《Besides Being Werewolves, They're Weird, Rude, Confusing, and Clingy》[7]
"Oh, Alicia, you look so pretty," my mom called out once I walked downstairs. I wore black boots over dark skinny jeans, button down shirt with a vest, and my hair fell around my shoulders.
"Hey," Zoey called to me. I turned to my uncomfortable sister. "Watch over Chase for me."
"Of course," I replied as I turned to leave. I knew what she meant. To make sure Chase was a nice guy. But of course I don't even know why he didn't invite her...or why Eli didn't invite Jasmine; maybe because they knew if they went, I'd hang out with them instead and we wouldn't fulfill our "memory" together.
"You look nice," a voice said to me once I hopped into The Group's car. I was forced to sit in the back by Mason's right side.
I rolled my eyes at the compliments they showered over me before saying thanks. I then leaned my head on the window frame on the ride over as the boys talked about whatever I tuned out. I felt a hand on the right side of my waist. I looked to see Mason pulling me into his warm torso even though he had been cold to me since we met. I leaned my head on his shoulder as he still talked to Wes who was on his left. I felt comfortable now, rather than feeling every pothole against the glass window. I sighed. Mason smelt like some kind of cologne. But he also smelt like some bakery. Either way, it smelt good. I looked to the front seat and my eyes connected with Chase's in the rear-view mirror. I narrowed my eyes and then he faced the road and shifted his position in the car. I, on the other hand, found myself to be taking a nap on Mason, even though I was sure for over two weeks that he couldn't stand me.
"Wake up," I voice demanded after a blissful nap. My eyes flickered open to see that the car had stopped moving and Eli stood outside of the car to my right with the door open.
"Come on," Eli's sweet voice cajoled as he offered his hand. Mason undid my seat belt and then I grabbed Eli's hand to help myself up from the soft seats. I stood to walk, but then saw the house. It was huge and beautiful. It was wooden and had a big front porch with teenagers loitering on the posts. Not only that, but it looked like some ancient wooden cabin castle or something. And when I looked around, I noticed that we were in the middle of a field. There was an area with shorter grass and cars were parked there, but other than that, there was a single dirt trail that disappeared into the forest. Safe to say, I didn't know where I was.
"Take a picture. It lasts longer," Wes' stupid voice whispered to me.
"Then take a picture of this," I said, flicking him off. He scoffed and then jogged up to the house to reunite with some of his friends apparently. As I still gazed over the gorgeous house, Eli's hand stayed around my wrist to tow me into the house. So it's no doubt that I felt uncomfortable.
"Hello," a girl greeted. She had black hair that was flowing over her shoulders and wore a blue summer dress. She smiled at us with pearl white teeth.
"Uh, hi," I replied, awkwardly.
"Tori," I heard before Mason came from behind, only to wrap an arm around the girl's waist and press his lips to hers. Oh, that must be his girlfriend. She added a hand to his high shoulder and pulled away from the kiss. She whispered something to him and he shrugged before kissing her once more and then stood behind her with his hands playing at her waist. His head rested on her shoulder and she kissed his cheek.
"That's Mason's girlfriend Tori," a voice whispered to me. I looked back to see that it was Eli.
"Speaking of girlfriends, where's Jasmine, Eli?" Tori asked in a laugh as Mason hugged her from behind.
"Heh," Eli sneered. So she knew about Eli's girlfriend, but not Chase's? Before I got to ask, I noticed that Eli and Chase were whispering quietly to each other.
"Also speaking of girlfriends, who's this?" Tori asked, referring to me.
"Oh. I'm not anyone's girlfriend," I said in a laugh.
"Oh," Tori said, as if disappointed, and cocked an eyebrow. She looked up behind me as if Eli or Chase was signaling something, but then she looked back to me and gave a faint smile.
"She's my girlfriend's sister," I heard Chase clarify. Tori nodded slowly as Mason's hands trailed to her wrists and started to tug lightly at them.
"Oh well hi, Chase's girlfriend's sister..." Tori said oddly and confused as she ignored Mason's actions.
"My name's Alicia," I introduced.
"Hi, Alicia," she said with a smile. Mason still tugged at her wrists. Finally, she just allowed it to happen and Mason pulled her away. Funny, I never took Mason as someone like that in a relationship. "Well I guess I'll see you later!"
"Bye," I said, softly. I turned behind me to see only Eli standing there as Chase stood somewhere else, talking to a group of people.
"So it's just you and me," I told Eli. An evil smile crept on his face and before I knew it, he was grabbing my lower-part of my legs and throwing me over his shoulder and walked off. I didn't kick or hit him so my arms and legs were dangling as he walked through the house and out a back door.
Eli and I had fun by ourselves. We played all sorts of party games and I met some new people. We took pictures together outside and now we were sitting on the back porch just talking.
"I must say, you are one hell of a partier," Eli commented as we sat on the edge of the porch with our feet dangling.
"Ha. And that's without any alcohol," I joked. We laughed briefly. This was some fun. It was dark now and I had spent the majority of my time with only one member of The Group, since Chase was busy talking to every single soul here, Mason was "busy" with Tori, and Wes had seemingly every girl draped on him at any given time."Why didn't you bring Jasmine?"
"I don't know. I get nervous around her," he answered. I tried not to, but ended up laughing.
"Why? Just act like she's me," I suggested.
"I can't," he replied. "She's just so...I don't know and I can't describe her, but I'm always nervous around her."
"Don't be," I assured, placing a hand on his shoulder.
"Why can't it be as easy to be around her as it is with you?" he asked with a laugh and nudged my side.
"Ha. That's a first," I laughed.
"What do you mean?"
"For everyone else, it's hard to talk to me. That's why I have such few friends...I'm difficult in a way I guess," I muttered. Wes' words started to ring in my head again.
You're nothing to me. You're nothing to everybody.
"Well not to me," he said, nudging me again. I smirked.
"That's because I actually like hanging around you," I complimented.
"I feel honored," he replied, looking down to me with his deep eyes.
"But if you screw it up with Jasmine, then I hate you," I added. He placed a hand over his heart.
"Well that's some threat you got there," he commented. "I promise and assure you that I will not screw anything up with Jasmine."
"Good," I replied back. "Because I don't want to lose my new best guy friend."
"Oh so I'm your best friend now?" he asked.
"Only if you don't get a big head about it," I promised. He looked down to me and flashed a smile before standing up and hopping on the railing.
"I, ELI GOERGE, AM ALICIA LINDROS' BEST GUY FRIEND!" he yelled into the night on the top of his lungs. I laughed and tapped his leg so that he would sit back down to save his humiliation. He looked to my laughing self as he sat back down. "What? I just wanted to know that if any douche bag wanted to claim you, they'd have to go through me."
I continued to laugh. He and Jasmine had at least one thing in common: they both were funny as hell when they tried to act tough. Someone cleared their throat and I still laughed.
"Excuse me," a familiar voice started. We looked up to see Chase. "I'm here to claim Miss Alicia Lindros, but if I'm too much of a douche bag to do so then I'm sorry..."
"Well, sir—"
"—but I'll have to fight you for her," Chase finished with a straight face, dropping down in a fighting stance. Eli sized him up as he stood and got ready to fight. And just like that, Chase charged at Eli and tackled him so hard that they flew past the deck's floor and landed six feet lower onto the grassy ground. People's attention was averted to them, but I could barely see them as they rolled further away. I hopped down from the porch and pulled them apart, only to find out that they were both laughing within their wrestling.
"You guys are stupid. You could've got hurt," I reasoned. They turned to each other as they laid on their backs side-by-side.
"Didya hear that?" Eli asked.
"Yeah," Chase nodded. What?
"You care about us!" they accused to me at the same time. With some odd speed, they got up, only to tackle me to the ground. And then it was Chase that pinned me.
"We meet again," he started.
"You know, in most countries, this would be considered sexual harassment," I responded.
"Lucky we're in this country," he said. Was that supposed to be funny? Either way he got up and offered a hand to me before pulling me up on sheer strength. "Take a walk with me?"
"Why should I?" I asked.
"Maybe because your 'new best friend' just left you all to me," he answered with his hands in his pocket and I watched as Eli was just now walking through the back door, into the house. He's demoted for sure. "So is it a yes?"
I playfully rolled my eyes and started walking with him.
Chase led me to a small field on the other side of a small cluster of trees that took up a ten minute walk. But this place didn't have some huge house or any other people—just me, Chase, and the billions of stars that were the most beautiful thing ever.
"Like it?" he asked as I looked up at the open night sky.
"Like it? It's amazing," I answered.
"So that's a yes," he said with a slight chuckle.
"This may actually be my new favorite place," I mumbled, low enough for only me to hear...but apparently not.
"What was it before?" he asked. I paused because I didn't realize he could hear me. "What was your favorite place before? Since we ruled out 'home.'"
"I don't really know," I answered honestly. "But this is amazing."
"You said that already," he teased. I just looked at him. He laughed at my annoyance and then sat down. He patted the seat next to him and I awkwardly stood in place. "What? Scared you might get dirty?"
"Pssh," I commented before I sat down next to him. It was weird though. I threatened to lean my head on his shoulder, but didn't. Mason and Eli was one thing, but Chase was dating my sister...therefore it was slim that he'd get to remain being a friend of mine if they inevitably broke up.
"Why'd you bring me here?" I asked.
"It's my favorite place to think," he announced. "...and I needed to talk to you."
"What about?" I asked.
"You don't like me," he immediately assumed.
"Interesting assumption."
"You don't think I should be dating Zoey," he added.
"I plea the fifth."
"You still don't like me," he accused again.
"It's not that I don't want you dating Zoey, but it's just that she just got out of a relationship—"
"With Micah," he interrupted.
"Yeah. With Micah," I said, questioning how he knew him, but then assumed that Zoey must have told him...hopefully in a cautious manner so that if he screws up, he'll have to deal with my wrath. "Anyways, I just don't want the same thing happening and then we have to pick up all those pieces—"
"Trust me, I won't cheat on her," he said with a reassuring smile. I looked at him and noticed that his eyes were a light hazel color.
"Why do your eyes change colors?" I asked.
"What? They don't change that much, do they?" he stammered.
"Uh yeah they do. Every time I look at you, they're changed," I informed, something causing him to laugh.
"Are you studying my eyes?" he laughed.
"Well isn't that the polite thing to do to look someone in the eye?" I figured. I was taught to look people in the eyes...even though I usually looked away when I lied, ignored them, or just didn't want to face them. "I'm just noticing thing. And plus, you get to know a person by their eyes, sometimes."
"So what do you know about me?" he asked, interested. That you're deep and fun and—
"You're confusing," I stated.
"Confusing?" he asked.
"Yes, sir."
"I don't even want to know how you came up with that," he decided.
So my evening carried on with just me and him talking and getting to know each other, which was useful for our group project and my screening process to see if he was okay to date Zoey. But I kept feeling as though he was hiding something.
"So how'd I do?" he asked, referring to our hours of talking and hanging out. "Did I earn some friend points?"
"I can't lie; yes you have," I answered with a genuine smile.
"Good," he smiled back. "Maybe we can do this again sometime since it's, in your own words, amazing."
"Or you can take Zoey here," I suggested. "But she doesn't really like nature, so...it might be tough with her."
"Oh," he said, sort of disappointed in a way. "And how do you feel about being out here?"
"I think it's humid and full of bugs," I started as a bluff, like some whiney brat...or Zoey. "But when you come out at a time like this, you really get to see the night as the stars are beautiful and fireflies fly around as they please, like little lights."
I was starting to gaze at the stars again, as I sat with my arms around my knees. Chase was laying down, but from my peripheral vision, I saw him roll up into a sitting position. He didn't say anything as a response to my answer and I could hear all the natural sounds going on out in the darkness.
"I suppose I should get you back..." Chase said out of nowhere.
"Uh," I sighed as I threw myself backwards so now I was laying down. Ah. This was nice. I was so tired that I wanted to just lay here and fall asleep.
"Come on," Chase said.
"You're really gonna make me hike back through that forest?" I asked him in a whiney voice.
"Would it sway your decision if I carried you?" he asked.
"Well not really because you'd drop my heavy ass after a couple of steps," I responded. As if he didn't hear, he laughed once and then tugged on my left arm so hard that I was pulled up from the ground and onto his back. I secured my legs around his waist and my arms went over his shoulders as his hands grabbed beneath each of my knees to keep me up. I rested on his back and it felt like we arrived at the party house way sooner than we should've.
"What'd you do? Drug her half to death?" I heard Wes' stupid voice ask as I felt Chase march up the first set of stairs up the back porch.
"You wish," I heard Chase reply under his breath. I was in sleep mode so I didn't have enough energy to defend myself. Nor did I want to associate myself with Wes.
"Yeah. Maybe I do—"
"Shut up," Chase ordered as I felt him stop walking. "I get it; you don't like her. You made that clear last Friday. Obviously you can't get over the fact that she told you off and hates you. Well too f*cking bad."
"Oh please," Wes retorted. "What happened Friday was—"
"Completely stupid and reckless," Chase commented.
"She was being a bitch!" Wes informed. Ouch.
"No she wasn't. She was defending herself because you've been a dick to her since the first second you met her," Chase defended. He was making some major friend points here. First that place...then a piggyback ride...and now he's sticking up for me. Maybe he should be my potential new best guy friend instead of Eli.
The boys were silent and it didn't take rocket science for me to realize that they were having their usual stare-down. It's like they were reading each other's minds or something. Before I heard anything else, I heard Eli's voice.
"Guys. Not here," Eli warned.
"No. We need to settle this shit right now," Chase declined. I wonder if everyone at the party was now listening. Why was Chase getting so...defensive? Maybe because he felt as though I was his responsibility since he was with my sister and she'd kick his ass if anything happened to me...? Sure. Let's go with that.
"Not here, man," I identified Mason's voice say. Well nice of him to show up once in a while...
"And why the hell not? Wes should learn to stick up for his words," Chase spat. I heard anger in his voice. I even felt it as his muscles tensed up from probably clenching his fists.
"Think of what you're fighting over..." Eli's calm voice said. Chase's muscles relaxed. "And then think of who's on your back..."
"Take her home," Chase ordered to Eli as I felt him turn around. As if I was light as air, Eli lifted me off of Chase's back with ease as I still pretended to sleep. I was now cradled in Eli's warm chest as if I actually was a baby.
"Now that you put the baby down, do you really wanna settle this?" Mason asked, although his tone sounded as if he wanted to see his friends fight.
"Hell yeah," Wes and Chase's voice answered. A wave of uneasy ran through my body.
"Eli, I said take her home," Chase demanded to Eli. "Now."
"Have fun being dumbasses..." Eli added as I felt him turn to take me home. I was hesitant to laugh, but didn't. He set me down on the soft seat in the car and I leaned my head on the window as if I shifted in my sleep. Sooner than I expected, I actually dozed off after Eli started the car.
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"Pretty boy, surrender that body to us!""Not even in hell!" Bai Yuan shouted as he ran away from the thugs. Suddenly a bright light flashed before his eyes and the next moment he found himself on soft bed , surrounded with neat and clean satin curtains."Where on Earth-""Your Highness is alive!" Servants screamed."Mommyy!" A toddler cried out."Mommy?" Poor Bai Yuan freaked out.[Writer: Enjoy your new world ,my Dearest creation♡]Let's witness together what a modern man does in an ancient era where males can conceive and he's married....with a son...um- also a political marriage? Thought to be unnoticed by his husband? Criticised by haters? Sighs, so many things for one Bai Yuan whose life just took an 180°.[Writer: Rise and Shine, Dearest! Fighting!]Bai Yuan: Wait, wait, what's happening?? Aaa!Emperor Wang: Wife, you've been through many things. Let me atone.Bai Yuan:?!? Can I get a divorce?Emperor Wang: Disapproved.Bai Yuan: As if I'll obediently listen!Yeye: Mommy! Noooo TWTBai Yuan: You're coming with me, can't live without such an adorable existence (my heart *ouch*)Emperor Wang: What about me??Bai Yuan: Who cares.Emperor Wang: !!_________________________________《Everything written in the story is fictional and based on imagination. This content may include some inappropriate actions which may be disturbing to some readers . So , dear reader, please think twice ^-^ Also, this content does not intend any harm to any group of people or an organisation or the society.Have a nice time reading. Don't forget to leave a vote /comment/ follow in order to 'throw some motivation at the author' and get the notifications of new chapters》[IMAGES USED IN THE STORY HAVE BEEN TAKEN FROM DIFFERENT SOURCES]Starting date: 01/02/2022Ending date:_____Most impressive ranking:#1 Danmei 《07.03.2022》☆#1 Eastern 《22.03.2022》☆#1 Newbook 《01.11.2022》☆#2 carefreeprotagonist 《13.10.2022》☆
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