《Cousin Miguel》Part 44


Isaac's birthday had come and Derek was nervous. Like really full on body shiver nervous. Stiles had never seen him like that. "What if he hates it?", Derek asked face full of terror. "He won't! Calm down", Stiles soothed him then looked out the window "they are here!" He went to open the door while Derek stood frozen. "Come in!", Stiles said to everyone arriving. Last came Isaac and Stiles pulled him in a bear hug. "Happy birthday", Stiles smiled and Isaac did too. They all settled down in the living room around the table where Stiles had put Isaac's birthday cake. "Blow out the candles and make a wish", Stiles explained "but don't tell anyone!" Isaac did as he was told and he seemed to concentrate on the wish, it seemed to be rather important to him. "Derek, are you okay?", Melissa asked quiet as she stood behind him and lay a hand on his shoulder. "Yeah, just freaking out", he said honestly and Melissa smiled that motherly knowing smile. "He will love it", she assured him "trust me". Derek nodded, wanting to believe her words. "So, presents", Lydia announced and Isaac looked at her bewildered. "You already got me a cake", he said wide eyed and not believing there was more to come. Lydia shook her head and handed him a box in green paper. "Happy birthday", she smiled sweetly "that one's from me, Jackson and the twins". They got him new lacrosse stuff, as he still got the old ones from his brother. Allison and Scott got him his favourite TV show, One Piece, and Melissa some new shirts. Noah and Chris teamed up as they had no clue of what to get him and just got him coupons for a pizza place he loves. Stiles actually spent the money for Isaac's present on the party. The food he cooked and the cake he baked. And Isaac already thanked him, as he said it was 'the best present ever' but still Stiles pulled out a simple black box from his pocket to hand it to Isaac. "But you already got me a present", Isaac said and gestured through the room. "Just open it", Stiles smiled at him fondly. Isaac opened the box to reveal a really elegant pen. Although it was beautiful he was confused why Stiles would give him a pen as a birthday present. He was not the only confused face tho. "It has something to do with my present", Derek spoke up hesitantly and handed him a folder. Isaac's face scrunched up even more in confusion as he accepted it. He opened the folder to read what was on the paper and the confusion made place for surprise. He looked from the papers up to Derek and back. His face was blank and unreadable. "Are you serious?", Isaac finally got out but without any emotion in his voice. He was actually quite good at hiding these if he wanted to. Mostly if he wanted to keep himself from being disappointed in the end. "It's just an offer. You don't have to do it, if you're not comfortable with it. I just wanted you to know that you do have a family, Isaac", Derek tried to explain as he thought that Isaac did hate his present. "That's...", Isaac started but was left in tears "I can't believe this". "You better should", Stiles said as he patted Isaac's back. "Are you sure you want this?", Isaac asked Derek through tears. "That's not even a question, Isaac. The question is if you want it", Derek said softly and smiled at his beta. "There is nothing in the world I could wish for more than for this", Isaac smiled through his tears. "I told you he would need my present, Derek", Stiles said proudly and Isaac laughed. "It's all sealed. You will be living with Melissa until we have a place to stay", Derek added and then opened his arms for Isaacs, who jumped into the hug immediatly. "This is more than I could have ever hoped for", he smiled and then grabbed the pen to scribble on one of the papers in the folder. "Alright now does anyone care to explain what the hell is going on?", Lydia asked. "I adopted Isaac", Derek told the people in the room and you could hear the jaws dropping to the ground. "Stiles figured it would be the best present to show Isaac that he has a family that loves him. And as much as I believe that we are just that I wanted to prove that he is not only metaphorically but actually a part of my family. And what better way is there to show than adopt him? It was tough to say the least. The sheriff had to stand up for me, as I was once a crime suspect and they needed Melissa to swear an oath that she would take care of him as long as I would need to find a home for us. Peter may or may not have pretended to be a lawyer so he could actually be adopted by me. Actually Peter still does all the paper work, that's why he is not here, so yeah. That's basically it", Derek finished. "That's a lot of work for me", Isaac talked quietly. "You're worth the work, Isaac. You're family. You've been ever since I bit you, but now you are in front of the law too", Derek told him and smiled softly. "I can't believe I am part of a family", Isaac had tears rolling down his smiling face. "You knew about that?", Scott asked Melissa. "Of course I did", she smiled at him. "You guys are awesome", Scott smiled at Derek and his mum "I am so happy for you Isaac". He stood to hug his friend as did everyone else. They congratulated Isaac and Derek both. The girls shed some tears as well. "You guys know that you are family as well, right?", Derek asked and everyone nodded. "We're married, duh", Stiles sassed and Derek laughed at him. "What now?", Jackson asked bewildered. "Stiles is my mate", Derek confessed and Chris made wide eyes. "What? To find your mate is rare. Like one in a million chances rare", he spoke up. "I know", Derek said and Stiles kissed him on the temple. "Congrats", Allison cooed and cuddled Stiles. "You know since Derek adopted me that actually makes you my pack mom", Isaac teased. "I fucking knew this was about to come", Stiles groaned "but whatever. Then I am your pack mom".

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