《Miraculous: Marinette's Baby (Miraculous FanFic) COMPLETED ✔》Miraculous: Chapter 22
Marinette groaned as she turned over in her bed.
She had the most strangest dream.
Adrien admitted to be Chat Noir, and that her baby belonged to him.
She smiled as she chuckled.
She opened her eyes, and slowly saw Tikki's face.
Tikki looked at Marinette with a weary smile.
"Did you sleep well, Marinette?" She asked.
Marinette nodded and slowly turned on her back, her eyes closing.
"I could probably go for a few more hours" she whispered and sighed.
Tikki giggled softly as she seemed to float off the bed.
Marinette placed a hand on her belly.
"I should probably stop watching tv before bed." Marinette sighed.
Her blankets felt a little different than usual. She furrowed her brow as she turned to her side.
Something was off, these weren't her sheets.
She slowly buried her face into the sheets.
The smell was different. There was something about the smell that made her body quiver in want.
Her eyes slowly opened.
A hand lightly grazed hers, and traveled up her arm.
Marinette let out a small whimper of delight, a light sigh escaping her lips.
Her vision slowly came into focus. She turned her head to the opposing side, her eyes connecting with a pair of green orbs.
Her eyes widened and she shot up.
Her heart immediately picked up the pace as Adrien slowly sat up with her.
Marinette looked around as she tried to take in her surroundings.
This wasn't her room.
She whipped her head, just as Adrien spoke.
"Are you okay?" He asked curiously.
Marinette scrambled away from him.
She breathed heavily, her shoes were off, and so was her sweater. Her belly seemed to protrude through her shirt, lifting it up only slightly.
"What am I doing here? Where's my sweater?" Marinette panted as she tugged down her shirt.
Adrien looked at her with a grimace.
"You passed out, I had to take you home until you came to. Plus you're sweating, you could go without that sweater for a bit." Adrien explained.
Marinette gulped.
She was home, but not her home.
This was Adrien's room!
She was dreaming. She had to be.
She continued to look at Adrien as he sat on the bed beside her.
He slowly reached out towards her, and touched her leg.
Marinette shook as she continued to look at Adrien.
"I'm not dreaming, am I?" She breathed.
Adrien gave her an apologetic look.
"I'm afraid not." He said softly.
Marinette tried to steady her breathing.
"Marinette... Why'd you hide this from me?" Adrien asked after a long silence.
Marinette slipped out of bed.
"I-I need to go." She stuttered.
Immediately, a huge sense of vertigo overcame her.
She slowly staggered, and before she could fall, Adrien slipped his hand in hers. He stood behind her, preventing her from falling.
"Head should be the last thing to come up." He whispered.
"Relax for a little bit. I'll take you home." He added.
Marinette shuddered at his touch.
Did her hormones have to react like this now? It wasn't necessary.
Marinette kept her gaze away from Adrien.
She knew he was waiting for an answer. She just was afraid. She had been afraid since day one.
"I was scared..." She admitted. "Since I found out I was pregnant I was terrified. My parents didn't even know until recently." She explained.
Adrien held still, as his hand squeezed hers.
"So... When you threw up on me... You were pregnant..?" He asked.
Marinette cringed at the memory, but nodded her face flushing immediately.
Adrien looked down as he slowly pulled away from her.
Marinette immediately felt like crying. She withheld tears as she shook.
"How did you know that I'm-"
"I went after you...I saw you transform back to your secret identity." Adrien said, cutting Marinette off as she was just about to ask.
Marinette looked at him.
"You're so stupid." She sighed, a tear slipping from her eyes.
"This is risky, this could put our family at risk too." Marinette sighed, wiping a tear with the back of her hand.
Her hand clenched, her fingers digging into her palm.
Adrien shook his head, as he continued to look at her with a grimace. He reached over and smoothed out her hand.
"There's still an akuma out there..." He said firmly. "You are pregnant. I want to help you."
Marinette shook her head.
"The only way you could help, is by letting me put the baby up for adoption." She sighed.
Adrien shook his head adamantly.
He took her hands into his own.
"No, Marinette. We can do this. We can raise the baby. If you don't feel like you're up to it, then fine. But I'll take my son and raise him" Adrien persisted.
Marinette scoffed and slipped her hand out of his.
Adrien slowly kissed her.
Marinette gasped as their lips touched.
She couldn't help but to shake. It was different knowing she was kissing him instead of Chat.
However, she noticed the feeling was the same.
Her hands immediately gripped his shirt as she slowly kissed back.
The butterflies in her stomach raged just as bad as the hormones.
She shook as their lips separated.
"I wouldn't be so adamant if I wasn't confident enough to believe we can do this..." He breathed.
Marinette looked into his eyes and blushed, looking away.
She stumbled back a little and Adrien placed his hands on her hips to stable her.
She looked up at him as his eyes traveled down to her belly.
"H-has he been moving?" He asked, his brow raised slightly.
Marinette shook her head.
"N-no..." She sighed as she placed her hand on her belly.
"I hope he's okay in there..."
Adrien hesitated, but slowly placed his hands on top of hers. Both of their hands lay on her belly peacefully.
Marinette sighed.
Her thoughts had started to twist, just as his hands dropped to his sides.
She looked up at him, her hands shaking.
He was really Chat Noir?
But the two were so different. At least to her they were different.
How could she have not noticed?
He looked down at her calmly.
She gulped and reached up to touch his face.
Her hands trembled as she cupped each side of his face with both hands.
Adrien remained still before he smiled, slowly touching her right hand with his own hand.
She pressed her lips together as he slowly turned his head and kissed her palm.
He was so beautiful, and at this time she couldn't grasp that they were having a child together.
She smiled nervously, just as he looked back at her.
Marinette slowly brought her face to his.
Within seconds, their lips melted together.
She felt a thrill surge through her, as everything she withheld for Adrien slowly made its way to the surface.
Her kiss grew more fierce and eager.
Adrien furrowed his brow as he tried to keep up.
Marinette's kiss only grew harder and harder with bottled feelings.
"Mmm... Marinette...you're hurting me." Adrien breathed between the kiss.
Marinette slowly pulled away, her face completely flushed.
"I-I'm sorry..." She gulped.
"I've... Just wanted to do that for awhile." She admitted.
Adrien smoothened out her bangs with a smile.
"Me too." He said softly.
She rested her chin on his chest as she wrapped her arms around him.
He leaned down and slowly kissed her again.
Marinette shuddered as her libido screamed at her with agony.
She couldn't help but to feel a little embarrassed at how fast it reacted.
She could barely control them either.
His hands slid up her back just as she intensified the kiss carefully enough not to hurt him.
His tongue slowly dipped into her mouth, which Marinette shook with eagerness.
Her hands slowly traveled up to the back of his neck as the kiss started to grow more and more eager.
They're lips moved in a fight for dominance.
Marinette shook as her blood boiled in want.
She pulled away as her half closed eyes traveled down his body, glossy with want and hormones.
Just this once, since she got pregnant she had never had a chance to conquer the lust she had been feeling.
Her hand slowly slipped into his as the two of them tried to catch their breath.
Marinette bit her lip shyly as she slowly began to tug him towards his bed.
Adrien was hesitant, but didn't question it.
He gasped as she gripped his shirt and pinned him against the bed.
Marinette climbed over him, straddling him carefully.
He looked up at her with curiosity.
"Marinette..." He breathed.
Marinette smiled.
"Shh." She whispered, as she slowly moved her hips against his.
Adrien tensed at the friction he suddenly felt through his jeans.
Marinette shook as a wave of bliss shook through her body.
She continued to move softly, her legs shaking while doing so.
Adrien immediately gripped her hips, his body shaking under her.
"Marinette, w-we... Should get you home." He breathed, his voice shaking and his breath rigid.
"Wait~" Marinette begged.
She gasped just as Adrien flipped them over. He chuckled lightly, but leaned down to kiss her.
The kiss was immediately intense as he pressed against her.
Her legs wrapped around his waist, and his hands gripped hers.
His mouth slowly stayed on hers as he rubbed himself against her through his jeans.
She moved with him, her hands clenching on to his as they kissed.
She could feel the familiar butterflies in her stomach as she stuttered In bliss.
Adrien's grip grew tighter on her hands as he moved against her.
Marinette whimpered as he pulled away from the kiss, his lips traveling across her face and to her ears.
He whimpered along with her, his mouth slowly sucking on the lobe of her ear, as he pushed his hips against hers in urgent need.
Hers did the same, as she desperately held on to him.
"Adrien~" she breathed, her body shaking as she released.
Adrien breathed heavily as he released along with her.
His body shook, the blush clearly evident in both of their faces as he remained still.
He shuddered as he slowly rolled off of her.
Marinette blushed, breathing softly as she looked at Adrien.
He held his eyes closed as his cheeks remained pink.
Marinette giggled as she turned to her side.
"That...was different." She whispered shyly.
Adrien chuckled and nodded, his breathing still heavy.
Marinette closed her eyes, burying her face in his blankets.
Adrien leaned over and kissed the top of her head.
Marinette slipped out of the car shyly.
Tikki continued to hide in the pocket of her sweater.
Marinette waved to Adrien.
Adrien looked at her carefully through the crack in the window.
"I'll see you in school tomorrow." He said softly.
Marinette nodded with a blush.
This was seriously gonna have to be something she needed to get used to.
She watched as the car pulled away. Marinette sighed and leaned against the door of the bakery.
Tikki slowly emerged from her pocket with a small smile.
"You look so happy, Marinette." She said softly.
Marinette sighed as she blushed even harder.
She was aware Tikki was in the room when they did what they just did.
"I am." She breathed. "I'm sorry you...saw that Tikki."
Tikki shook her head.
"Don't worry about it, Marinette." She spoke softly.
It must have been somewhere around midnight.
Marinette slipped inside the building with her spare key.
She knew her parents had to be asleep at this time, and she didn't want to wake them. This was especially because she promised her mom that she wouldn't stay out too late.
Marinette slowly climbed up the stairs, trying as best as she could to not make any noise.
"What do you plan to do next?" Tikki whispered as Marinette finally made it to her bedroom without waking anyone up.
Marinette began to pull her clothes off of her body.
Tikki floated on to the computer desk.
"Well...I've already started...Why should I stop now?" Marinette explained as she gathered Pyjamas for a shower.
Tikki looked at her curiously.
"What do you mean?" Tikki asked.
Marinette pursed her lips briefly.
"I'm telling Alya...about my baby." She spoke softly.
Tikki smiled as she floated back towards Marinette again.
"Looks like you're growing up, Marinette." Tikki spoke softly.
"Have you decided to keep him?" She asked as Marinette started to hit the trap door for the bathroom.
"Y-yeah... I'm keeping the baby. Adrien really wouldn't give me a choice... Besides... I feel like it'll be different. I feel like there's hope for the little guy." She whispered and touched her belly.
Tikki couldn't stop the large smile on her face.
"I'm proud of you, Marinette." She said softly.
"I know you'll do the right thing."
Adrien pulled off his shirt, and sighed. The scars had started to darken from when he and ladybug slept together at the hotel.
He ran a hand through his hair, as he started to pull off his pants.
Plagg sat on his bed, almost half asleep.
"Looks like you were having fun."He teased, with drowsiness.
Adrien shrugged.
Deep down, he was just as terrified as Marinette was. He was only in high school, that was still too young to be a father. He certainly didn't want the baby being put up for adoption either.
This was something good for him. Though he didn't know the baby for so long, he felt attached.
Adrien saw it as a way to be a better, more nurturing father than his own. This was something that could love him. Adrien could have loved this boy too.
Adrien wanted to be there. Even if it somehow ended this way unexpectedly, he wanted to make the best of it.
But he had so many questions. His mind continuously plagued him with questions. He could ask anything of her yet. He didn't want to stress her out.
"I don't think when I'm around her." He sighed.
Plagg chuckled.
"I'll say. You guys still had your clothes on." He snorted.
Adrien groaned as he rubbed his temples.
"Go to sleep, Plagg. I have school tomorrow. We both need to be up early." He sighed.
"I'm taking a quick shower." He explained as he started to pull out fresh pyjamas.
Marinette stared at herself in the mirror. She had decided to wait until later. She wanted to make sure she caught Alya just before school.
Marinette examined herself nervously. She kept her baggy sweater on hand. She wore a much more fitted shirt, that showed her small baby bump.
Tikki giggled.
"Looks like you'll be telling Alya, without actually telling her." She giggled.
Marinette felt nervous. This wasn't the first time doing this alone, but she wasn't sure how Alya would react.
They both promised that they would be careful when it came to this.
She didn't necessarily ask Adrien if it was okay to tell everyone he fathered her child either.
She didn't know what that could do to his reputation.
She slipped the sweater on, without zipping it up completely, being sure to let her belly show.
She wanted to be as honest as she could without actually having to speak much.
She still didn't want the whole school to know, just a few people. She was aware that Nino was eventually going to know, he was one of Adrien's closest friends. There was no way he'd want to keep something this big from Nino.
Tikki rubbed her head on Marinette's cheek.
"It'll be okay." She said softly.
Marinette nodded.
"I hope so." She sighed.
Tikki hoped into her collar of her sweater, and hid as Marinette slipped on her backpack.
Marinette climbed through the trap door, and walked down the stairs.
Her father stood by the door, slipping on his apron.
He raised a brow at her appearance.
"Going out proudly?" He asked, as Marinette's belly peaked through slightly.
Marinette nodded with a weary smile.
"It's really a present for Alya." Marinette chuckled, rubbing her belly.
Her father laughed softly as he tied his apron behind his back.
She slipped out the front door with her father behind her.
She kissed her father riddance as she exited the bakery.
Marinette felt nervous as she started to cross the street.
The bus hadn't shown up just yet.
She hid her belly only momentarily. The front school yard had a lot of people in it.
Marinette felt a little nervous as the bus pulled to the curb.
She waited by the bus stop patiently, her back turned away, to draw away suspicion.
"Marinette!" A voice exclaimed.
Marinette smiled at the sound of her best friend's voice.
Marinette placed a hand on her belly and turned to face her.
Alya approached Marinette, pulling her into a hug.
Marinette smiled as she lightly pulled away.
"I see you're feeling better." Marinette said softly, her hand resting on her belly still. Marinette had hoped she would notice already.
Alya nodded, not noticing at first.
"I'm still a little icky, but I didn't want to be too far behind on school work. I haven't been able to gather any content for my Ladyblog either." Alya explained.
Marinette giggled.
"I'm glad you're back." She replied.
Alya smiled.
"What's going on with you?" Alya asked curiously.
Marinette sighed, her heart racing. "Oh you know... Homework... School... Family... Chores... Pregnant..." Marinette sighed almost casually although she was screaming on the inside.
Alya did a double take and glared at Marinette at her last word.
"Say what?" She asked curiously.
Marinette didn't answer, she simply rubbed her belly nervously.
Marinette shook as Alya's eyes traveled down her body.
Pausing at her exposed belly her eyes widened.
"M-Marinette...?" Alya stuttered, her eyes widened in complete shock.
Marinette trembled with nervousness. She had a lot of explaining to do.
Marinette opened her mouth, but jumped as soon as she felt a hand slip in hers.
"Hey..." Adrien spoke softly, kissing her cheek.
Marinette shuddered, at the feeling. She looked at Adrien with a nervous expression, her face suddenly flushing.
She swallowed hard and looked at Alya who looked like she was just about to explode.
Adrien waved at Alya, as she looked at him, then at Marinette, then at her belly, then back at Adrien again.
Marinette felt bad for her friend.
She knew she had so many questions, and she was trying to wrap her head around everything.
"We should get going, class is starting soon." Adrien spoke as he started to tug Marinette towards the school building.
"I'll explain during break." Marinette whispered to Alya, who followed them in exasperation.
Marinette kept her hand in Adrien's just as the two entered the classroom.
Her hand slipped out of his as she sat carefully in her seat.
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