《Cousin Miguel》Part 19


"Please tell me you're kidding", Isaac whined through the phone "I can't get all of you food and keep it hot. Can't you just at least join? Like let's meet up at one house so you can all have your food hot and nobody shouts at me?" It sounded like a question and it hurt Stiles to think that someone shouted at Isaac. This boy had gone through enough already. "That's fine with me. Will the others come over or are we going to another house?", Stiles smiled through the phone and he could hear Isaac letting out a breath. "We'll meet up at Scott's?", Isaac suggested as he was living there at the moment. "Sounds good to me. We will be there in about fifteen minutes I guess", Stiles told him and gestured for Derek to stand up. "Thank you", Isaac said relieved and hung up. "We're going over to Scott's", Stiles announced "so Isaac doesn't need to drive to three different houses". Derek growled silently. "Woah, what's wrong, sourwolf?", Stiles asked surprised at his reaction "you like your pack, remember?" "I also really like to kiss you", Derek stated and created one of those sweet smiles on Stiles' face that he liked so much. He leant down to kiss Stiles but soon pulled back. Stiles still made a kiss mouth and had his eyes closed, when Derek's lips left his. "Wha-what?", Stiles raised his eyebrows and opened one eye. "I also like to live", Derek shrugged "and I think when your dad who just woke up comes down to us kissing, he might shoot me in the head multiple times". Stiles took in a sharp breath "you might not be wrong with that". Derek took a few steps away from the sofa Stiles was still sitting on just to be sure. "Hey dad", Stiles waved at his father. The sheriff smiled at him tiredly. "Hey son, how's your face doing?" "It hurts but I feel okay with the painkillers", Stiles explained "oh, dad, we're heading over to Scott's. Are you working today?" "Not if there is nothing bad happening today", the sheriff made it sound like a question. "Oh no we're just hanging out, nothing supernatural going on right now", Stiles clarified. "Right now?", the sheriff asked done. "Oh no need to worry.....now", Stiles grinned at him apologetically. The sheriff just nodded and rolled his eyes. "I haven't cooked so I guess you have to order something for dinner", Stiles smiled at his dad whose face lit up. "So no healthy food today?", he asked just to be sure. "It's your day off. Go wild", Stiles laughed and got up. "I am gonna change and then we can head out", Stiles said to Derek and hurried up the stairs. "Derek", the sherrif nodded at him as he hadn't greeted him yet "you are gonna watch out for him, right?" "Of course", Derek said immediatly. The sheriff smiled at him as Stiles already came down the stairs. "Bye dad, enjoy your day off", Stiles yelled putting on his jacket. Derek did the same and soon they headed out the door, the sheriff smirking at them knowingly.


"Oh my god, Stiles, what happened to your face?", Melissa asked in shock when she opened the door for Stiles and Derek. "Umm...", Stiles tried to avoid the ugly truth. "It was Scott, wasn't it?", Melissa rolled her eyes unnerved. Stiles nodded, feeling like he betrayed Scott, although he was the one with a bruise on his face. "Scott McCall get your ass down here right now!", Melissa yelled up the stairs. Soon Scott came running down. "What have I done wro...oh", he said as he saw Stiles "it was an accident. I didn't mean to shoot him in the face". Melissa's eyes got wide while Scott tried to explain the situation. "You shot him?!", she threw up her hands in exaggeration "you know he doesn't heal like you do. You are supposed to take care of him, not hurt him". Scott looked at the floor ashamed. He didn't want to disappoint his mum, or Stiles. "I am sorry", he whispered sadly. "You already said that yesterday", Stiles smiled at his best friend "also I have a walking painkiller". He turned around to look at Derek who sighed. "I used to be the alpha, now I am a walking painkiller. That's just awesome", he said. Melissa laughed and patted Stiles shoulder. "I'm glad you're okay", she said then said her goodbye and headed out to work. They got in and went into the living room, settling down. "Weren't you supposed to take care of Allison?", Stiles asked. "Yeah, Aiden and Lydia pick her up. She slept until an hour ago", Scott told them "do you need anything for your face?" "Yeah that would be nice", Stiles nodded and received some frozen blueberries from Scott. Soon after the bell rang again and Allison, Lydia and Aiden entered the house. The girls hugged Stiles and settled down across from him. "You look...", Allison started struggling to find the right words. "Blue?", Lydia finished for her. "Thank you?", Stiles looked at them confused. "You're still good looking tho", she said and shrugged smiling at him. "I was told", he mumbled smirking, watching Derek from the corner of his eye. "What?", Allison asked, because she couldn't understand him. "Oh nothing", Stiles smiled at her innocently and she smiled back at him. "Does it hurt bad?", she then asked. "Scott tried to kill me a few times before, that's not the worst", Stiles joked. "It wasn't on purpose", Scott rolled his eyes trying to defend himself and made the others laugh in the process. The doorbell rang again and Isaac and Ethan arrived with their food. They put it on the table and settled down themselves. Isaac sitting next to Stiles and handing him his burger. "Thanks", Stiles smiled at him. Isaac looked at him confused. "What?", Stiles asked him. "You smell like Derek", he said, catching Stiles off guard, he was glad that Isaac spoke silently. "He is living with me, Isaac", Stiles told him the truth, if not the whole. "Yeah, right", Isaac nodded, remembering, but he didn't seem completely convinced that this was all. Stiles let out a breath and then bit in his oh so awaited hamburger.

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