《Cousin Miguel》Part 2


"So how are we supposed to find them now?", Scott asked looking at Stiles. "Why do you think I know?", Stiles gestured to himself. "You always have a plan", said Scott. "Maybe I don't. Maybe I am not good enough to find them", Stiles whispered and looked to the ground. Derek glared at Scott, who didn't know that his best friend was making himself responsible for the disappearance of their parents. "We will find them", Derek said determined. Let's head over to Deaton and the others and ask them what they know. Scott and Stiles nodded and they all got in the car.

"This is the worst idea ever", Derek declared when Deaton explained what they had to do in order to find out where the Nimeton is. "It's the only chance we got", Stiles explained. "I am not going to kill you. Any of you", Derek added the last part. "Better me than my father", Stiles said bangig his hand on the table. "Let's go get some things", Deaton said and shushed Scott, Allison and Isaac out of the room. Lydia was in another room with Ethan and Aiden. "You don't mean that, right?", Derek asked. "Yes I do. I already lost my mum and I wouldn't stand losing my dad, too. He is everything I have left", Stiles told him truthfully. "You have the pack. Scott, Allison, Lydia, even Isaac. And me. We are there for you", Derek said laying a hand on his shoulder, returning the gesture from Stiles when Boyd died. "That's not the point, Derek. I couldn't live with myself if I hadn't done everything to save him. Wouldn't you have done everything to save your mother?", Stiles eyes were glassy. Derek shut his eyes tight at the memory of his mother. He would have died for her too if it meant she would live. "I'll help you", he said "but don't you dare die on me. Not on my watch". Stiles attempted to smile. "I'll do my best".


The other soon joined them again and it was time to get ready to die. As Lydia was in the other room, Stiles strongest connection was with Derek, as Scott and Allison were about to die with him. They got in the tubs and Stiles was breathing shakily. He was scared, he would admit that. Before they were about to push them under water Derek leaned down to Stiles ear. "You will all get out alive. The three of you and all your parents. You hear me? I promise", he whispered so only Stiles could hear. Derek promising things wasn't usual so Stiles was sure he would do anything to save them. Why, he wasn't sure. But he was thankful. He smiled at Derek when he pushed him down until he couldn't breath anymore. He didn't hear Derek adding "I need you here", when he slowly slipped into unconsciousness.

"Is it supposed to take that long?", Isaac asked nervous. "It's the first time I do it, so I don't know", Deaton explained. Derek sat on a chair nervously tapping his foot on the ground. "Come on wake up", he mumbled to the dead teenagers in the bathtubs. He couldn't stand this. Everyone thought he didn't have feelings but seeing his friends, maybe even his family, dead was just tearing him apart on the inside. Especially seeing Stiles dead was hard for him. He didn't know why he cared so much about the unnerving human and he didn't know when it started exactly but with Stiles things were different. He could be weak around him. He didn't have to be the strong alpha all the time. He could be himself. Stiles was there for him even if he wasn't nice to him all the time, or anytime at all. He couldn't let him die. He went over to Stiles' tub and took Stiles' hand under water. "Please come back", he whispered and lay his other hand on Scotts shoulder. He felt them move slightly under his touch. "Take her hand", he said to Isaac, who moved over to Allison immediatly. Moments later Scott shot up and took a deep breath soon followed by Allison. Only Stiles was still under water. "No, no, no...", Derek whispered. But right in that moment Stiles too shot up and begged for air. Scott was already talking to Deaton about what they found out and Isaac helped Allison out and gave her a towel. "You scared me there", Derek admitted. "Me? I scared Derek Hale. I'll write that in my timer", Stiles said proud but still a little out of breath. "That's not funny. I thought I killed you", Derek said and he didn't have to add an "like Boyd" for Stiles to understand. "But it was just a few minutes, I mean sure it's not normal but Deaton said it would take this long". "You were out for 16 hours!", Derek grumbled. He was still holding Stiles' hand. Neither of them pulling away. "16 hours?!". Deaton nodded overhearing their conversation. As everyone looked over to them Derek let go of Stiles' hand as it might seem weird. "But at least we know where to find them now", Scott said and climbed out of the tub. Stiles did the same and they all changed their soaked clothes against dry ones. Then they headed out to Stiles car. Scott drove with his motorcycle while Allison and Isaac got in Chris' car and Derek was shotgun while Stiles drove the Jeep. Luckily they arrived in no time at all and found the Nimeton with the help of Chris' signal. But when they arrived the earth around it was quickly falling down into the Nimeton. Scott jumped down, freeing his mum and the other two. Stiles helped them out, his father was the last and he cried tears of happiness when he held him in his arms again. Just as they were all a few steps away the whole thing sunk together in itself. Isaac called Deaton that they found them all alive, who again told Isaac that the twins were healing. "I'm so sorry I didn't believe you, son", Sheriff Stilinski said. "It's okay dad. The only thing that matters is that you are alright". "How did you find us?", the Sheriff asked. "Oh you don't want to know that, trust me", Derek chimed in. "Derek Hale? What are you doing here?", all the parents looked a little confused. "He helped us. He is part of our pack", Scott said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world and it brought a little smile to Derek's face."He is the Alpha", Isaac said and Derek looked a little proud at that. "Well thank you then",the Sheriff said and offered him his hand which Derek shook politely. They all headed in the direction of the cars and Stiles turned around to face Derek and without thinking about it he got over and hugged him. "Thank you", he mumbled into his chest then let go and followed the others. Derek just stood there for a moment taking in what had just happened. Then he smiled and followed his pack through the woods.

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