《Besides Being Werewolves, They're Weird, Rude, Confusing, and Clingy》[13]
"What? No Chase?" I asked Zoey as she showed up at my locker alone after school. He hadn't even shown up to English yesterday and even Wes had been called from class early. I asked Eli what was up with that, but he neglected to answer me. Just like I had technically neglected to answer Wes at lunch, which was the last time I really talked to either of them.
"Nope," she shrugged.
"No Eli?" I asked Jasmine as she shut her locker.
"Nope," she sighed. We all thought it was strange, especially since Mason and Wes presented themselves down the hall as if their counterparts weren't missing.
"Hey—" I said, grabbing Mason's arm as he passed. Wes continued walking without so much as a glance to any of us. "Where are Eli and Chase?"
"Uh Eli is coming at lunch," Mason informed as he tiredly rubbed his eyes.
"And Chase?" Zoey asked.
"I don't know," Mason shrugged. I could tell he was lying, but I didn't really say anything.
So I made it through half the day without Chase or Eli, but then at lunch Eli came and Wes left. Normally, I wouldn't notice Wes, but after leaving my obvious answer to him out in the open, it was hard to not notice when he was around or not.
"So where's Chase?" I asked Eli.
"Where's your boyfriend?" Eli asked. I gave him a confused look. "Riley..."
"He's sick," I notified.
"Right..." Eli nodded.
"Why were you absent today?" Jasmine asked Eli. He bent over to peck her lips and whispered an answer to her that I couldn't hear.
It wasn't until English that Chase texted me.
Why did I need to go to his house? I looked up to Mason and he nodded once before going back to work. I texted Chase back.
He never replied back so I texted Zoey that I'd be going home with Mason to work on a project.
"Chase will bring you home later," Mason told me as he dropped me off at Chase's house. It wasn't like what I expected. His house was made of fine wood and it was a huge house—definitely two story maybe even more. All the other houses were one story plus maybe a loft, but his was huge and beautiful.
I hesitantly walked up to his door and knocked lightly. Less than ten seconds later, the door was opened and Chase walked by and told me to let myself in. I entered the warm house and closed the door. I saw a figure moving to the right, so I walked over there and saw Chase turn off the TV with a remote. He turned to me and then I realized that he had no shirt on and held a baby boy. The baby giggled as Chase looked down to him. I saw a genuine smile on Chase's face as the baby boy outstretched his hands towards me and squeezed his fingers.
"Hey there," I said in a baby voice as I tickled his belly. I looked up to Chase and saw his chocolate eyes with dark green rims. He was happy. "Who's this?"
"This is Grayson," he said with content. He was cute.
"And who do you belong to Mr. Grayson?" I asked.
"Me for now," Chase answered. I looked up to him as Grayson played with my fingers. "He's my son."
"S-son?" I stuttered. Son?!
"Hold him real quick?" Chase asked, pushing Grayson into my arms. I held his light body and paced a small distance as Chase left the room. He came back quickly with a blue and gray bottle full of milk. He took Grayson from my arms as I was confused. Chase had a baby? Since when? By who?
"Come sit," Chase offered as he was now on the couch, feeding Grayson. I sat down next to him. Even though I was shocked that Chase had a kid, let alone the fact that he looked adorable with a tiny baby in his arms.
"So...you're a daddy..." I started. Chase was too busy feeding him to answer. Grayson started to look over to me and his eyes were a beautiful soft gray color.
"Wanna hold him?" Chase asked. I smiled.
"Sure." I took Grayson in my arms and then the bottle. He fed easily. I looked to Chase and remembered that he didn't have a shirt on as he stretched his arm over so that Grayson's right hand played on his finger.
"So is this little guy the reason why you didn't go to school?" I asked Chase. He sighed.
"Yeah, he had a fever earlier so I didn't want to take him to day care, but hey, it's easier than going to school I guess," he answered.
"How old is he?" I asked.
"Almost a year and six months," Chase asked, looking into my eyes. I looked down to Grayson.
"So you're a spring baby," I smiled.
"Yeah. Early April," Chase smiled. My eyes locked back up to his. "What about you Ali?"
"Ali?" I asked.
"I mean Alicia," he corrected, rubbing a hand through his hair. "When's your birthday?"
"October," I answered. "Yours?"
"January," he answered.
"Turning eighteen?" I asked.
"Yep," he answered, showing a dimple. I looked down to a laughing Grayson. I can't believe that he was Chase's son...they looked alike though. But if he was a year and six months old, why was this the first I was hearing about this? Chase didn't seem like the kind of guy to get a girl pregnant...he hardly seemed like the type of guy to have sex in the first place...well his "popular" reputation did, but not him.
"Is he really yours?" I mumbled beneath my breath towards Chase, even though I was looking into Grayson's gray eyes.
"Nah," Chase said. I looked up to him. "His mommy decided to have an affair so..."
"Oh..." That made me feel bad for him, but also appreciate his noble character for a second before realizing that he couldn't be telling the truth. "Then why is he like an exact miniature replica of you?"
"I was kidding," Chase laughed. "He doesn't even look like me."
"Yeah. Because he's cute," I said, smiling to Grayson. "But you both look exactly alike...except for your eyes."
"Yeah," Chase agreed.
"They're still gorgeous though," I said, but immediately felt embarrassed.
"You think my eyes are gorgeous?" Chase asked. I looked to him.
"Most of the time," I answered. He gave me a confused look. "Like I said before, your eyes change. I like them when they're hazel or chocolate with green in them...not when they're almost black..."
"Good to know..." he mumbled.
"But Grayson's eyes are far better," I announced. He turned to Grayson.
"Are you stealing my best friend from me?" he asked. I didn't know who he was talking to, but Grayson giggled in response. "Well she's mine so too bad."
"So now I'm your best friend?" my head snapped to him. He looked to me.
"We have a puppy together," he recalled before slightly laughing. "Of course you're my best friend. Don't tell Eli."
I actually liked him saying that. I smiled to myself.
"Damn, boy, you're already scoring girls and you're not even talking yet," Chase said to Grayson.
"I worry about you," I said, shaking my head as I looked to Chase.
"You just cussed in front of a baby," I reminded. He shrugged.
"He's not even old enough to understand," he reasoned. "Plus, that word is in the bible." I rolled my eyes.
"So is death; that doesn't mean you introduce it to a baby," I stated. Grayson giggled. I looked down to him before talking. "Right, Grayson?"
He responded with a laugh and then I smiled myself. He was so cute. I played with him on my lap for minutes before I started a conversation.
"Why didn't you invite Zoey over?" I asked him. Even though I'm sure she doesn't enjoy the extra slobber and spit from a baby...
"With a baby...?" he asked. "You know, Zoey. She can't stand being around a dog. Let alone a messy baby."
"True," I laughed before playing some more.
"Did you believe he was mine?" Chase asked.
"Actually, aside from the looks and stuff...not really," I answered honestly.
"Oh? And why not?"
"I don't believe that you would get a girl pregnant," I shrugged. "Or even have sex."
"One for two," he nodded. I gave him a confused look. "One of those is right."
"Uh. You need one to have the other," I laughed.
"Well I didn't get a girl pregnant."
"Then...?" How was that possible with Grayson here and all?
"He's my little brother," Chase announced, trying to hold back a huge laugh. I laughed in stupidity. "So no pregnancies by me...not yet anyways."
"Can't say that about sex," I coughed. He gave me a look.
"They were mistakes," he told. I gave him a confused look. "Every time I've had sex it's been a mistake."
"I really hope you're not saying that about Zoey—"
"What? No. I wouldn't f*ck Zoey—no offense!" he said quickly. "I just meant with other girls...I was just being stupid...but not that stupid not to wear protection, you know?"
"At least you know your mistakes," I commented. "But I noticed that you said 'yet' on the pregnancy thing..."
"And?" he asked. "I think it'd be cool to have a daughter or son. But...I think I'll wait until later in life for me to start with that intention..."
"Hopefully," I commented. "Because if Zoey ends up pregnant, our mom would kill her. And I would probably kill you."
"I wouldn't get her pregnant," Chase said seriously. "I can guarantee that."
"Well you can't really..." I mumbled beneath my breath.
"Yes I can," he answered and there was something new in his eye. He was basically admitting he wasn't ever going to have sex with Zoey, even though I had seen them get fairly close to it in her very own bedroom days ago.
"You know, most girls would take that offensive that her boyfriend isn't sexually attracted to her," I commented with a laugh.
"I am attracted to her, I just have no plans on sleeping with her in the immediate future," he replied. "I'm not looking for that at this point in my life."
"Why not?"
"I don't love her," he said.
"You have to love her before you f*ck her?" I asked.
"Like I said before, the others were mistakes. I'm only making love to the girl I love from here on out."
"And that would be...?" I asked, curiously.
"You'll find out when she does...or after she does...if she exists. It could be Zoey or it could be someone else, who knows?" he shrugged. I smiled.
"That's cute," I commented out of nowhere.
"What is?"
"I like boys that wait. I don't know about Zoey, but I think it's charming," I revealed. Chase smiled to me before taking Grayson from me.
"No...don't take my best friend," I whined.
"If you hadn't noticed, he fell asleep on you," Chase said, standing up with Grayson laying on him shoulder as the bottle dropped to my lap. He was so peaceful. "He's never done that before with anyone other than family."
"Not even with the guys?" I asked. There's no way the guys haven't held this precious being.
"Well he burped on Mason. Pooped on Wes. And Eli's another brother to him, so they just play together so much that he can't fall asleep," Chase answered, rocking and bouncing Grayson so he stayed asleep. "Eh, I'm gonna go put him in his crib and then we can just chill I guess."
I waited for him to put down Grayson and then the doorbell rang. I was hesitant on whether to answer it or not, but then the stranger let himself in. I saw Wes here.
"Hey...what are you...?"
"I asked her to come over," Chase said, jogging down the stairs with his shirt still off. I only needed half a second to realize he was perfectly chiseled, but then another jiffy to remember he was my sister's boyfriend and I shouldn't be looking at him like that."She helped out with Grayson. He fell asleep in her arms. Isn't that odd?"
"Not really. Children are great judges of character," Wes...complimented? "Good call on not bringing Zoey then."
Chase didn't comment on that as he sat by me on the couch and Wes sat on the opposite side. I was offended for her and all "niceness" Wes had in the previous moment was gone.
"So you like Grayson?" Wes asked me.
"Of course I do," I answered.
"Yeah. He basically stole her away from me," Chase recalled.
"Can't steal what's not yours," Wes commented. I shot him a look.
"What are you talking about?" I asked.
"First Jasmine...then Eli...and now Chase," Wes commented. "But not me?"
"Hell no," I answered. Chase laughed.
"Yeah because you know she'll never choose you over me," Chase said arrogantly. Wes' jaw ticked as if it struck a nerve with him. "And I doubt you'd fight me for her."
"Or Riley—" I tried to add on.
"Riley's a piece of shit," Chase interrupted in a serious tone rather than his previous jovial attitude.
"Hey..." I warned.
"Well he is," Wes and Chase said together. They looked at each other, angry that they spoke together.
"Why do you guys do that?"
"Do what?" Chase asked.
"Always have some stare down," I clarified. "Both of you do it, but you clearly wins every time..." I looked to Wes, "and you're still stubborn about whatever it is."
"Whatever," they sighed in sync. And then a cry started to erupt from upstairs. Both boys sighed and then Chase jogged himself upstairs and returned with Grayson.
"You know what, Wes, I think it's you. He always has a problem when you're here," Chase said as he automatically handed Grayson to me.
"Well too bad," Wes said. He turned to Grayson. "Face it, bud. I'm gonna be around for your entire life."
"Don't threaten him!" I exaggerated as I shielded Grayson from Wes.
"You act protectively over him and you just met him," Wes commented.
"And?" I asked, kissing Grayson's head.
"Damn, Grayson's gonna be a player," Wes predicted.
"Stop saying that word," I said, smacking Wes' head. "He's going to be a gentleman."
I flashed him a look.
"See, and he's already asleep again."
"No, no, no. You're not taking him from me this time," I told Chase before he reached over and took him.
"Fine," Chase allowed. He sat back on the couch and sighed. Oh he had a perfectly formed chest...Zoey was lucky as hell. "You look cute with him."
"She looks cute by herself so of course she does with a baby," Wes commented. I looked up to him.
"Stop," I said.
"Stop trying to be nice to me," I ordered.
"Okay, I tease you and you don't like me. I'm nice to you and you still don't like me," Wes noted. "What's it gonna take babe—"
"First off, I'm not your babe. Secondly, I'm not ever going to like you," I answered.
"Why not?"
"Because...I'm going out with Riley," I lied.
" I doubt that," Wes said.
"Well don't," I replied. Wes slid around to the other side of me that Chase didn't occupy. He grabbed my waist and pulled me on top of his lap. I couldn't really object since I was still holding Grayson.
"That's not what Riley says," Wes whispered.
"You don't know that—"
"Yes I do. Ask him. When he comes back to school, ask him what we've talked about," Wes dared. His face was close to mine, even with Grayson between us. As Wes searched my face, Grayson suddenly let out a loud cry. I slid off Wes' lap and started rocking the baby as I stood up.
"It's okay baby boy," I said to him as he started to calm down, but still cried.
"Eh it's okay, that always happens when Wes is here," Chase said as he took him out of my arms. Chase rocked him into the air and Grayson immediately started laughing.
"I'd trade Roanoke for Grayson..." I offered.
"You want to trade your puppy for my baby?" Chase asked.
"Mmh...yeah," I nodded. "And plus, Roanoke's your puppy too, so you can take him whenever, I guess. But Grayson? I want...half custody."
"Of my little brother?"
"Heck yeah of your little brother," I responded with confidence.
"Good because no one wants his older one..." Wes coughed.
"You have an older brother?" I asked Chase as he glared at Wes.
"Unfortunately..." he answered. What? "It's whatever. So you want Grayson?"
"I think we've established this..." I humored. "I'm sure his mommy would love that."
Then it got silent abruptly and I wondered what I said to make the room slow down.
"Their parents passed earlier this year," Wes muttered to me.
"Shit. I'm sorry. I didn't know," I apologized. Chase surprised me with a smile.
"It's okay. No one really does," he replied as he started to tickle Grayson. Then who takes care of them...? "It's just me and my brothers."
"That's cool," I smiled.
"Yeah, unless you're one of them," Wes scoffed.
"Extended family included," Chase informed to me. He raised Grayson higher on his hip before pulling out his phone to check the time. "Well I guess you should be getting home now."
I sighed and shrugged.
"I'm sure Zoey is dying to see you," I commented. More like dying to make out with you.
"Too bad I'm sick," Chase said. He let out a fake cough and winked.
"You're lucky I care about you," I said in a laugh to him. I looked to Grayson and tickled his little tummy. "And you too."
"Wait. You ca—"
"Come on, Alicia, I'll drive you home," Wes announced after an interrupting cough, followed by him standing up.
"Wait what?"
"I'm. Driving. You. Home," he repeated. I looked to Chase and he only returned my gaze.
"I'll make sure he won't screw up..." he assured. "State your restrictions."
I turned to Wes.
"I don't think you need to," Wes stated as I opened my mouth. I gave him a confused look but he only sighed and softened his demeanor for once. "I'm not stupid. You've never had a boyfriend so you're already uncomfortable around guys when you're alone. Adding on the fact that you apparently can't stand me, you really don't want me to touch you especially since we'll be alone so I'll behave, okay?"
For once, I felt like Wes was being genuine. I didn't know if it was because Chase would threaten him into it, or if his new idea of trying to win me over was actually conforming him into someone who wasn't a complete jackass. It almost made me want to tell him thank you.
"Wait. So you've never had a boyfriend or anything?" Chase asked. I rolled my eyes and turned to him. I wasn't embarrassed by it, but for some reason, it was weird for Chase to know that about me. "I don't believe that for a second."
Even though I could've lied and made an elaborate story about how I was a promiscuous teen who got knocked up years ago, I didn't want to stay here for a second longer for Chase to look at me like I was some unicorn. So I grabbed Wes' wrist and dragged him out of Chase's house.
"Just drive," I ordered. And so he did as I said and we ended up at my house. I went to undo my seat belt, but Wes' hand stopped mine. I looked into his medium shaded eyes.
"Not now," I said.
"Yes now," he declined. I pressed my lips together but gave him the benefit of the doubt. "Have you been cliff diving?"
"Cliff diving...?" I repeated in a question.
"I'm taking that as a no," he laughed. Did Wes just give a genuine laugh? Wow...he was full of more than one surprise today. "We're going cliff diving tomorrow after school. I think you should come."
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