《Miraculous: Marinette's Baby (Miraculous FanFic) COMPLETED ✔》Miraculous: Chapter 23




Marinette sighed. Her legs shaking, as she held herself on her knees.

Sweat beaded at her hairline, and her blood pulsated quickly through her veins. Her heart pounded In her ears, as she attempted to control her breathing.

"Marinette... I-I c-can't~" Adrien breathed from behind her.

Marinette could feel his hands at her hips as he held himself pressed against her.

"Please...h-hold on~" she panted. Her body shook with pleasure. Her skin felt hot, and her legs continued to tremble as Adrien held himself.

"Marinette, I really can't!" He exclaimed.

Marinette bit her lip as she held on for a bit more.

"I-I'm sorry." Adrien whimpered as he shook. He released violently, his release immediately pushing Marinette towards hers.

Marinette cried as she shook. Bliss overcame her just as Adrien relaxed against her. His lips slowly pressed at the back of her neck, as she slowly came down from her high.

Marinette leaned into his bed, as he stayed put.

His hands dropped from her sides, as he shifted and moved off of her.

Marinette kept her face buried in the pillows.

She dropped to her side, her body shaking.

Adrien lay beside her, his breathing heavy.

He continued to look at the ceiling, attempting to gather his thoughts. His cheeks were warm and pink. He closed his eyes.

Marinette pressed her lips together and then separated them as she tried to breathe.

Marinette sat up carefully. This was the first time she actually had someone to cure her libido whims she was suffering from due to her being pregnant.

"You're not gonna leave, are you?" He asked, as he slowly sat up with her.

Marinette rolled her eyes.

"Don't say that." She whispered.

Adrien still wore a t-shirt with nothing underneath.

Marinette wore nothing but a bra.

She slowly climbed on top of his lap and hugged him.

He smiled as he kissed her neck softly.

"I'm still worried..." Adrien spoke carefully.

Marinette wrapped her arms around his neck as she straddled him.

"About the baby?" Marinette asked softly.

Adrien looked at her.

"About everything. I'm worried about Chloé, Sabrina...and I'm scared for what that akuma wants to do." He explained. "We've never had one run out for so long."

Marinette nodded as she looked down at their chests pressed tightly together.

She looked up at him carefully.

"We'll have to figure something out. This has been going on for too long." She responded.

Adrien frowned. He slowly leaned forward and pressed his forehead against her.

Marinette leaned forward and kissed his lips.

He relaxed against her and slowly kissed her back.

Her hands immediately traveled to his face as the kiss immediately intensified.

The door suddenly opened and Marinette gasped, pulling away from the kiss. She grabbed the blanket and covered herself. She cowered against Adrien, who seemed just as surprised as she was.

"Get out!" He immediately yelled, he was naked completely from the waist down.

The woman who usually came to do the cleaning gulped and shut the door immediately.

"I'm so sorry, sir." She spoke through the door.

Adrien couldn't stop his heart from beating so fast from the surprise.

He kept his arms around Marinette.

"Did she see me?" She asked nervously through the blanket.

Adrien chuckled nervously.

"No, I think you're okay." He replied thoughtfully.

Marinette slowly peaked from under the blanket.

Her hair was a mess.

She slowly climbed off of him, and grabbed some of her clothing.


Adrien reached for his boxers.

"I still have to tell my father. He hasn't been around much, so I haven't really got the chance." Adrien sighed as he dressed himself halfway.

Marinette slipped on her shirt and finger combed her hair.

She turned to look at him, her lips pursed slightly.

"That's okay." She sighed, carefully approaching him, and fixing the wrinkles in his shirt.

"I kinda... Need you to do something for me." Marinette sighed, before looking up at him.

He raised a brow and caught her hands.

"What is it?" He asked curiously.

Marinette paused. She didn't want to ruin this moment, but she did promise her parents. She was incredibly afraid of how her father would react meeting the boy that got his daughter pregnant.

"I... Promised my mom that she could meet my baby's father." She said softly.

Adrien looked at her blankly.

"Oh..." He said softly.

Marinette nodded with a blush.

"My parents want to meet you. I was hoping we could do that tomorrow night." She said.

Adrien looked at her with a grimace.

"I don't think I have a choice, do I?" Adrien sighed.

Marinette bit her lip and shook her head.

He chuckled and leaned down to kiss her.

"Sounds like a plan then. I can't stay out too late though." He said thoughtfully.

She pouted.

"Can't you sleep over?" She asked curiously.

He sighed.

"You know, I can't. I still have patrolling to do, just for a bit." He assured, and touched her nose.

Marinette sighed as he walked around her. She picked up her underwear and followed him, as he started a shower.

"Then I'll go with you." She said softly.

Adrien looked at her and shook his head.

"Yeah... That's not happening." He playfully teased.

Marinette stomped her foot in protest.

"But what if she shows up again? You need someone with you, she's pretty strong." Marinette explained.

Adrien nodded.

"All the more reason for you not to go." He sighed, reaching over to lift her shirt.

Marinette compiled.

"It'll only make me worry..." She sighed as she looked up at him.

He threw the shirt to the side.

"Don't worry it'll be fine." He assured.

"Where's your phone?" Marinette asked with a grimace.

Adrien furrowed his brow.

"My phone?" He asked.

"Yeah, put my number in it." She snickered.

Adrien shook his head with a smile.

"Go shower." He whispered with a grin.

Marinette nodded.

"Only if you come with me~"


Marinette slung on her bag as she sighed.

She was having a huge problem with hormones this time around.

It was like Adrien just fed the flames of her libido.

Now that they seemed to be dating, Marinette couldn't help but to feel content, despite that she was pregnant.

She slipped inside the classroom with ease.

It was still empty. She enjoyed her early morning chat sessions with Adrien.

Tikki could even tell that Marinette seemed more bubbly than usual.

"Adrien is meeting your parents tonight?" Tikki asked curiously.

Marinette nodded nervously.

"Yeah..." She sighed. "I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous."

Tikki chuckled.

"I'm sure your father wouldn't be too harsh on him." She assured, immediately gathering what Marinette was worried about.

Marinette shrugged.

"I hope you're right, Tikki."

Tikki giggled and sat on her shoulder.

Marinette looked up, just as Adrien was walking into the classroom.

She smiled shyly as he looked up.

"Hey you, quit talking to yourself." He joked, closing the door behind him.


Tikki giggled along with Marinette.

Marinette stood up carefully, still grinning.

"I couldn't help myself. I even cleared the desk, planning another rendezvous we could try out before class." She snorted jokingly.

Adrien hummed as he approached her, grabbing her hips and pulling her closer.

"Mm, sounds tempting. But then it kills me thinking about the risks of someone walking in on us. Next stop, expulsion." He chuckled, and kissed her lips shortly.

Marinette giggled against his lips.

"Maybe it's worth it." She said softly.

Adrien slowly pulled away.

"Trust me, it's not." He sighed, and continued to look at her.

Marinette hummed and shrugged.

"Are you feeling okay?" Adrien asked curiously.

Marinette looked at him.

"I'm a little nervous." She replied. "I'm worried about the whole meeting with my parents."

Adrien nodded.

"I'm a bit nervous, too." Adrien admitted.

"I feel it's gonna be alright." Tikki chimed in, breaking the two apart almost instantly.

Adrien looked at Tikki with a smile, and then at Marinette.

"Just don't be late." Marinette said to Adrien with a grin.

Adrien shook his head.

"Wouldn't dream of it." He said teasingly.

Marinette shuddered at the sound of his voice.

Her hormones screamed at her.

Not this again...

Adrien looked at her with a raised brow.

"Is everything okay?" He asked.

Marinette nodded and looked away.

"Baby hormones." Marinette replied in a sigh.

Adrien nodded his head slowly as if he was lost in thought.

"Does this happen often?" He asked curiously.

Marinette sighed.

"Like you wouldn't believe. I'm sure it'll go away soon." She said softly.

Adrien pat her shoulder, as he walked by her.

"I'll take your word for it." He sighed, his cheeky grin almost making her pounce on him.

She slipped into her seat.

"You are such a Chat Noir." She snickered.

Adrien's eyes widened, although he still grinned.

"Shh" he whispered.

Within moments, the door opened, and a few students came in.

Marinette felt Tikki hide in her sweater. She twirled her pencil on the desk, as she waited.

Alya took her seat next to Marinette, and Nino took his usual seat next to Adrien.

The two of them looked at each other momentarily before they looked at the front of the class.

The class was almost excruciating for Marinette. She bit her lip, raising her hand and excusing herself.

Once she walked by she brushed her fingers across Adrien's arm. He lifted his head and watched as Marinette flickered her eyes towards the door.

Adrien leaned into his seat and crossed his arms.

His eyes followed her as she exited the classroom.

Adrien sighed and waited.

Marinette waited underneath the steps. She was worried he'd be mad or annoyed with her.

She looked up as Adrien climbed down the stairs a few moments later.

He looked around, his eyes connecting with hers within seconds.

Marinette blushed and swallowed hard as she watched him start to approach her.

"Is everything okay?" He whispered. The first floor was clear, due to class being in session.

Marinette shook her head, as she ran her hand up her arm.

She felt embarrassed, but there was not much she could do.

Adrien held her shoulders.

"What is it? What's wrong?" He asked in a hushed whisper, concern immediately etching on to his face.

Marinette trembled as she looked up at him. She took her chances. Looking around, she sighed and then faced him. She took his face in her hands and brought her lips to his.

Adrien tensed, taken by surprise by the sudden kiss, but relaxed. Still a bit confused, he closed his eyes and kissed her back.

Marinette stood on her toes, as her arms now wrapped themselves over his neck. She nervously dipped her tongue between his lips.

He breathed into her mouth, only making her desire stronger.

Her hands shook as she unwrapped them and slowly traveled them down his torso.

Adrien's eagerness soon turned to precaution as her hand slipped under the band of his jeans.

Adrien slowly pulled away, his hand carefully pulled at hers.

"Marinette, we're in school." He whispered, he looked around before looking at her again.

Marinette sighed.

"Can we go somewhere?" She asked, her eyes glossy.

"Its driving me insane." She sighed.

Adrien shook his head.

"Can't it wait until lunch?" He asked.

Marinette shook her head.

"No, now..." She said. "I promise it'll be quick."

Adrien continued to look at her. He would have helped her, but he didn't want to take the risk of getting caught.

"Is it that bad?" He asked, his brow raised.

Marinette nodded.

"I feel like leaving." She admitted sheepishly.

Adrien shook his head.

"Come on." He sighed and grabbed her hand.

He led the both of them into the janitor's supply closet.

Marinette pressed herself against the wall as he closed the door behind him.

It was dark, she moved as far back as she could, to make sure that she couldn't be seen.

Her hand continued to link with Adrien's as she pulled him back.

Marinette gasped as she tripped over something.

Adrien wrapped his arm around her waist and held her steady against the back wall.

"Are you okay?" He asked her in the dark.

Marinette blushed as she giggled.

"Y-yeah. I'm okay." She breathed, looking up at him.

The two remained quiet as they looked at one another.

She didn't know where this boldness came from.

She leaned forward and kissed him deeply.

Adrien started off slowly, kissing her as delicately as he could.

Marinette ran her fingers across his ears, as he pressed her against the wall slightly.

Marinette ran her hands down to the back of his neck.

His hands slowly touched her face.

Marinette shuddered. She could feel the butterflies in her stomach as she tasted his tongue. She tried her best not to hurt him as she did when she grew too eager.

"Please hurry, okay?" He whispered as he started to work at his pants.

Marinette nodded obediently as she started to pull down her pants.

Marinette shook one leg out of her pants, as her hands shook. She nervously pulled down her underwear.

Although she knew it was dark, she couldn't help but to feel self conscious about the way her body appeared.

At least before she had gotten pregnant she was a bit more confident in her body.

Adrien ran his fingers up her legs.

Marinette immediately connected their lips. She held on to his shoulders, struggling to push herself up.

Adrien laughed softly, as he lifted her up. Marinette instinctively wrapped her legs around him.

He closed his eyes as she smiled against her skin.

She could feel herself growing hot by the moment.

She shook as soon as his tongue danced across her neck. He carefully sucked, leaving a small hickey.

Marinette breathed out contently as she brought his face to hers where she kissed him eagerly.

Adrien reached down, hooking her leg in the bend of his arm before bringing her down on him.

The blood flow was quick and hot, and Marinette couldn't control her breathing.

Adrien breathed at the initial feeling. It was something he couldn't get used to.

Marinette shook, her body more sensitive than it ever had been before.

Marinette whimpered, her hands gripping on to Adrien.

"Ow." She whimpered, her body slightly drawing back.

Adrien immediately pulled away, his hands still pressed against the wall.

"Did that hurt?" He asked, his eyes looking into hers with concern.

Marinette shifted.

"Y-Yeah... That's weird. That's never happened before." She explained in a whisper.

Adrien looked down briefly before he slowly relaxed.

"Do you want to stop?" He asked.

Marinette shook her head, her hands dropped to his lower back.

"No... Please don't. Just go slow." She whispered back.

"We need to be in class, Marinette. We should probably stop." Adrien said apologetically.

Marinette pouted.

"We barely got started..." She groaned.

"Maybe some other time." He spoke with a small smile and kissed her head.

Marinette smiled as she held on to his shoulders.

"Shh." She whispered and kissed his lips softly effectively ending that conversation.

It was only a matter of seconds before the two got back into the swing of things.

Marinette gripped on to the shirt of his lower torso. He moved delicately between her legs, making sure to make it as painless as possible.

Marinette whimpered as she gripped on to his shirt even tighter.

"I love you, Adrien." Marinette cried, her voice hitching at his name.

Adrien shuddered as he released before her for the first time.

Marinette shook as she reached her release just as Adrien came down from his.

Marinette closed her eyes, her legs tightened around him.

Adrien breathed out, his hands touching her lower back.

They both froze in their spots, attempting to gather their breaths.

Marinette kissed his cheek shyly.

"T-thank you."

-Chat Noir-

Chat Noir slowly walked the streets next to his school.

It had only been a few hours since school was dismissed.

His girlfriend was actually a handful. She had a lot of things she needed attention for.

Chat didn't mind it a bit. He knew she genuinely cared about him. It was ladybug, this was his dream girl.

Chat sighed, as he made sure to stand around the hotel the akuma usually seemed to make an appearance.

He was almost positive that the akuma had something to do with Chloé or Sabrina. It had to be one of the two.

He rubbed his chin.

This was making him worried by the minute. It didn't help much that the akuma knew about his child with ladybug either.

He wasn't aware of the plan, but whatever the cost was, he'd do anything to protect his family.

Chat Noir sighed.

Looking at the street lights, he extended his stick.

He needed to make it to Marinette's house before he was late.

He didn't want to leave a bad first impression.


Marinette wore a pair of black maternity jeans, and a cute white blouse that accentuated her belly bump.

Marinette decided to give her usual pigtails a break today. She let her hair fall just to her shoulders.

"You look so cute, Marinette!" Tikki said softly.

Marinette blushed.

"Thanks... But I don't feel cute...I feel like a planet." Marinette sighed.

Tikki shook her head.

"That's nonsense." She said adamantly.

Marinette giggled as she turned towards the trap door.

Tikki slowly hid herself behind Marinette's hair as Marinette slipped through the trap door.

She met her parents who were just preparing dinner.

Marinette felt more nervous than ever.

Her mother looked up at Marinette, her smile bigger than she's ever seen it.

"I'm glad you finally allowed us to meet him" she spoke softly.

Marinette felt a warmth in her chest and nodded.

"Just...remember. He found out after you guys. He's only known this for a little while. Go easy on him." Marinette explained thoughtfully.

Her mother looked at her father.

Marinette's father simply kept his eyes fixated on her.

Marinette jumped slightly at the movement in her pocket.

She pulled out her phone and examined her screen.

"Okay, he's here." Marinette said nervously.

"I'll be right back. Please behave." Marinette spoke.

Marinette nervously climbed down the stairs. She never really grasped the concept of what was happening.

She opened the door and peered up at Adrien who looked at her with a nervous smile.

She shifted nervously as Adrien took in her appearance.

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