《Cousin Miguel》Part 7


The next morning Stiles woke up with a terrible headache from crying and from much too less sleep. "You look terrible", Derek stated as Stiles joined him in the kitchen. "Thank you. I feel terrible as well. I have a headache from all the crying and I haven't slept well either", he admitted then turned to Derek. "Thanks for your words yesterday", Stiles said. Derek smiled at him. "Why didn't you sleep well?", he asked and Stiles sighed. "I had nightmares again. And then my mom's death was in my head again...", he sat down after pouring himself a cup of coffee. When he was in Derek's arms yesterday, falling asleep seemed so easy. But as soon as he was alone in his bed, sleep left him just as Derek had left the room. He wanted to tell him that he felt safer around him, that he was peaceful in Derek's arms but he was too terrified of what will happen then. Derek could be angry and kill him or worse, leave him and never talk to him again. No, he couldn't risk that. "Hey, are you even listening to me?", Derek asked. "Wha-what? Sorry", Stiles shook out of his thoughts. "Maybe you should not drink caffeine today", Derek said and took Stiles coffee and drank a sip. "This is actually not that bad", he said a little impressed and took another sip. "Seriously after everything that has happened, why does no one trust my opinion?", Stiles asked shocked. Derek just laughed it off and kept drinking Stiles' coffee. Stiles poured himself a glass of orange juice. "Did you have breakfast yet?", he asked Derek who shook his head no. "Then I am gonna prepare some", he said and started making bacon and eggs. He put some bread in the toaster and arranged everything on three plates as the food was ready. Derek looked at him confused. "I may not have super werewolf hearing but for one I know that my dad is a silent walker, you will never hear him coming but you can hear the second stair creek, which I know means he is coming downstairs. And for second I know my dad and I know he stands up this time when he doesn't need to work early", he explained just as his father entered the kitchen. "I raised you well, Sherlock", his father joked "maybe a little too well". Derek smiled into his, formerly Stiles', cup of coffee while Stiles put the plates on the table. "Thanks", Derek and the Sheriff both said and started eating. Just that moment there was a knock at the door. "It's open", the Sheriff yelled and Scott and Isaac entered the house. "What's up?", Stiles asked with his fork full of food standing still in front of his mouth. "We didn't have any food at home and my mom is working...", Scott tried to explain. "And you forgot how to grocery shop", Stiles sassed but gestured for his friends to sit down. His father smiled. He was proud of his son and that he was caring for the people he loved. Stiles made another two plates with bacon, eggs and toast and poured his friends some orange juice as he knew neither one of the two really liked coffee. "Thanks, man", Scott said as Stiles put down the food and juice in front of him. Isaac looked at him a little stunned then flashed him a big smile. Something Stiles has never seen on his face before. "Thank you", Isaac said and Stiles knew enough about his friend that his reaction told him once again that no one ever really cared for Isaac. Stiles smiled at him and patted his back. "You are acting like your mother", the Sheriff said to him and Stiles smiled because his father was talking about her and because he kept her memory alive, by acting the way he was. He was happy that he was alike her. "Yeah, you are like our pack mom", Isaac said, mouth full. "Don't speak with a full mouth", Stiles said rolling his eyes. "Definetly pack mum", Scott stated huffing. Derek laughed a little, enjoying the conversation. "Awesome", Stiles threw his hands in the air in frustration "who is pack dad?" "Derek of course. He is the alpha", Isaac said as if it was obvious. Derek choked a little on his sip of coffee but tried to cover that up. Stiles flushed ten shades of red and Scott signaled Isaac that he might had said something wrong and made Derek angry. Only the Sheriff sat in his chair and smiled a little knowing smile, that no one saw. He knew that there was something even though he couldn't name it. He noticed the change in Stiles as well as in Derek. Stiles being more open and talking about his feelings. And Derek just being generally talkative and nice. He noticed the smiles and the looks they gave each other. And also the looks they threw at the other when they thought no one was looking. But he was. He saw. And he also saw that they seemed happy, more peaceful maybe. Whatever that was or was going to become he was okay with it as long as he saw Stiles smiling. After some awkward silence, he decided to say something. "I have the night shift. Maybe we can have dinner before I go?" "Of course", Stiles answered immediatly, silently thanking his father "maybe I can cook?". "You can cook?", Derek raised his eyebrows at him. "I just made you breakfast you ass", he said playfully. "He is actually a really good cook", Scott chimed in. "Pack mom", Isaac coughed and everyone started laughing, the awkward tension gone. "Cooking would be great", the Sheriff smiled at his son "but then you need to go grocery shopping. The fridge is nearly empty". Stiles nodded and started writing a shopping list. Scott and Isaac soon left and Stiles was about to head out for grocery shopping. Derek started to get the dishes in the sink when the sheriff spoke up. "Go join him, otherwise he will buy half of the supermarket. I will take care of the dishes". Derek nodded and smiled at the thought of spending his time with Stiles. They headed out of the house together and got into the jeep, then drove off into the direction of the supermarket.

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