《Cousin Miguel》Part 3


"Let's go home", Stiles said to his dad and saw Derek flinching slightly at the word 'home'. "Yeah", the Sheriff said "all of you are coming home with us. We are gonna order some pizza and I need to get this supernatural stuff clear in my head." Scott and Allison looked at their parent to confirm they are well enough not to go home directly and they both nodded. "We'd love to", Melissa said and all of them got into their cars. "You are coming right?", the Sheriff said to Derek. He looked surprised and then smiled slightly. "Only if you want me to", he said. "Of course boy, you helped to save us. Get in here", he pushed the door of Stiles' Jeep open and got into the back to make room for Derek, who got in. Stiles smiled at him and started the car. "Oh hey Allison!", he yelled before driving "would you call Lydia?" Allison nodded and they all drove off.

When they arrived at the Stilinski household Lydia was already waiting in front of the door with the twins. Deaton was nowhere to be seen. "Deaton needed to go somewhere, help someone. The Usual", Lydia explained and shrugged. Before anyone could say anything else the twins looked up at the people in front of them and began speaking silently. "We are sorry. We didn't know that Deucalion was willing to sacrifice everyone. We never wanted to hurt any of you. Never wanted to kill Boyd. He threated that he would kick us out if we didn't obey. We didn't wanna be omegas again". Stiles sensed Derek stiffen at the mention of Boyd's name and lay his hand on Derek's back. He felt him slowly relax under his touch which made him a little proud. Everyone looked at Derek who just tried to breath calmly. "Deucalion can be very convincing", he simply said then added "I will never forget what you did to Boyd, but I will try to forgive you if the others can too." Scott smiled at Derek like a proud parent and nodded. The twins smiled a little. "Let's go inside I miss my sofa", the Sheriff suddenly spoke up and lightened the mood. Pizza was ordered and everyone settled down. The Sheriff, Melissa and Chris sat on one sofa. Allison, Lydia and Aidan on another. Scott, Isaac and Ethan got themselves chairs from the kitchen table. Derek sat in an armchair and Stiles on the armrest of it. He lent a little down to Derek and said "You did the right thing". "Thank you", Derek whispered and Stiles looked at him surprised. "What?", Derek asked. "Nothing. I just think you never thanked me before". They were interrupted by the doorbell ringing. Stiles stood up and got the pizza. He placed it on the living room table and settled down next to Derek again. "Sooo...", the Sheriff started and Stiles smiled at his attempt to clear the situation. "Who's what now exactly?", he asked confused and everyone laughed a little. "I am just a nurse", Melissa started. "And you are human, too?", the Sheriff asked Chris and Allison. "Yes, but we're hunters", Allison explained. "Hunters of what?", the Sheriff asked. "Um...werewolves originally. Look our motto was to hunt those who hunt us but now it is to protect those who can't protect themselves. I know it sounds crazy but we are on their side", Allison pointed to the other teenagers in the room. The Sheriff nodded slowly and then looked to Lydia questioningly. "Banshee", she said "and I have no friggin clue. I sense when someone is about to die. Its creepy. I scream a lot". The Sheriff had wide eyes and just moved on to the next one which happened to be Aidan. "Werewolf", he said. "Same", said Ethan. "Yeah, guilty", Isaac spoke up. "Yep", Scott said. "Me too", Derek said eventually. The Sheriff's stare wandered on to the last person in the room, his son. "Don't look at me like that, I am just a boring little human", he said and Scott laughed. "You are a sarcastic pain in the ass", Lydia said and surprised everyone. "What? We love you anyway", she shrugged and smiled. "Just imagine him as a werewolf in the pack", Derek said and rolled his eyes at Isaac. "Hyperactive Puppy", Isaac said. "Hey", Stiles said and slapped Derek's arm. Isaac and Scott looked a little scared to what might happen but Derek just let it happen, he knew it was just fun. "In your what now?", the Sheriff asked. "The pack? Well yeah we are a pack I guess", Derek said. "Of course we are", Scott and Isaac said in unison and Derek looked happy, well as happy as Derek can look. Sheriff Stilinski still looked confused. "I am the alpha", Derek tried to explain "the pack leader." "Isaac and I we are betas", Scott explained. "So there are alphas and betas. I think I got that much", the Sheriff said proud. "No", Ethan spoke up sadly "there are also Omegas. Werewolves without a pack". He and Aidan looked up and flashed their werewolve eyes. They were blue. They all looked a little surprised that they weren't alphas anymore. Lydia lay her hand on Aidan's. "I'm so sorry", the others whispered one after the other. Derek breathed in deeply then looked at the twins. "I don't see any omegas here", he said almost friendly. Stiles turned his head so fast he almost got a whiplash. He was so proud of Derek in this moment and he could see the other teens were too. Allison had tears in her eyes and smiled at him. The twins looked up not sure if they could believe what they just heard. "Are you serious?", they asked. "Do you even know him? He is never not serious", Stiles answered knowing exactly that Derek meant what he had said. "Thank you", they both said and Derek nodded at them. "So, let me get this straight", the Sheriff said " your pack consists of an alpha two betas and two omegas?" "No", Scott said "now that Ethan and Aidan are part of the pack they are betas too". "Okay", the Sherrif turned to Derek again "so it consists of the alpha, you, and four betas?" "No", Derek said and the Sheriff looked at him confused, along with all the others in the room. "These are just the werewolfs in my pack. My pack consists of an alpha, myself, four betas, Scott,Isaac, Ethan and Aidan. Also a hunter that tried to killed us multiple times but helped us plenty more, that would be Allison, a Banshee that protects us no matter what , Lydia and a sarcastic, nerv wrecking, fragile little human who saved our asses more times than we can count, your son", Derek finished and looked at Stiles. Stiles, for the second time that day, gave in to his instincts and just hugged Derek from the side and yelled "Pack Hug". The other pack members soon joined and Derek couldn't be seen anymore. The parents laughed, all happy that their children were a pack, a family.


After everyone left late that night, Derek was the only one left. "I am gonna head home", Derek said. "You never referred to the loft as your home until now", Stiles said surprised. "I wasn't talking about the loft", Derek answered sadly. "You can't be serious", Stiles said loudly getting his fathers attention from the kitchen "you can't go live in that mostly burned down thing in the woods. It will kill you!" "I can't go back to the loft either. Not after Boyd...", Derek interrupted himself. "I understand that. But don't go back to the place your family died either", Stiles said and Derek nodded. "Stay here", the Sheriff suddenly spoke up. "What?", Derek and Stiles asked in unison. "You said you are pack. Family like I got it. Family helps each other out. We have a spare room. Stay here", he explained. "I-I can't...", Derek stammered. "He's right and you can. Come on I'll show you", Stiles pushed Derek slightly in the direction of the stairs. "Thank you", he mouthed to his father who just smiled at him. Then the two boys headed upstairs and Stiles got Derek a blanket and a pillow. The spare room wasn't big but it was more than Derek needed. "Good night", Stiles said before turning to leave the room "the bathroom is the last door left on the floor". Derek didn't know why and didn't know how but he found himself hugging Stiles. The younger boy froze but eventually lay his hands on Derek's back. "Thank you", Derek whispered, a warm feeling spreading inside his chest. "You're welcome", Stiles said, suddenly feeling very happy. They parted and both went to bed with a huge smile plastered on their faces.


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