《Vikings: Imagine you and ...》Imagine Ragnar and Lagertha wanting you both


'Come her you.' The man grinned. You felt his hand leaving scars on your arm while he tried to grabb. The rush of adrenaline didn't care if you arm started bleeding or not, you needed to get away from the man that hitted you since you were little. He wasn't your father but he was married to your mother and since he joined your life he treated you bad. But your mother wasn't around and after all those years you decided that it was enough, you didn't wanted this anymore and you rather ran away than to stay. So you jerked your arm loose, causing him to fall out of balance and smacking on the ground. He grabbed your ankle and you fell on the ground, you head kicked against the floor and you got dizzy while he climbed on to you. 'I will show you how I treat disobedience.' He hissed. Your hand looked for something, anything to hit him with on the head. And when you found a piece of wood you didn't think about it, you just smached it against his head, causing him to loose concious on top of you. You pulled your body from underneath him, eyes wide open when you stared down on him before you started to run for your life. He could wake up, he could come after you, he was quite the tracker. The forest swallowed you, not trying to stay on the path you zigzagged between the trees, in the mud until you were sure you head a little headstart. Blood pounded in the little wound on your head, trees danced before your eyes and you told yourself to take it a little easier. For now you were safe, a heavy men like him you would hear coming so you slided down aside a tree and tried to get some control back in you body. You ran away ... not planning to go back soon.

After days you noticed your mistake. Running of without any food or clothes was the worst you could do in that moment. Not that you were starving on that moment, you found some berry's and a small creek with fresh water. But seeing a bunny hopping by wasn't much of a solution to your problem if you had nothing to hunt with. So you wandered through the forest, hoping that you would find some shelter, a shed in the woods, another village to regain strenght maybe. But after a two hour walk again you felt hopeless. So sat aside a creeck looking down to your own reflexion when you heared something. You jerked your head up, looking for the sound that looked like some running throught the bushes. Would he have found you? After all those days? Your body stood up, like an automatic pilot you started to run again in the other direction. You really didn't look before you, eyes got always back over your shoulder hoping it wouldn't be him. But when you ran on the road you bumbed against something large. The horse startled and you stopped, looking around, panting in fear. There stood two horses on the road, with a woman and a man. A weird looking man and woman. You did nothing except for staring at them. The woman looked to the man before she got from her horse. 'Why are you running?' She asked you. Your eyes went back to the forest.


'There is a man trying to get to me.' Why you where honest you didn't know, you just had to get away from here. But honestly, looking to them wasn't quite that reassuring to. The man still sat on his horse, a very long braid laid over his shoulder, the rest of his head bald. They looked young, the way he looked to her told you that they were in love or something like that.

'Does he want to hurt you?'

'Who are you?' You asked back before you gave them any more information.

'I'm Lagertha, this is my husband,' she shooted him a playfull smile.

'Ragnar.' He ended her senteces.

'We are viking, raiding these lands.' Vikings? Here? You looked around again through the forest, looking for the man or at least a sound of the man but there was nothing.

'We should get her with us.' Ragnar said. His eyes traveled over your body and she almost did the same. Talked about a stunning woman, she was that kind. Lagertha throwed her freshly husband a new look, changing words without saying anything.

'Do you want to come? You look hungry, we could protect you.' She suggested. You had an option here, staying starving in the woods with him hunting you down or going with two vikings who looked at each other like they could eat each other in parts. So, you nodded and Lagertha stroked a strain out of your face. 'Come on.' She said walking back to her horse. She got on it, pulling you after her. You looked to the man again, Ragnar, he smiled to you but oh what was that smile a promesing one.

They fed you, she even washed your clothes and after two days in their camp you started to relax a little. They weren't always there and if they were they maked loudly sounds in their bed. It wasn't that you heared that for the first time but it was a lot louder than you were just. When you sat the next day outside poking the fire Lagertha came to you. The men where raiding again and for once she didn't joined them on the raid. 'Why where you running from that man? Was he your husband?' She asked, crouching down aside you to warm her hands over the fire.

'No, he was my mothers husband. He mistreated me, hit me a lot, tried other things.' You answered without looking up. Ragnar and Lagertha where nice to you from the beginning. Althrought Ragnar always looked to you in a certain way, you got used to it.


'Sorry to hear.'

'I was just tired, so I ran,' You felt silent, looking to the scar that runned from your lower arm to your hand. Lagertha stood up, standing behind you while her fingers runned through your hair. You noticed the woman and man all had braids, it was really a matter of time before she would do it with you, she looked at it to often.

'Do you have a husband?' She asked, starting to braid your hair carefull.

'No.' You never really had anybody.

'Do you have a lover?'

'Why are you asking?' You asked uncertain. She worked your braid until the end before she crouched down aside you again.

'You are a fine looking girl, I can't imagine that nobody wants you.' She smiled in a certain way playfull. Her finger rested under your chin and you looked in her eyes that got some desire. 'I would want you.' She bited her lip, like she just said something that she couldn't say out loud. You supposed it was just that. But what could you say? Nothing really so you only looked in those eyes of her. And like she took is as an inventation she pressed a very soft kiss on your lips. Your eyes closed in a moment before you looked back at her, a smile in misschief surrounded her lips before she stood up and walked away. Did you just ... ?

And when he came back earlier on the night he was watching your back while you where making some dinner on the fire. You just felt it, eyes gazing on your body. So you stood up and slowly turned around. 'My wife wants you.' He smiled. She wanted you? This was some weird kind of game, what else would it be?

'You are just married?' You reacted, trying not to wander your eyes over his chest. He looked down in his cup of ale before drinking it empty. He placed the cup on a wooden log and walked over to you. In reaction you backed down a little. 'I don't understand this.' You pointed around on the situation.

'She can't have you.' He said. Offcourse she couldn't, she was just married. Meant betrayel nothing for them? 'Because I want you.' That handsome smile creeped on his lips and you jaw dropped in disbelief. She was in the tent, hardly away from the both of you. But here he stood, so close you almost felt his breath. You almost could touch his bare chest.

'Still don't understand.' You whispered a little tensed. He sneaked his arm around your waist and out of reflex you putted your hands against his chest before he could pull you any closer. But seeing those strong arms you knew you never could push him away.

'It's a little game.' He whispered in your ear. You swallowed, not being able to move another inch. And just like she took advantage of you silence he did to. He pressed his lips on yours, pushing his tongue between your teeth you were forced to go in that kind of passion. But he could kiss. You took in a large breath through your noice, opening your lips, tasting him. You really forgot everything around you, even Lagertha.

'Ragnar.' She smiled. You felt something on your neck and you startled. She stood right behind you, lips traveling over the back of your neck, down your colorbone.

'Can we have her both?' Ragnar asked, like you weren't even there. His lips were so demanding on you cheek, biting your ear until you felt weak in your knees. He kissed her, while her hand followed the curves of your body. In gods name, what was happening.

'Come with us Y/n.' She suggested. He pulled you closer, fingers sliping underneath your shirt and you gasped, feeling his cold fingers roaming your skin. It was a weird kind sensation, he wanted you, she wanted you and they wanted each other.

'What do you think?' He asked.You only nodded, not in the right mind to say a thing right now. He smiled to his wife and she smiled back before the both of them took you to there bedroom. This was not really happening.

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