《Cousin Miguel》Part 6


"Bye", Stiles waved the rest of the pack goodbye. They had watched Fantastic Four and all the werewolves permanently bitched about how this weren't good superpowers and that these people didn't even have super hearing. The Sheriff had arrived from his late shift and settled down with a sandwich. "I will never watch a super hero movie with you ever again", Stiles spoke up. "Is that a threat or a promise?", Derek asked. "Dont be so annoying", Stiles mumbled. "You tell me to stop being annoying? You know when I first talked to you, I had the urge to kill you just to make you shut up. You were really annoying", Derek said "You are not that annoying anymore." "Very...charming, Derek. But I don't believe it's true that you wanted me to shut up the first time we met", Stiles said. "Oh believe me...", Derek huffed. "No, I mean, I guess you mean the first time we talked like a year ago. Not the first time we talked", Stiles explained. "We haven't met before", Derek said confused. "Yes you did", the Sheriff chimed in "at the police station after the fire." "Wait what? That kid, that was you?", Derek asked looking at Stiles confused. "Yeah that was me. I waited for my dad, because my mom was...", Stiles started. "In the hospital", Derek finished "you told me. You also told me that..."

Flashback to the time they first met at the police station:

"Anger won't get you anywhere", little Stiles said. "What?", Derek asked. "You are Derek Hale, right? I heard what happened to your family, but anger won't help you", Stiles said. "How would you know, you are only a child", Derek spat. "I know what pain is", Stiles said "my mom's in the hospital. She is going to die. I was angry. That my mom is sick and that I can't help her. But she said that anger won't help the disease go away. She said to fight for what matters". His eyes began to water. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't know...", Derek stuttered. "It's alright. She is fighting", Stiles whispered. "For her life?", Derek asked. "No, for me", Stiles said so silently that Derek wouldn't have heard it if he wouldn't have been a werewolf. "You are what matters to her", Derek mumbled. Stiles nodded, the tears falling. "And I bet you are what mattered to your family, so don't throw your life away on anger. Live, because they can't", Stiles said staring Derek into his eyes. Derek just looked at the kid, he seemed so strong. More tears fell from Stiles' eyes. "You need to stop crying", he said "you can still fight for your mom". "I am", Stiles replied "crying is not a sign of weakness. My mom always says crying shows that we are fighting. That it is overwhelming us in the moment but that we don't give up. If we would give up, we wouldn't be crying. Crying shows that we keep going although it looks like we've already lost.The important thing is that when we stop crying..."


End Flashback

"...we fight back twice as hard", Derek remembered his talk with Stiles. "You remind it?", Stiles smiled at him. "Stiles you were the reason I didn't let out my anger. You were the reason I could use it as an anchor. If I hadn't met you that day, I may have get myself killed searching for the killer of my family. Because of you I know it is okay to cry, because I can still be strong." Stiles smiled weakly. "How could you have been so smart at such a young age?" "Because of my mom", Stiles whispered, a tear falling down his cheek "she was the strongest person I have known". His voice was low and shaky. "You are much like her", the Sheriff said and hugged his son. He then left the room, own tears forming in his eyes. "She sounds really great", Derek said. "She was", Stiles wiped away a tear. "You are still crying over her, you are still fighting for her", Derek stated. "She fought for me till the end, so I am gonna do the same for her. I can't cure diseases but I can make memories. Memories that she didn't have the chance of making. Having great years with my friends. And I don't care that Scott is a werewolf and that Lydia is a Banshee and Allison a hunter and that we all tried to kill each other and that we all might die in an epic supernatural battle some day. It seems overwhelming, all that bad in our lives, but I keep fighting. For me and for her", Stiles finished, full on crying and sobbing. "I bet she would be so proud of you", Derek whispered and Stiles couldn't do anything else than fall into his arms and cry. "It's so hard sometimes", Stiles sobbed. "I know. But we'll make it", Derek soothed him. "How do you know?", Stiles voice was barely a whisper. "Because you are the strongest person I know, and if I know one thing then it is that Stiles Stilinski never gives up on something that is worth fighting for", Derek's voice was clear and Stiles could hear his heartbeat because his ear was on Derek's chest. It was even. Derek wasn't lying. Stiles tried to breath calmly. They would do this. Whatever might happen next. They could get through it. "And Stiles?", Derek spoke up. "Huh?" "We are not gonna die in an epic supernatural battle" "You can't be sure of that", Stiles said his eyelids getting heavy from crying. "No I can't. But we need to live, because they can't", Derek said. Stiles made a low sound as a response before he fell asleep in Derek's arms. Derek took him upstairs into his bed and lifted the covers over his body. Before he left Stiles' room he lowered his mouth to Stiles' ear and whispered :"I wouldn't let you die in any battle". He didn't see the little smile forming on Stiles' lips when he left the room and neither one saw the Sheriff's smile when he listened to them in the hallway.

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