《28 Weeks Later (Rewrite)》Chapter Eight


(I know notice that a lot of the povs are Thomas and Third. So for now on, I'll keep it on Third just to be fair for the characters. Now let's get on with the Show)

*Third pov.*

Doyle, Andy, Tammy, Thomas, the injured Scarlet who being helped by Doyle and Thomas, and the survivor (I call him N/C for Named character) N/C running down the street making thier way to the outpost fence.

Scarlet: It's right there.

Thomas: Hurry, I can hear the jets coming!

As they reach the fence Doyle climbs it brings out his knife cutting the bob wire, making room for them to climb. Tammy was the first to make the climb over, the second was Andy, the Third was Thomas, Fourth N/C, Then Scarlet, Last was Doyle. Before he jumps the bomber jet passing over them, the sniper realizes that time was up.

Doyle: *jumps Down* Go!

As they run ahead except for Thomas and Doyle who are helping Scarlet, getting distance from the bombing target zone.

As the bomber flying over the target zone. The survivors made their way to the Greenwich pedestrian tunnel, made halfway in the tunnel just to catch thier breath.

As the survivors take refuge, the bomber jets drop thier bombs creating large lines of explosions as it spread through the streets and entering the buildings. Fylnn who flying in his helicopter watches the terror and worry of his friend.

In the Command bunker, the General and the operatives watch the monitors seeing the explosions destroy and burn buildings, the infected, the non-infected, and even thier own before their cams are destroyed one by one the fires. The operatives watch in horror to see all the people are burning alive by the disastrous weapon of thiers except for the General who shows no emotions as he has one thing in mind....... All must be destroyed.....(Not in crazy)


The fires spread throughout the streets, swiftly enter the buildings burn everything in sight before explodes outwardsthrough the window.

Back at the tunnels, the survivors hear a loud boom scaring them, Andy and Tammy hug each other. Thomas holds his mother's hand while rubbing Tammy back comforting her. N/C is scared being his knees to his chest. Doyle calmly looking down the tunnel as he shows no fear except deep down he afraid. Scalet keeps a calming face as she squeezes his son's hand, as she too is afraid.

Down the streets, Two survivors are running away from the fires but a wave of fire catches up to them burning them as they scream in agony.

Somewhere in another street, is ten surviving soldiers of a platoon, running and entering thier humvee to escape the area. They hear an explosion quickly turn to sees a fire tornado rushing towards them like a snake, five soldiers quickly enter thier cars leaving the frozen soldiers. The frozen soldier brought back reality as they rush into their vehicle but it was too late as the fire reaches them burning them. The surviving vehicle makes a right turn then the soldier's eyes widen as they driving into a wave of flames before being swallowed by the fire.

On the burning building, a sniper on the rooftop is huddling in corner of an open shake. As he has second-degree burns on his hands, left arm, and left side of his face. The sniper is scared of his life while praying for his survival.

On the ground, survivors, and soldiers running away from the infected as they being swallowed up by the fires. The infected Don is hiding in an alley as the firestorm passes.

As the med center is on fire, the lab is consumed in flames burning Alice's body.

As the firestorm rushes through the streets and buildings of the Green Zone, Doyle notices a bright yellow light from the entrance.


Doyle: GO! GO!

Survivors run down the tunnel towards the exit as the flames chase them, as they escape the tunnel dome burst into flames.

Back in the Command bunker, operators and General see all thier monitors of cams are gone due to the fires. Stone pulls himself a chair sits down and gives out a heavy sigh as he tries to gather his thoughts, but then something captures his attention. Looks over to see one of the cams on the monitors was still working.

The Cams shows a visual of the outpost fence but that's not the only thing that was there. People are running towards the fence but the stone knows that they are all infected. From that monument, the General knew that the bombing failed but the worst of all.

He has failed to contain the outbreak.


As dawn arrived, the survivors walking throughout the empty city of London. As they recollect that everything happens to them. N/C can not believe that he survived. Andy and Tammy are calm while shocked that this happens to them. Scarlet knew that they could of prevent this outbreak if Stone only listens to her. Doyle couldn't believe what happened, he saw action in Afganistan but this virus takes the cake, it makes terrorist attacks like child play. Thomas can't believe he's not dead yet, even after close calls being infected or killed by the soldiers.

There's one thing they all have in mind........ They're glad to be alive.

They finally made it to the park, there are old remnants of a small theme park. Cars parked Ice cream truck, multiple swings sets, and a merry-go-round.

Andy and Tammy walk over and sit on the swingset while Thomas is standing leaning on the pole.N/C exploring the theme park. Scarlet and Doyle sit on a bench next to the Merry-go-round.

Andy: Tammy?

Tammy: Yeah.

Andy: Do you think mom's still alive?

Tammy: Not this time...

Teens couldn't continue the conversation as they are tired, exhausted, and shocked by the terror they witness. Thomas starts a new conversation gaining thier attention.

Thomas: To be honest. When the second outbreak broke out..... I thought I was going to lose my mom and you guys. Was going to be alone again.

Tammy: You won't be alone. We'll always be together. Whatever happens.

Andy: Whatever happens.

Thomas: Whatever happens.

The view changes to Scarlet and Doyle.

Doyle: This is a screwed up. Everything is just a mess.....

Scarlet: You didn't answer my question? *looks at Doyle* Why did you abandon your post?

Doyle: Cause of him*points at Andy* I didn't shoot him. I've seen so many things during combat, the things I've seen would make a child mad... When we were ordered to abandon select targets, it was wrong. Soldiers are trained to kill the enemy, not civilians, but I still shot them. Then when I saw him, couldn't do it. What about you.

Scarlet sighs and looks over at the teens before explaining to Doyle.

Scarlet: Thier mother was infected with the virus but something in her blood causes her to suppress the virus.

Doyle: Are you saying they're immune?

Scarlet: Not exactly. Some genetics are not heredity as some are skipped.....

Doyle notices that Scarlet is distracted as she knows more information.

Doyle: What is it?

Scarlet: .....It's my son.

Doyle: What about him?

Scarlet: I discover something.

(I'll stop here, now what did Scarlet discover it must be very important. Anyways just announcement tomorrow my college will start again, and I'll try to update when I have the time. So I hope you guys like it and I'll see you next time. Washinton out)

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