
"Thanks for inviting me over, y/n. It was fun." Ki Hyun says as Leah walks him to the front door. "No problem." I say with a nod. "Ki Hyun's gonna drive me home so I'll see you tomorrow, Kay?" Leah says and I nod, wanting her to go spend more time with him.

I wave them off then shut the door behind them. After that I make my way back up to my bedroom and sit down at my computer.

For the rest of the night, I did homework and relaxed, knowing tomorrow would be another busy day of schoolwork and annoying classmates.


"Kick the ball L/n!" My gym teacher yelled as I ran across the field, the soccer ball coming right at me. I was out of breath, having gone head-to-head against Brittany who was head of the soccer team. 

She hated that I was semi good at soccer. Mainly because whenever the older guys joined our teams, she hated that they didn't see her as the only best. She wasn't the center of attention and therefore she had a problem with me.

I knew the main reason she was so angry though is because Namjoon was on the field with us. He was playing goalie for my team so of course she wanted to look good getting a goal in.

"Out of my way!" Brit grunts as she rams into me, taking the ball. Like hell would I let her get the satisfaction of winning. I ran to catch up with her, taking the ball back.

I sprinted toward her goalie and with one swift kick, the ball went in. Everyone cheered loudly and from the corner of my eye I saw even Namjoon cheering me on too. That made Brit even angrier.

She grabbed the ball as she ran to her goalie. "Switch with me." She says, practically pushing the other person out of the way.

She then grabbed the ball and threw it up in the air, kicking it with as much force as she possibly could. I stood there in complete shock as the ball came hurdling right at my face.

"Y/n, watch out!" Is the last thing I hear before the ball smacks me right in the face, knocking me to the ground. Slowly, my vision became dark as everything around me fell completely and utterly silent.



As I begin to regain consciousness, I opened my eyes slowly. My head was throbbing as I tried to sit up, instantly feeling dizzy as I did so.

"Oh hey, you're awake." I hear an all too familiar voice say. I look over in the direction the voice came from and was shocked to see Namjoon seated in the chair beside the nurses office bed.

"What happened?" I groaned as I grabbed my head as the pain jolted through my face. "You got hit in the face with a soccer ball. You got knocked out." Namjoon says with a look of concern on his face.

"Why are you here?" I ask, confused as to why out of everyone it was him sitting here with me. Namjoon chuckled as he leaned back in his chair. "Well I brought you here, obviously."

My brows furrowed as I leaned my head back on the pillows, my head hurting too much to move. "Well thanks." I mumble, feeling embarrassed that he watched all of that go down.

"Of course. Anything for my sister's best friend." Namjoon says as he stands up. "I have to get back to class. Will you be alright?" He then asks.

I look up at him before nodding slightly. "Okay. Feel better, alright?" I don't say anything else as I watch Namjoon head for the door. With one last glance back at me, he disappears.

As soon as he's gone, I let out a huge sigh. I was completely embarrassed. Not only had my whole gym class seen me get knocked out by a fucking soccer ball, but Namjoon had too.

Not to mention he carried me all the way here and stayed until I woke up. I would never be able to live this down. Not by Namjoon, not by my class, and definitely not by Brittany.

Speaking of which, I wanted to kill her. She did this on purpose. All because she was a sore loser and couldn't accept the fact that she wasn't as good at soccer as she thought she was.

I groaned as I turned over to face the wall. The rest of this day was going to suck. Hopefully they'd just let me go home instead of going back to class. I couldn't face anyone, not right now. I was humiliated.




I watched as Y/n scored the goal effortlessly, those around her beginning to cheer, including myself. I had never known she was so good at soccer before today.

"Switch with me!" I hear Brittany yell as she runs at her goalie, trying to switch positions mid game. I scoffed at that. She always had to be in control of everything.

I watched as she grabbed the ball and threw it up into the air before she kicked it as hard as she could. My eyes then widened as I noticed it was coming directly at y/n's face.

"Y/n, watch out!" I yell, even though I knew she wouldn't be able to move in time. Just as I said that, the ball collided with her face, knocking her to the ground instantly.

I ran over to her, her eyes already closed as she laid there knocked out. "What the hell is your problem?!" I yell in Brittany's direction.

She simply looked at me and shrugged as If she had done nothing wrong. I pushed down my anger as I knelt down beside y/n, scooping her up into my arms.

"I'll take her to the nurses office!" I yell out to coach as I pick y/n up and quickly make my way to get her help.

As I'm carrying her there, I notice her face had gotten pretty banged up. Her face was red, and her lip was busted open and bleeding.

Upon getting into the nurses office I tell her what happened and they check her in. I carry y/n's body over to the bed and place her down gently before returning to the nurses.

"Thank you. You can head back to class now." The tall lady with short brown hair says as she scribbles something onto a clipboard.

"No. I'm staying until she wakes up." I say, ignoring her second attempt at telling me I should go back.

I make my way over to the chair at the side of the bed and watch y/n as she lies there completely still, her chest rising and falling slowly.

Then I wait.

After about twenty, almost thirty minutes, y/n's eyes began to open. I sat up in my seat then. "Oh hey, you're awake." I say, watching as her eyes adjusted on me.

"What happened?" Y/n groans as she grabs onto her head, wincing in pain. "You got hit in the face with a soccer ball. You got knocked out." I say seriously and she goes silent for a moment before she speaks again.

"Why are you here?" Her asks, seeming a little confused. I wasn't sure if that was because of her being hit in the head or because she just really hadn't expected it to be me.

"Well I brought you here, obviously." I say and she responds with a small, "Well thanks."

"Of course. Anything for my sisters best friend." I smirk as I stand up. "I have to get back to class. Will you be alright?" I then add, knowing I couldn't stay in here forever now that she was finally awake.

Y/n looked up at me, her e/c eyes glazed, and nods. "Okay. Feel better, alright?" When she doesn't respond I make my way towards the door. With one last glance back at her I leave the room.

As soon as I make my way back to gym class I sit down on the benches, watching as Brittany continues playing as if nothing had even happened.

I scoffed as I watched her play, tripping others who got in her way.

All I could say was,

Brittany was definitely a bitch.


A/n: Sorry I haven't been updating! I feel bad because I know you guys are waiting for me to update but I've just been dealing with a lot lately. I'll try my best to update more but with the current state I'm in mentally, I can't make no promises. I hope you all understand!! Have a good day everyone! 

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