《Instafamous|| B.U.》Ninety-Nine



The tour was finally over. After six long months away from Brendon, I was finally getting him back tonight. I had spent all day cleaning the house, and had even taken a week off of filming. I had to film extra the past few days in order to do so, but it will pay off. He was supposed to get here at any second, so I was currently sitting on the couch, leg shaking in anticipation.

After what seemed like hours, Everest started barking, and I heard the door open. I instantly jump up and run over to him, who drops his bags. I jump into his arms and kiss him intensely, and he reciprocated it just as passionately.

"I missed you so much Bren," I whisper against his lips. "Never go away for that long again."

"I promise I'll take you on the next tour," he said, kicking his suitcase into the house more and kicking the door shut. "Now, where were we?"


Later that day, we decided to go out to eat as neither one of us felt like cooking. We had gone back to Off Vine, and ate all the pasta we could, feeling better now that we were together again.

"Can we go back to the ice cream shop we ate at on our first date?" Brendon asked. The restaurant was a few blocks away, so I agreed and we walked there. We got our ice cream and walked around the park again, hands connected the entire time.

"You know I love you," Brendon told me out of the blue. We had long finished our ice cream, now we were still walking around the park, making our way back to the car.

"You're first mistake really," I joked.


"No really, I love you Camari Jacobs," he repeats, slowing our pace.

"I love you too Brendon Urie," I tell him and we come to a stop.

"I love you with all my heart Cam. I've never felt this way about anyone else before, and it honestly terrifies me. You're my best friend, girlfriend, and I believe soulmate, all wrapped into one person. You're the person who I go to to tell everything, even if it's just about a new lyric I've thought of. These past months without you have been some of the toughest of my life, knowing I can't wake up to you next to me every morning. I said before the tour that I didn't care if I was Mr. Disco, it only mattered to me if you would be Mrs.," he tells me, reaching into his back pocket and pulling out a black velvet box, and falling to one knee. His voice breaking, he said, "Camari Claire Jacobs, will you make me the happiest man in the world, and marry me?"

I couldn't speak: all the air had been taken from my lungs. I felt tears sliding down my face, but I couldn't care. I finally managed to say what I was thinking.

"Yes," I responded, and he stood up and kissed me. When he pulled away, he slid the ring onto my finger. "I love you so much."

"I love you so much more my fiancee. Let's go home, shall we?"

"Of course my fiance."


camarijacobs: My always....


brendonurie: ...and forever


camarijacobs: For anyone confused, I said yes.

Tagged: brendonurie

brendonurie: And I continue to fall more in love with you everyday💜

whirlwindaella: AND I GOT IT ON VIDEO!

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