《Cousin Miguel》Part 45


The adoption was a lot of work and it was only a few days away. A few days until Isaac would officially be a Hale. Derek felt proud when he thought about it. Currently Isaac was still living with Melissa and Scott but Derek planned on searching them a flat. Maybe something like the loft. He also thought about rebuilding the Hale house but it would be too big for only the two of them, although Derek hoped that Stiles might live with him in the near future. Anyway they needed a place to live but Derek barely had the time to look for something because he was so occupied with all the paper work and so on. "Hey", Stiles smiled at him as Derek entered their room "I haven't seen you all day". "I am sorry", Derek pinched the bridge of his nose "it's just a lot of work. I didn't mean to leave you alone". "Oh, Derek", Stiles patted the bed next to him "I didn't want to accuse you of anything. I was preoccupied today as well. School was hell. I just missed you. I know you are busy with the adoption these days and that's good. I am so happy for Isaac and you. I am just glad to finally see you". "Yeah, me too", Derek said as he laid down next to Stiles and took him in his arms. "I am sure everything will be just fine", Stiles mumbled as he drifted off to sleep. "Mhm...", was Derek's only answer because he was out like a light as well.

Nothing went 'just fine' like Stiles had said. They had a lot of trouble because Derek had been a murder suspect once and he didn't have a home. Also they asked if Derek was only adopting Isaac because he had a hole to fill since his family died. Derek had to restrain himself from killing these people but he managed to tell them that this wasn't the case and he felt responsible for Isaac ever since they met and so on. He really had to hold back as they asked Isaac the same question like he was insane. Isaac just smiled at them sweetly and said that Derek had been a father figure for him ever since. Derek's chest swelled up with pride at that and Stiles grinned at him from beside him. Stiles had been with him in all of this and Derek was really thankful, as well as Isaac. Thankfully no one asked about Peter not being a real lawyer. Noah and Melissa both had to speak up for Derek, but the jury still needed some time to decide what was best for the boy. So all they could do was wait. And wait they did. "I hate this waiting. Why can't they let me live with Derek already?", Isaac whined. "Isaac, it has literally been five minutes", Stiles laughed as they made their way down the steps towards their car. "Yeah mom", Isaac said just to tease Stiles and rolled his eyes but Stiles just laughed along with him. "We don't even have a place to stay", Derek groaned stressed out "I can't find anything". Derek looked so lost, like he was a failure and had disappointed everyone. "Derek, it's fine", Isaac reassured him "I can live with Scott for a while longer". "But it wasn't supposed to go like that", Derek looked to the ground "I am supposed to take care of you". "Derek", Isaac lay his hand on Derek's shoulder "you are taking care of me every day. Just because we aren't living together for now, doesn't mean you failed. It's okay. Melissa doesn't care about me staying a little longer, I talked to her yesterday. Everything will work out in the end". "Listen to your son, Derek", Stiles said and hugged him from behind "he is wise like his pack mom". Isaac beamed because Stiles called himself pack mom and laughed along with the boy. "Yeah, he is", Derek smiled and truned around to kiss Stiles. When they parted Stiles smiled at him fondly. "Isaac is right. It's not a tragedy that it's taking some time. Good things need time, but it will be worth it", Stiles said as he caressed Derek's cheek with his thumb "it has taken us some time to get our asses up and talk about our feelings and that's working out pretty well too, don't you think?". "Yes, I couldn't wish for more", Derek smiled then turned to Isaac "I am sorry I am all pessimistic. It's the stress. We can do this and we will do this and soon you will be a Hale and we will find a flat". "That's the man I love", Stiles cheered and smiled. "I don't really worry about that. After everything we have gone through together, we can do this too", Isaac shrugged smiling "we nearly died in fights with supernatural creatures, we can get out of an adoption process alive, right?". They all laughed at how true his statement was but Derek was still a bit afraid if everything would work out as they had planned.


The day of the adoption had come and only the people involved were allowed into the law court. So there was Derek, in his best suit and tie that he could find (yes, he lend them from Peter) and Isaac dressed in the suit he wore when he had to sell a weapon to the japanese mafia a few months back. And of course Peter who was still pretending to be a lawyer. Stiles was sitting at home with Noah and was wiggling with his leg or strolling around the room until Noah told him to sit and calm down.

"Mr. Hale", the judge spoke "we are here because you want to adopt Mr. Isaac Lahey over here". "That's correct, your honor", Derek stated and stood up while answering the judge. The judge nodded at him with a blank face and opened his mouth to speak again. "Well, we went through all the information we had about the two of you and we came to the conclusion that...".

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