let us take her to hospital

Holding my all Hope's I helped them to admit her in the hospital

I felt like I lost her


No sid don't loose your hopes

Be brave


What is your relation with Ms.Amrutha Mathur?

I was about to answer doctor but varsha answered him as we are her colleagues

How is she Doctor?

Well!!She is out of danger.But some cuts and rashes all over her body and her head is bleeding.We did some body scans we will let you know if any major complications...

Thankfully they did not get succeed.She fought bravely with them.I must say she had lot of courage

What if she go into depression?

No I can't let her

Don't worry sid you can help her to get her back

Varsha informed them about the incident they are coming soon

I asked vignesh to pick them

I sat near the I.C.U watching my ammu in deep sleep

I want you to get your irritated face and fire spitting mouth to throw daggers on me

I miss your glares,laughs, what not....

Don't loose your Hope's sid

Amrutha is very brave and bold


He is rambling the utter shit

I was about to punch him

But we all got shocked seeing Amrutha slapped him

Left and right👋👋👋

Left and right👋👋👋

We saw our principal huffing in her anger and warning Amrutha

Principal entreated

Ammu showed the messages to principal

We all left the cabin

Srishanth gritting his teeth neared us

Before Amrutha started giving back I stood as a protective wall

With my thoughts flowing I heard someone telling Amrutha got her conscious

Gathering my all strength I reached her room door

Her tear stricken face reminded me about the terrible situation



I opened my eyes to find myself surrounded with wires and my body is aching in pain

Former I remember the morons pulled my hair


My head is paining unbearably

Did they get succeed?

No no.....😭😭😭😭

I saw varsha consoling me but how can I?

Voice reached my ear drum I saw sid standing folding his hands near his chest

They didn't didn't didn't d..di..didn't

A very high relief

Not just very high

Very very very very very very very high relief occupied me....

I just can't offend his any word as it is all true...

Hope you are okay with the chapter.I feel it's not up to the mark.But I tried sorry if I dissapointed you....

I will try to give my best in the upcoming chapters.Until then handle me with your patience

Next update soon

Lots of love indebited😘😘😘


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