《Babysitting the Demon's baby ✔️》v


Bliss in work can be found if you come in terms with the fact that your employer may or may not be human. It shouldn't matter, as long as you're getting that money transferred into your account every month. That's the advice Ria would give to anyone, really.

After she moved into August's house, things actually got a lot easy for them. She has no rent problems, no transportation worries and definitely no toxic ex knocking on her door. Aaron was ecstatic to find out that Riri will be living with him and daddy from now on. He held her hand tightly as Ria took him to her apartment, where he helped her pack her things, as precisely as any three year old could.

"Riri?" He called for her when he was curiously going through her drawer full of highschool stuff. There were some Polaroids, notes and a sketch pad. Aaron's jaw fell open as he turned the pages one by one, pages filled with different sketches Ria made in her teen days.

"Yes baby? What's that in your hand?"

"Pwetty!" He exclaims, holding up the open pad for her. Ria freezes when she catches the sketches. She hasn't done this in a while. Haven't felt what it's like to spend evenings bent over the pages, lines after line added to put together different objects that caught her eyes. When she has to spent those evenings working her ass off so she doesn't die starving.

Her favorite thing to draw used to be hands. Oddly enough, half of her sketchbook is full off hand sketches. Hands in different positions. Pinky promises, signing I love you, doing the peace sign or just gripping the sheets. Ria realizes, seven years after she stopped pursuing this one hobby that made her so happy, she misses it. Immensely.

August who came back after putting her two suitcases in the car, creeps up behind her. Ria is yet to notice him, her eyes fixed on one of the sketches as she traces the lines with her finger.

"Ooh, kinky." He comments. Ria yelps as she turns around, shutting the book. "What?"

"A hand kink. How cute." His tone is so velvety and there's that damned smirk on his face. Ria feels her knees buckle slightly. Looking down, she finds it was Aaron poking her. In his little hands, there's a pouch full of pencils. She takes it with a smile.

"Thanks baby."

They go back to cleaning out the apartment, throwing away things she doesn't need and packing up everything that's going to be delivered to Knight Villa. From where she is crouched in front of the bag of shoes she's packing, she has a clear view of August out of the window. Loading his SUV with her boxes, the polo shirt moving as his muscles flex. Living with that mouthwatering man will be hell for her. Pun fully intended.

When time finally comes to say goodbye, she doesn't feel all too sad. The apartment has more sad memories than happy ones, and it's a great feeling to leave it behind.

Back in August's home, as she puts away her stuff she finds herself with the sketchbook again. Ria stares at it for a long moment before opening and flicking through the pages. Did she truly have too many hands drawings? Is it actually her kink?

Well, hands are nice, she thinks. August has really nice hands. Veins that trail up from his long, slender finger to his biceps. Tattoo of a crescent moon decorating the inner part of forearm. His knuckles, she's noticed, are bruised often from the boxing training. Truly, it's a sight for the sore eyes.


"Ria? Seriously?" She whispers to herself. Shaking her head she goes back to unpacking.

Later that night, after she's put Aaron to bed and plopped down on her own, an empty page of the sketchbook open in front of her as a pencil twirls in her fingers, she tries to come up with a... muse.

She hasn't done this in a while. Her mind is blank.

Except for, well,

Here goes nothing.


August hums, as if he didn't just drop the biggest bomb on her.

"What do you mean Paris?" She asks again. August looks up from where he's doing push-ups.

"I think I made myself quite clear Ria, we're going to Paris. You better start packing now." He grunts as he pushes his whole body up, the muscles on his back flexing. Ria gulps at the sight. Sweat is shining all over his body, muscles rippling and edges of his body bruising. "We leave in two days."

She sobers up at that. Living with him has been hellish, for real.

"But, why? All of a sudden?"

Another grunt fills the gym room. Two more pushups and August finally stands up, panting slightly as he towels away the sweat from his face. "It's complicated. Demons and Angels have a meeting every ten years, to discuss.. err the way of things? I don't know I rarely pay attention. They choose a different location each time. This year it's Paris."

"And how can Aaron and I be useful in this supernatural meeting of yours?" She questions as August takes off his muscle tee.

Oh to hell with this man!

She blushes as she looks down at her shoes. August really picks the oddest of times to strip, like between having important discussions.

August uses his tee to wipe the sweat off his body, eyes fixed on her flushed face. The sole purpose of taking his shirt off was to catch her eyes, not divert them at her feet! She has pretty feet but he was hoping her eyes would check out this body he's been working hard on, for her!

"Look at me." His tone works magic and Ria immediately looks up at his eyes. Not even daring to peek a little downward. He steps closer to her.

"You and Aaron are coming with me because... well because I want you to. Meeting is one day and we can explore the city a bit after that. Sounds good, no?" He rests his hand on the wall, close to her head.

Look at it! Look at how huge my bicep is! Look at me! Want me! Just as much as I want you.

Ria shrugs. "He could use a getaway, he's home all day." Her response dims his mood a little. So all those push-ups went to waste. Ria smiles then. "I'll get to packing!"

She ducks under his arm and flies out of the room, before he can even say a word. August sulks around the house for the rest of the day, looking every bit like the gloomy terrifying demon he is.

So there he sits, like a grey cloud in the middle of the living room, glued to his screen as two rays of sunshine circle him excitedly. They're shouting, they're laughing and most of all, they're excited.

"Riri? Paris chocowate crossan?"

She hums as she continues writing in the list of the things she'll need to pack. "Chocolate croissants, and many other flavors!"

Aaron's eyes widen like twin moons, orbs glittering as he thinks of the thousand different croissants flavor he wants to try.


"An-And toys?"

"Hmm, they have some huge malls, which may have huge toy stores. I'm sure you'll have plenty options to choose from."

"Woaaaah!" His jaw falls open, stars twinkling in his big eyes.

Corners of August's lip quirk up a little. But he turns back to his gloomy self because he spent the whole morning working out, and Ria didn't even bother looking at his abs for a second longer. How very rude of her.

Ria sighs when he sees the daddy demon sulking. She wonders what's gotten to him today, usually when he stays at home with work he's in a much better mood.


August owns a private jet. Of course he does. How silly of her to expect anything less. Aaron is ecstatic as he boards the plane, taking in everything with curious. It's his first plane ride, ever.

After grueling hours up in the sky, they land in Paris during sunrise. There on the deserted airport runway waits a sleek black Range Rover, Sebastian leaning against it with a brilliant smile on his face. Aaron runs to him and climbs up to his shoulder.

"Bienvenue à Paris, mademoiselle." He says and Ria smirks. "Merci. Emmenez-moi à mon hôtel s'il vous plaît, je suis titillé!"

Sebastian and August both look taken back by her hidden talent. Ria laughs. "What? I took French for three whole years!"

"Mhm, pas mal. Allons-y?" August days with a smile as he opens the car door for her. Her heart flutters. It's just the Paris air, that's all it is.

She gets into the car after muttering a soft merci and they drive off.

Paris, empty and asleep during the wee hours of sunrise is quite magical. The Eiffel Tower follows them on their path, they drive down the empty roads as the orange over the horizon brightens. They finally reach their destination, which is no hotel. Oh, no.

The sign Knight Villa is strikingly similar to the one that greeted her every morning as she would sleepily stumble into the demon's home. The steel gates open automatically as the Range Rover drives past the luxurious front garden of August's Paris home. Ria swallows. What the actual fuck?

Sebastian stops the car right in front of the towering front doors, the dark oak and grey walls make up a sight so uninviting.

Aaron has fallen asleep on the ride to home, Ria steps out of the vehicle with him cradled in her arms. August is already by the threshold, the door unlocked and opened, inviting her in.

The home was more luxurious than the one back in states for sure, but it appeared more dark and cold. The interior sleek and modern with black furniture. She follows him up the glass stairs up to the second floor.

Her jaw hits the floor.

There, right in the middle of the second floor is an aquarium, an enormous sting ray swimming across it.

"Are you fucking kidding me?"


She sobers up, looking up at a much confused August. "Uh, nothing. It's uhm, I didn't expect an aquarium."

August smiles as he continues walking. "Rich people are stupid, aren't they?"

"You're not human, so it doesn't apply for you I suppose?"

August laughs. "Aren't you clever?" He asks with an eyebrow quirked up. It triggers the hoard of butterflies in her abdomen just right. He pushed open the door to a room, it's interior a light beige color. By the window, she spots the single bed suitable for the toddler clinging to her.

Aaron is set down on the bed and kissed goodnight before she leaves the room.

"Great, he's sleeping so let's go grab some coffee, mhm?" He asks and starts walking. With a huff, she follows.

When they step out of the house again, the city looks much livelier. She follows the demon to his garage where her jaws give up on her one more time. Sleek black vehicles lined with precision, each of them could pay one student's college tuition. August clicks on the car remote and the black Lamborghini lights up.

That car... for a coffee shop trip?

She doesn't say anything and smiles when he pushes up the car door. She can't see the desperate need to woo her in August's eyes, she doesn't know all of it just to impress her because these were never what caught her interest. August smiles after she's settled in the car. He doesn't think he's a little stupid for trying all this to win over Ria, when they could just talk about what they feel. Like the adults they are.

But he's just a hopeless, lovestruck idiot when it comes to her. Powerful demon or not.

"It's such a lovely city." She comments as she leans back on the seat. August smiles. "Wait till you see the Louvre."

"Aren't we going there today?" She asks and he nods.

"After lunch."

They arrive at the coffee shop with delicious pastries on display. Ria's inner child does a happy dance, she steps out of the car with springs in her feet. August laughs as she zooms past him and stumbles into the cafe. When he makes his way in Ria has her nose pressed against the display.

He waits behind her, endeared.

"Let's get," she starts.

"One of each?" He jokes. Ria shakes her head, smiling shyly. "That would be lovely but I don't want to go in coma from too much croissants. I'll take the plain one and let's get two chocolate ones for the baby yeah?"

"Noted." August agrees and asks her to choose a drink. They press closer, fingers brushing against each other's as they discuss the menu, unaware of how the sky that was once sunny turns grey quickly. The sudden change in weather makes Ria seek the warmth the demon seems to radiate. She smiles cutely when August orders, asks for two chocolate croissants for their son.

Her heart threatens to jump out of her throat. But it makes her feel at home. It's something she has never felt before, not even when she moved into August's place. Aaron is their baby.

They. Us. Our. She loves it.

It's pouring heavily when they get their breakfast. Ria is unsure as she stares out of the window. The rain looks harsh from where it's landing on the black Lamborghini, the roar of the sky making her jump slightly. They could stall here till the sky brightens up but she doesn't want Aaron to wake up to an empty home.

"Well, I have an idea." August says, he starts to take off his jacket. She bites her lips. August will strip literally anywhere, anytime. Damn that demon!

He comes closer to her, throws the expensive jacket over their heads and push the door open. August and Ria are laughing, neither of them know why, as they run in the rain. The jacket shielding them from the downpour doesn't really work efficiently.

She turns to her right. His face is dangerously close to hers, she notices the faint dimple on his cheek for the first time. August turns to her and time slows down. They don't mind the rain falling on their face as they run across the pavement. With eyes locked against each other's, greens against the onyx, their smiles broaden. There's one thought in both of their minds.

Can we kiss?

Aaron is over the moon, he gives both of them numerous kisses before he plops down in front of the tv and eats his breakfast. August and Ria seat on his sides. Both a bit silent than usual, head caught up in that one tiny moment under the rain that warmed their souls so mysteriously.

Every time one smiled, the other smiled. They caught each other stealing glances.

It's like they're teenagers all over again.

Butterflies dance around them as more time passes. What would it have been really like? To kiss him? To feel his soft lips against her? The thought alone makes her squeal.

August on the other hand, cannot contain the triumphant grin on his face. Until that one moment, he was hoping Ria would look at him, really look at him and think he's worth the love she gives endlessly. But now, he thinks their feelings are all too similar to each other's.

The time for lunch rolls in and they locate a small restaurant two blocks away from August's place, the pasta looking straight out of paradise. Lunch is as merry as Ria could've imagined. After their meal, the drive off to Louvre.

The museum, suspiciously enough, looks empty. Her heart beats loudly as August parks the Range Rover and helps both of them out of the car.

" 'ts soooo big, Dwaddy!" Aaron exclaims. August hoists up the boy to his chest, pressing a firm kiss on his cheek. "I'm glad you like it sweetheart, daddy rented it out just for you."

Of course.

"Ahh! Thwanks Dwaddy!" Aaron kisses his dad on the cheek. The sight makes Ria melt on the spot.

"Let's go, shall we?" August asks, looking at Ria. She nods. August doesn't know, he may never find out, but this museum has been like a dream for the girl, for as long as she remembers. They take the escalator leading downstairs and Ria's eyes widen. This place just might cross her imagination.

The three of them explore the empty museum together, Aaron exclaiming at the improperly dressed statues of men. But his favorite task may just be pointing at few feet tall paintings to Ria and ask, "Riri can you do that?"

To which she laughs and gives her very honest, "no."

August trails behind the excited duo, hands deep in his pocket, as he observes them with a smile. He decides it's a great feeling, making the two of them happy. When Ria pauses in front of a famous painting for a second too long, he comes to stand right behind her. His chest against her back. "Do you like that?"

"Yeah! It's wonderful isn't it?"

"Hmm, should I buy it? It will look great on the living room wall."

"Best of luck trying to buy stuff from here!" She laughs. August raises a single eyebrow which tells her, he can and he may buy any painting he wishes to. She stops laughing and turns away. If he could rent Louvre, he could do that too. Possibilities are boundless with August Knight.

"I think the colors of this painting really clash with the couch in your living room, so it may not look good. I'm sure there are a bunch of other options to choose from." She says. August hums, chuckling. "This looks hideous anyway."

She bites her lip. He's literally talking about the Raft of Medusa.

Unbelievable. Infatuating.

Her lips part in surprise when August laces their fingers together, holding her smaller palm in his hand. "Let's have a good look at our options Mhm? I'm suddenly in a mood of shopping."

"In the Louvre?" She deadpans.

"I don't see a problem with it." He pulls her with him. God help her.

He brings her to the Wedding at Cana. There's a pleased hum. "I like the vibrant colors in this. What do you think?"

"It's uhm, it's a bit too big don't you think?"

"You're right, let's move to the next one." And she's dragged away again. Aaron laughs as he trails behind after them to inspect the painting and giving his own opinion on it.

"Nuh! Dwaddy it's uglyyy!"

"Dwaddy! It's nakey!"

"Dwaddy it's sooo big!"

"Omg! Evvyone nakey!" He covers his eyes and runs away. Ria laughs, endeared at his cuteness. The tips of his ears are red after he spotted the Turkish Bath. He's having the time of his life, running around the empty hallways and craning his neck to look up at famous statues. Ria watches Aaron with a loving smile as August watches her.

It's a sight so sweet, it would make the devil blush.

Her cheeks are tainted red as she looks at the painted ceilings, admiring the amazing work in them. Feeling his eyes in her, she looks at August. He doesn't say anything, just smiles.


"Do you like it?"

"The ceiling? It's beautiful August!"

"So beautiful."

She wants to point that he hasn't looked up at that ceiling even once. He doesn't look interested in the historic pieces around them at all, he's more happy to watch them.

"I don't think you need a new ceiling by the way."

August laughs, biting his lips he closes the distance between them. "I don't need anything from here, I have everything I want in my home."

She giggled. "Lucky man."

"That I am."

A moment passed between them. No one says anything. They just look at each other, both smiling.

They know.

August takes a step closer, hovering right above her. "Ria, I nee-"

"Dwaddy! Riri! The Mona Lisa!"

They turn to look at the room Aaron is in right now. He's jumping up and down excitedly, pointing at the other wall. Ria runs after him, sparing a glance at him before she goes. August walks into the room a second later, to watch the two people he values the most standing together in front of the painting. He stays behind, he was there when this lady was painted. He's not interested in history he is a part of.

He thinks it'll be a tale worth telling, to share that one night he had a drink with Leonardo Da Vinci in a small pub, the guy just a mere eighteen year old back then. Ria looks so fond of his work.

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