《X-men: First Class Reader Insert》Shattered Glass


“(y/n)? (y/n)?” you heard Charles’ voice outside of your door.

“Go away Charles!” you hiccuped from your nest on your bed.

“(y/n), I’m coming in.” You heard the door handle turn.

“No!” you shouted and turned yourself invisible.

“You know, the blankets don’t naturally form a cave like that.” Charles laughed.

“I said, go away.” You hissed.

Charles sat down at the foot of your bed, “look, I’m sorry.”

“You broke your promise Charles.” Your voice cracked from the tears threatening to leak out. “You promised you wouldn’t use your power on me, or Raven for that matter.”

Charles continued to look straight forward without making eye contact with you, “I’m sorry. I needed to get all of you guys out. It wouldn’t have happened if you were fighting me every step of the way.”

“He’s not a good guy, Charles.” You protested, “I know you see it too.”

“Sometimes you just need hope.” He looked to the side in your general direction, “I have hope for him that he’ll find his way.”

“You’re too soft Charles.” You groaned, “but I’m still mad at you.” You tried to shove him off of the bed but slipped and lost your concentration that made you invisible.

“Things you need to practice. One your power,” Charles ruffled your hair and you felt your eye twitch in irritation, “two, physical strength.”

“Get the heck out Charles.” You growled.

“Come on, we need you to start practicing.” Charles smiled as he gleefully jumped up from your bed.

“No! I’m still mad at you for breaking your promise and for letting this insane person into our home!” you shouted.

“I’m sorry,” Charles apologized again, “I needed to do something.”


You slapped him, “no! Out!”

Charles froze and a hand subconsciously went up to his cheek where you had slapped him, “okay. I see you need your space.” Charles shamefully walked out of your room.

You felt lost. Charles had been your anchor for practically all of your life, you were acting like a child, he had broken his promise, there was an insane person in your home. You let out a distraught cry and all of the glass in your room shattered. You let out a surprised shriek this time as the glass fell. “What?” you murmured to yourself.

You looked around. Window? Shattered. Light? Gone. The glass covering photo frames? A pile of broken glass. Candle holders. Broken.

There was a knock on your door, “(y/n)? What happened?” it was Charles, he clearly wasn’t out of earshot of your meltdown. “(y/n)?” he asked again, much more worried.

“Charles, Charles.” You whispered, “I’m scared.”

“(y/n)? Are you in there? I’m coming in!” he shouted through the door. The door burst open and he quickly soaked in the state of your room. Shattered glass everywhere, and you looking distraught in the middle of it all. “What happened?” he asked as he picked his way over to you.

“I-I don’t know.” You stuttered in reply.

“Come on.” He grunted and lifted you up from your bed, “let’s get you out of here.”

“I can walk you know.” You pointed out as he carried you from your bed out of the room.

“Not without shoes you won’t.” He argued. You shut your mouth, he had a point. He exited the room and let your sock covered feet down onto the floor.

“I heard glass breaking, what happened?” Hank asked as he ran up to the two of you.


“We don’t know.” You replied, “all of the glass in my room just shattered spontaneously.”

“It has to be your power,” Charles turned to you, “there’s no other explanation. Tell me, what happened the moment before the glass broke?”

You reached back to five minutes before, “I screamed?” you offered, “okay, no, not scream.” Charles raised an eyebrow, “I cried. It’s, uh, it requires a bit of explanation.” You finished awkwardly. You turned to Hank, “thanks for the concern, but I think we’re good now.” You smiled.

“No problem.” Hank returned your smile and turned around and walked back down the hall the direction that you came.

“So…” you looked up at Charles, “should we figure out what on earth that was?” you asked as you motioned towards the room.

“Yeah.” Charles nodded, “let’s figure that out.”

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