《The Devil I Love | Jikook Smut |》Chapter 14: The Director


"Jungkook?" Taehyung asked once more and snapped his fingers to wake Jungkook from his daydream. "Hey... are you alright? If you didn't lock the door last night, it's fine! We all make mistakes."

"Oh... is... is everything in its place? What if someone stepped in?" Jungkook worried as Taehyung only let out a scoff and shook his head.

"Then we check the surveillance footage, follow me!" Taehyung added into a cheerful voice as the smile caused his lips to form into a heart.

"Right..." Jungkook spoke to himself until his eyes blew wide and his focus bolted onto the camera surveillance above him, recording his expression when he finally realized what was in the footage from yesterday. "Fuck!"

"Language, Boss! My ears are strictly PG therefore-" suddenly Jungkook rushed past him and blocked the room to the printers and the computer that monitored all of the surveillance footage. "Excuse YOU."

"Y-You know we're in the safest town! I have nothing to fear, I'm sure nothing happened and I was just stupid to forget locking those doors!" Jungkook mentioned. Practically turning red from what he was really hiding.

"You seem as if you're hiding something... something that oddly makes me want to know about it the more you hide it in order to push the plot forward..."

"...what? What plo-"

"Move, move, move..." Taehyung repeated but watched as Jungkook only shook his head further and threw his hands around the doorway. Blocking the door from the older man. "Jungkook, what are you hiding? Hurry up and tell me before Yoongi gets here! He's like an angry –short–mom when you're hiding something from him!"

"How... how would you know that?"

"Because I'm closer to him, unlike you I'm not scared!"

"When was I ever scared?"

"Right fucking now, move!" Taehyung continued.

"I thought your ears were rated PG-! Ah- WAIT-" Instantly, Taehyung began to tickle him against the door while the younger began to laugh. "Stop! A-AH YOU HYPOCRITE!"

As soon as Jungkook sunk down while Taehyung continued to tickle him, the older man was able to reach the door knob when suddenly, he turned it and opened the door. Causing Jungkook to fall back and watch Taehyung step into the room.


"What are you hiding from yesterday? There was barely anyone here other than Jimin and his team. What bad could have happened?" He rambled on. Approaching the computer when suddenly, he heard Jungkook stand up and call out to him.

"I-I... Taehyung stop! I'll tell you please!" Jungkook begged. Pulling Taehyung back from stepping forward by holding his hand.

"Go on..." Taehyung finally looked back to see his boss trying to push himself to say it. That's when he knew it was something much more. "You know, if it's that bad you can hint at it and I'll-

"I had sex with Park Jimin..."

Abruptly, Taehyung snatched his hand back and held a disgusted look on his face. "EXCUSE YOU?"

"L-Look I was lost in the moment and I-"

"You... y-you.. fucked Park Jimin? THE PARK JIMIN? KOREA'S LITTLE ANGEL WHEN HE'S REALLY A LITTLE DEVIL??? You... WHEN? Where? WHY?" Taehyung asked as his eyes blew wide. "Woah.. on a SUNDAY? THE DAY OF THE LORD?"

"Oh, come on! Why are you so surprised? It's... it's not that serious, Jimin is still a kind man..."

"He's the devil! We don't engage in sexual intercourse with the devil in this holy studio!"


"Even if I realized he was different at that moment, he may still be an angel...? He's not that bad..."

"Just like Lucifer. Now leave my presence you tainted soul..." Taehyung teased as Jungkook only let out a chuckle and shoved the older playfully like always. "Jokes aside, how? How did that happen? I thought you liked Yoongi?"

"I... I was lonely... I don't know how to explain it, Yoongi told me to rely on him like a brother and I was broken after that! But then when I was looking at Jimin... he was tempting me and I couldn't turn him away, I wanted it, I wanted him," Jungkook mentioned and grew frustrated with himself. "It was in the studio room over a bed we used for the photoshoot. I... I just- I don't know what to think, I still have a soft spot for Yoongi but I don't know what else to do when it comes to Jimin... I've been thinking about him all night and I couldn't sleep but at the same time, I'm too nervous to call him on his personal number about yesterday. I need to get him off my mind... there's no way I will ever have him close to me like that."

"That's impossible, he gave you his number, his personal number at that! There must be a reason why, maybe he wants to see you again?" Taehyung asked as Jungkook couldn't help but to tilt his head at the thought of the envelope he opened last night to see Jimin's number written on a small slip of paper.

"He could be too busy, there's no way-"

"Well? It doesn't hurt if you try. Maybe you want to get to know him more so you wouldn't feel so confused about what you two did yesterday, maybe it's a way you can sort out your thoughts... and for Yoongi, I guess he only said that since he doesn't really know the real you!"

"You're right... I'm getting too ahead of myself... I should be able to reach out to Jimin about yesterday and maybe then my mind will be at rest when it comes to him," Jungkook assured himself and finally walked up to the computer just to sit at the chair in front of the monitor. "I might as well delete the footage from that moment."

"Don't you dare open that while I'm still in here, I don't want to hear or see anything!"

"Well don't flatter yourself, I wasn't planning on looking at the file while you were here," Claimed the younger man.

"Wow, I can't believe you did that... AT THE STUDIO AND WITH A CELEBRITY... a celebrity that is loved by all and is as innocent as an angel. Who would have thought otherwise? Oh, I know... it was me all along! I knew it was all an act."

"Aside from his act, he wasn't always that happy when I spoke to him about work. He always tended to seem off on that topic."

"Oh, this really feeds into my theories!" Taehyung gushed over the idea and smiled to himself. "I was right~ but aside from that, that's really concerning as to why he would react like that. Maybe they overwork him or maybe he's just not happy."

"I never really thought of it that way... it seems to be a lot of pressure for him," Jungkook concluded and thought back at the raw smiles Jimin gave him even when he had so much work to do after the photoshoot.


For once, Jimin was in control and he decided what he wanted to do in the moment he was with Jeon Jungkook. At this point, Jungkook longed to keep in contact with Park Jimin, he couldn't help but to feel concerned for him aside from what they did the day before in bed.

During the same time in the morning, Jimin sat in an office with a sky view right outside those large windows that lit up the room. The office was set in a modern black and grey color scheme that was enough to dull the light in Jimin's eyes. He looked anxious as he looked around and checked his phone. On the inside, he wanted to receive a call, a text message, or anything from Jungkook! But he was left looking at his lockscreen with no new notifications at all.

Jimin cleared his throat and set his phone down while he adjusted the blue tie over his grey suit. The room became hot to him, his eyes could only focus on the ground as the air thickened. If he could be anywhere in the world, this would be the last place he would be. As he had the urge to run out the more he looked over the time, his blood went cold the moment he heard the door open and then close seconds after.

"Park Jimin~ it's a pleasure to see you in my office!" spoke out a firm voice of an older man. In no way did his voice seem welcoming to Jimin at all, so he was left to sit frozen at the chair. "I can't remember the last time I had you in here..."

"I can..." Jimin thought and grew anxious to speak with the older man, but he had no other choice but to speak up. "You called me in today."

"Yes I did," He added before walking in front of Jimin and sitting at his office chair. He was older than Jimin; around his mid thirties to be exact. His apparel consisted of a black suit with just a red tie around his collar and the look of a sweet man written over his face with the exception of a scar right over his cheek. Sweet to everyone, but sour to the eyes of Park Jimin. "I was hoping we could catch up... you would only call me on the phone just to request things for work, but you would never make an appointment to come see me in person. You know I worry about you, Jimin..."

"I feel better over the phone than being in here..." Jimin whispered. Never looking the man in the eyes. But even when he couldn't see the man through his stares, he still felt as if his body was trembling in fear. Words could not even explain how much hate Jimin had for this man before him. Sadly, he had no other choice but to attend this small appointment.

"Don't distance yourself from me," spoke the man in a soft voice that only sounded eerie to the other. Jimin feared him while he sat up from his chair and leaned forward to fold his hands over the glass table. Silence choked Jimin the second he knew that the man was staring at him. Everything froze around Jimin and he felt as if he was suffocating in his own skin. By now, every word the man spoke echoed in his mind. But Jimin wanted to stay awake and refrain from fainting. He didn't want to lose himself and faint in a place like this, never in a place like this with a man like him. "You look amazing... After all this time, seeing your photos through the magazine wasn't enough. How have you been? I want to know everything..."

"I've been well."

"Talk to me, Jimin. I'm your , I want to know more than just the simple words. I hope you're not hiding anything from me, after that incident you had... you know I had to make sure you were alright and far from that bathtub. I do it out of love, Park Jimin. You know you're my favorite," The man that was known as Jimin's Director spoke into the usual soft tone to his voice that always bothered Jimin.

"Please... don't tell me that...'' Jimin whispered and kept trying to distract himself from the tears that threatened to fall. "Don't remind me of that..."

"I won't," the man whispered before getting up and loosening his tie before approaching Jimin at the chair. Instantly, he sat on the table in front of Jimin and fixed the younger's face to look him in the eyes. Now Jimin had no choice but to look at the thirty five year old man before him. His cologne was so strong and familiar to Jimin, that it brought up hidden pains within the younger. Jimin has seen this all before in the same room and was petrified now. "That's much better... now you can see me, I can see you..."

Instantly Jimin looked away from the man the moment his eyes looked into his. He couldn't stare at the man without longing to cry but suddenly. The director cupped Jimin's face and forced his head to face his. Now only having their noses only inches away from each other.

"S-Stop it... let me go!" Jimin hissed and quickly gripped onto the man's wrists and struggled to pull his hands away from his face. "What do you want from me?!"

"Do I have to hold you like this so you could look at me? So you could speak to me? Park Jimin, you're being rude... don't be like that to me..." abruptly, the man let Jimin go before tilting his head and watching Jimin press his body against the chair desperately. Practically shaking in fear and wanting to run away as tears began to fall from his red cheeks.

"Please leave me alone.. this is exactly why I didn't want to see you in person!" Jimin cried as the man took out a handkerchief and held it out to Jimin, but the younger man refused it.

"I may have been a bit aggressive towards you and I apologize, I just missed you so much," The Director spoke softly. Standing up in front of Jimin to look down at him, point his head up to look at him once more, and dry Jimin's tears. At this point, Jimin was counting the seconds before he could kick the man off and deepen that scar over his face. After all, Jimin was the one that gave it to him before. But with the power the director had over him, Jimin was forced to give in.

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