《Utterly Barbaric || Harald Finehair》xxvii


Kari's fingers traced the bodice of the gown she was wearing, a light blue fabric that was procured for this exact day.

She found herself circling the golden bracelets around her wrists as she continued to be in awe of all that she was wearing. If she had been told months ago that she was to marry a king from a faraway kingdom, a viking king at that, she would've deemed the person who told her mad.

Yet it seems so many things can change in a matter of months. The woman staring back at her through the reflection of the mirror was not the Kari from Northumbria. The woman staring back at her now was surer of herself and assured that wherever she was, she had found her place.

Her hair was curled to perfection, golden ringlets carefully framing her face as a crown of flowers was placed atop her head. Her lips were stained red from crushed dried berries. Her gown was soft, fitted perfectly to her form.

The sun was shining brightly, the golden rays peeking from the window. From her room, she could hear the bustle and excited chatter of the crowds outside.

They had all cheered when Harald announced that they were to be married, though most of them seemed as though they knew that it was going to happen, one way or another. The women by the dock happily helped her get ready, some of them even giving her advice on married life.

Nothing could have made this day better.

All the women agreed that the good weather was a sign that Freya smiles upon the match, making them even more excited.

Kari could not help but share in the excitement. Her lips formed a giddy smile as she remembered all that had happened ever since they had finally been honest with each other.

They had returned to Tamdrup sopping wet with wide smiles on their faces. Harald had the leather band wrapped around his finger and her satchel on his arm. He wasn't taking any chances, he had said.

He had pulled her in every chance he could get to plant his lips upon hers, burying his hand in her wet golden locks. It had gotten to the point where they were caught by one of the servants, leading him to be extremely defensive, stating that they were to be married.

Although that led to another chain of events wherein he would tell anyone who would listen that he was to be married to Kari. By the end of the day, everyone in Vestfold had known that they were to be married.


Since then, Harald has wasted no time and no expenses in planning their wedding. Even though she had assured him over and over again that she was perfectly content with a simple celebration, he had reiterated that he only wanted the best for the future king and queen of Norway.

Kari had only sighed, knowing that there was no stopping the man. He was relentless and who was she to complain? That was one of the reasons she had fallen for him after all.

Now, the day of their union had finally arrived. Last night, the other women had led her through the rites of every young maiden before their wedding and she must admit, for the first time in a while, she had not been afraid of the day to come.

"Look how she smiles! What a beautiful blushing bride!" One of the older women exclaimed, patting her cheeks affectionately.

Kari grinned in return, laughing softly. "I suppose I cannot help it."

"It is wonderful that our king was able to find someone like you. All of us here had thought that he would never get married. We are glad to be proven wrong." One of the others answered, fixing the hem of her gown.

"We know you will be a good queen indeed." Another mentioned, fastening the flowers on her hair.

"How do you know that?" Kari asked, looking around at the women in question.

"Because we see the look you give our king and we see the same love move through your eyes when you spend time with the people here." One of them confirmed, giving her a soft embrace.

Leaning into the woman's hold, Kari felt as everyone else reached out to pull her into their arms, welcoming her in more ways than one. This time, not as an unknown stranger but as their future queen.

A knock sounded loudly from the door before a little girl entered, her own hair braided with small flowers. She showed a toothy grin before announcing. "It is time."

Everyone in the room let out happy sighs before more or less pushing Kari out of the door as if making sure that she would not change her mind.

"She is ready."


Harald stood, waiting impatiently.

Truth be told, he had been awaiting this very moment ever since he caught up with her in the rain. He anxiously rubbed the leather band around his finger, looking up at the arch made up of the bones of a great whale.


Torches were lit on either side and a crowd was gathered to watch the proceedings take place. Half of them were those who were curious to see the great Harald Finehair felled by love.

He could not even find it in himself to be angry. In fact, he wanted them all to see what it was like for him to be happy. They could all be jealous of him and his beautiful bride.

As if the gods finally heard his prayers, a hush fell over the crowd. He could hear the crowd parting to make way for who he was sure was Kari.

Somehow, he could always tell when she was near. It was almost as though she called out to him, wherever she may be.

Mustering himself up, Harald turned around and he swore he could feel the breath leave his lungs. He had always known she was beautiful but seeing her walking toward him to get married to him, she looked downright fantastical.

Seeing her with her golden hair, her gorgeous smile, and her lithe figure radiating grace, he was sure he could have died right then and there yet be a happy man entering the gates of Valhalla.

From where he was standing, he couldn't wait for her to reach his side. It took everything in him not to meet her halfway and pull her to the altar much faster.

When she finally reached arm's length, Harald offered her his hand, which she gratefully took, her small pale hand slipping into his own rough and calloused one.

"Trouble, you are the most heavenly being to walk this earth." Harald murmured once she stood by his side.

"I could say the same about you." Kari whispered, turning to face him with those arresting blue eyes.

Feeling his cheeks turn pink, he cleared his throat, nodding at the priestess to begin before he became too flooded with emotion.

The priestess began, her mellow voice causing everyone to hush as she spoke. "So you come to be married. You want to be man and wife."

"Yes," Harald responded with a nod.

"In the sight of the gods? In the sight of Freyr and Freya?" The priestess continued.

"Yes." Harald looked at the woman beside him, squeezing her hand gently as her captivating blue eyes turned to him.

The priestess asked, this time turning to Kari. "And are you agreeable? Is this what you want to do? Think carefully. For although the fetters of marriage will be invisible, like the cords that bind Fenrir, they will still bind you."

Kari smiled softly, gazing at the man who was to be her husband with loving eyes. "Yes, there is nothing more I want than to marry him."

There may have been many decisions and choices that she had to make in her life. Some of them being difficult, some as easy as breathing. Marrying Harald would change her life but it would never be a choice she would ever regret.

"Very well. Then we call upon the gods who are gathered invisibly here round us to bless and make fecund this marriage." The priestess declared, raising her hand for the final thing needed in the ceremony. "The ring."

As the priestess muttered some binding words as she dipped the ring in the blood from the sacrifice, Harald found himself looking at Kari once more.

'I love you.' He mouthed, the words passing merely from him to her, not a single sound breaking the profound silence.

'And I love you.' She mouthed back, not believing that this was happening to her.

The priestess placed the ring onto Harald's waiting palm and in turn, he faced Kari. With a meaningful looking passing between them, he said. "It is now my turn to give you a ring."

She raised a brow, a smirk pulling at her lips. "What are you waiting for then?"

Harald obliged, gently slipping the ring unto Kari's finger, in the same place she had tied his leather ring. After he had placed it on her finger, he gently pressed his lips to it.

Cheers sounded from all around them as the ceremony was finalized. All were overjoyed to see them being wed finally, especially with the looks they were giving each other. There was no doubt, they were in love.

"Perhaps my luck has finally changed." Harald beamed, his eyes twinkling with joy as he pulled her in by her waist.

"Perhaps it has," Kari responded, placing her hands on his chest, over his every beating heart. The heart that will forever beat for her.

With that, right in front of the cheering crowds, Kari leaped into Harald's arms and pressed her lips upon his, kissing him passionately.

Their first kiss as man and wife.

As king and queen. The first of many.


Hello everyone! Some more fluff, of course we have to see them get married! It was really important for me to see them get married on their own terms instead of being forced into it so here we goo yayy

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