《Utterly Barbaric || Harald Finehair》xxviii


Harald awoke with a smile on his face.

It seems these days, all he could conjure up was a smile. No matter that he looked like he had gone slightly mad.

Ever since his wedding to Kari, life had been bliss. They had feasted for many days and the nights had been just as memorable. He could still recall her various reactions as he kissed her in certain spots. Those would certainly be imprinted in his mind forever.

Even now, merely remembering the night before was another reason for the smile that appeared on his face. He now had someone to look forward to and if that was not a gift itself, then he didn't know what was.

After all, is it not the greatest gift that a man, a viking, and a warrior could have? A reason to wake up in the morning and a reason to keep fighting.

Harald reached out to the other side of the bed, wishing to pull his wife into his arms to greet her good morning. Only his hands came up empty.

He pushed the furs off his body to realize that he was all alone in bed. He glanced around the room to see that it was empty, with no sign of Kari anywhere in sight.

Peering outside, he saw that the day was already in full swing. Everyone was bustling about doing work and the sun was already high in the sky. Perhaps he had slept too much.

Wondering where his wife could be, he pulled on his clothes as he thought of the places she could possibly be in. The docks seemed an obvious choice, she always spent time there. Although she could be at the market, purchasing new items from the traded goods.

Suddenly, the memory struck him. Just last night, Kari had told him that she was to venture high in the mountains, where the trees grew higher than the clouds, to train with blades. She had been adamant about learning how to fight, wanting to be immersed in battle fully prepared.

Even though he had told her that there were no battles to be won as of late, she had pushed for it and whatever she says, always goes.

With that in mind, Harald rose from the bed fully clothed with the sole intent to find his wife. His wife, gods, he loved saying that.

Walking there, he greeted everyone he passed and addressed some concerns from his people. By the time he reached the shaded area, it was silent. Too silent.

"Kari!" Harald called out yet his only response was a few plants rustling in the wind. "Trouble, where are you?"

He continued to traverse through the area, not seeing anything particularly odd. Surely, she was not in any danger. Perhaps she had already left and gone off somewhere different.

Turning to leave back the way he came, he heard footsteps behind him. However, before he could turn back around, he felt a sharp blade against his back.

"Going somewhere?" An amused voice asked.

That elicited a smile from Harald as he raised his hands in surrender. "You've caught me, Trouble. What will you do now?"

Kari laughed, sheathing the blade just as he turned around. "Hmm, the possibilities are endless."

He gazed at her fondly, noting the messy flow of her curls and the mischievous smile on her face. He pulled her in by her waist, planting his lips against hers. "Good morning, Trouble."

"Morning. How did you sleep?" She asked, tangling her fingers in his long hair, combing through his morning tangles carefully.


"Good. Except my queen decided to wake up early to learn how to maim people." He complained playfully, earning a smack on the arm.

"I'll make it up to you." She answered huskily, tugging gently on his tunic as she kissed him in earnest.

That was another perk of being married. Definitely one of the best parts of it, with the two of them unable to keep their hands from each other. No wonder so many people regaled marriage as something magical.

Harald obliged, taking off his tunic as he lifted Kari into his arms. In turn, she wrapped her legs around his waist, moaning softly when he pressed her against the rough bark of a tree.

She tugged on his hair as his fingers slowly lifted her dress, his hand clutching her thigh against him. He captured her lips with his, their warmth melding into one another as their tongues began a dance of passion and love.

"I need you." He gritted under his breath, his eyes flaring with lust. It was taking everything in him not to take it all the way but he needed her to agree.

"You have me." She assured him, her nails digging into his back with need, her very own emotions reflecting his.

Upon hearing her consent, he wasted no time in undoing his breeches and pushing himself inside her. They both released breathy sounds of pleasure as he moved against her.

"Kari," He called out, the passion threatening to overwhelm his senses as she whispered encouraging words against his ear. "Gods, Kari."

"Don't stop, Harald. Don't ever stop." She uttered, looking at him intensely as soft whimpers fell from her lips in rapture.

They moved together as one, the push and pull of their bodies evoking the release of the sparks within them. There was chaos yes, but there was a certain beauty to the chaos in love. On and on they went, none of them ceasing in their movements.

The flame grew and grew until they both reached the very precipice of pleasure, the euphoric sense filling their beings as they tumbled over the edge.

Kari's grip on him loosened but luckily, he caught her in time as he gently laid her down on the soft soil, taking his place beside her.

"You're insatiable, you know that." He remarked, attempting to catch his breath as his chest rose and fell.

"Me? You're insatiable! You came here fully well what would happen, don't even look at me with that smirk of yours." She scoffed, throwing his tunic over his face.

He merely laughed, pulling her in closer and burying his nose in her hair. "And how was your training, Trouble?"

She opened her mouth to reply when the distant sound of drums filled her ear. Her eyebrows furrowed in concern. "Do you hear that?"

He paused as he heard it too, hastily pulling on his clothes and offering her his hand. Once she did, he pulled her up and the two raced to the edge of the forest, where there was a clear sight of the harbor.

A surprised breath left her lips as she spotted a group of ships intending to dock at Tamdrup. A group seemed measly to describe the great number that arrived.

"Ivar," Harald spoke, shaking his head in disbelief at the sight below them.

"Ivar? What on earth is he doing here?" Kari asked, feeling unsettled by the mood being brought in by her brother no less.


She had not thought about any of them in so long. Thoughts of Bjorn and Halfdan entered her mind from time to time, to be sure. Mostly, what they would think once they find out that she and Harald have married.

However, her other brothers, she barely knew them. Not even enough to be a cause of concern to her. But now, it seems that would change.

Harald ran a thumb over her cheek, smiling comfortingly at her. He could sense her worry but whatever may come, they would face it. Together.

"We'll just have to find out, won't we?"


Kari fiddled with the ring on her finger, pressing her back against her wooden throne as she let out a sigh.

There was just a feeling that overcome her. A feeling that all the things they knew now were about to be shaken and challenged. She didn't know what Ivar brings but she did not like it. Not one bit.

They had dressed in finery, clothes fit for king and queen. The crown comfortably sat atop her head but the expression on her face was not befitting a bored leader.

"Are you alright, Trouble?" Harald looked over at her, noting her apprehension. It was unnerving to see her like that.

"I'm fine. Let's just see what he wants." Kari forced a smile on her face and tried to steady her stance. In no time, her worry melted off her being and she looked comfortable once more.

"Very well." He nodded, knowing that there was no pushing her now. She would tell him when she was ready. "Send them in!"

The doors to the great hall opened with a loud sound and in walks in two familiar men. One of them walked comfortably to the side as if he was used to being sidelined. Another walked in dragging his legs as he used crutches to walk, walking to the center.

There was a clear understanding between her brothers, it was evident who was in charge. Kari did not know if she should be happy about such a thing or not. Their eyes fell upon her and the crown she wore atop her head.

Harald greeted, a cheery tone in his voice. "Ivar and Hvitserk Ragnarson. Why did you not return to Kattegat?"

Ivar let out a breath, looking downright frustrated. "You don't need the Seer to know that Ubbe and I fell out. We disagreed about many things. But in the end, Hvitserk agreed with me and Ubbe sailed alone to Kattegat. And that is why we're here."

"A good choice. A good choice." Harald patronized, almost mocking the younger man. Upon noticing where his gaze went, he chuckled. "Surely you both remember Kari? She is my queen now."

"Of course. How could I not know my dear sister?" Ivar said, tilting his head curiously before settling on congratulating them. "I am happy for both of you."

"Thank you, brother. It is good to hear that from you." Kari smiled charmingly, looking very much the welcoming host.

It was difficult to discern what he truly thought about her so until the moment that she knows, she would settle on being friendly.

"And I must say it is good to finally meet you. Hvitserk and I have heard many stories about the living daughter of our father, our only living sister." Ivar continued, taking another step forward as Hvitserk nodded in agreement.

"Have you, now? Well, it is good you sailed here first. So we can finally meet." Kari declared, sharing an almost secret understanding with the other man.

Ivar chuckled lowly under his breath. His sister may look like an innocent flower but it seems as though she knew how things worked with these things. She was not someone to be underestimated or manipulated with flattery. He would have to be careful.

"So, do I understand that you and your warriors will support us when we attack Kattegat?" Harald cut in, having no time for such pleasantries.

"Straight to it. I like it. Yes, we will." Ivar concurred, happily agreeing with what he was saying if he could get the older man to go with his plans.

"But only if Ivar is made king." Hvitserk added, silent up until that point.

"Oh?" Kari raised a brow, not liking that idea one bit. They came here asking for their help yet they would want to reap the rewards at the sacrifice of her people.

The king and queen met each other's eyes at that. Words silently passed between the two, both of them in agreement that they did not like what the other man was offering.

"You know that I have my own plans for that kingdom." Harald intervened, a frown settling on his face.

"Of course, of course. And that is why we are here. And what I think my dear brother is trying to say is that, in the long term, what is to stop you two from ruling Kattegat when I am dead and gone? How long can that be? I'm not a healthy person. I'm a cripple. " Ivar explained, reasoning with the two.

"So we will have to wait for you to die to rule Kattegat? That is morbid, even for you." Kari questioned, her fingers playing with the ring on her finger as if she were a predator toying with other things as a way to intimidate her prey.

Harald carried on, already disagreeing as there were a lot of holes in his plan. "But your brother Hvitserk?"

"All that matters to the both of us is to reclaim the kingdom that was torn from us by that murderous bitch, Lagertha." Ivar verbalized, baring his teeth in anger at the woman's name. "We want to be in an alliance with you, to make that happen. And soon."

Kari shrugged, not saying a word, conceding to whatever her husband would decide. She was not happy with what her brothers came offering but she trusted Harald to make the right decision for them and this kingdom.

Harald grinned at her comfortingly, assuring her that he had things under control and that she had nothing to worry about, diverting the topic to avoid giving the man a straight answer. "You have a prisoner. I have heard of this man. Where is he?"

"Bring the Christian!" Ivar clearly covered up his disappointment with a forced smile before calling out.

Footsteps approached loudly until two men entered, restraining the third man they had with them. A man who was covered in blood and dirt for the most part. He breathed heavily, half in fear, half in rage.

"On his knees," Ivar commanded as the two men hastily followed. He waved his hand toward the warrior. "Bishop Heahmund."

"What's the point of him? Why don't you just kill him?" Harald exhaled, displeased with the sight of the man in front of him.

"Because he is a great warrior. I've seen how he fights with my own eyes. And I admire great warriors." Ivar regaled, the awe in his voice evident.

That captured Kari's attention, a warrior bishop from England. He was a long way from home and he caught the heroic admiration of her brother. This was sure to be fun.

"He will fight for us?" Harald asked hesitantly, not believing that such a man would fight alongside his men.

"Maybe. If he doesn't want to get crucified." Ivar mocked, causing everyone to start laughing. All but Kari who continued to look at the man inquisitively.

"The Lord rules me. I shall want for nothing-" Bishop Heahmund began to speak in his own language before his head was pulled harshly by Ivar, causing the man to stop.

"No, no, no. Let him continue." Harald, wishing to contest Ivar, told him to let the man be.

Bishop Heahmund continued to say, his voice full of emotion. "And He has set me in a place of good pasture. And fed me by the water's shore. He led me over the ways of righteousness for His name. Yet I now go in the midst of the shadow of death, I fear no evil for you are with me."

A small laugh broke through the mood that had settled over the room. All eyes turned to the queen sitting with an amused expression on her face. Even the bishop had stopped speaking.

Kari stood from her throne, stepping toward the man on the floor. With a small smirk, she tilted the bishop's head to meet her gaze before replying in his language."Your Grace. Bishop Heahmund, was it? Such prayers about death are not necessary. You have no need to fear. You are in our kingdom now. Only we make the decisions here."

The man's jaw dropped at her words, not expecting a viking queen to know his language. In more ways than one, his attention was piqued. Everyone else looked on curiously at the queen they had dismissed prior.

Everyone saw someone worthy of note then.

Harald grinned at his queen's antics, entertained by her show of dominance. His grin widened even more at her next words. A repetition of the words she told the bishop, but a warning to everyone else in the room that they were the ones in charge here.

"You are in our kingdom now. We decide. No one else."


Hello everyone! This was a really really long chapter oofs, I got carried away with writing this scene. Lots of affection between Harald and Kari, and of course meeting Ivar and Hvitserk + Heahmund. I loved writing the dynamics between all of them because of the conflict and the slight machinations. There will definitely be a lot moreee!

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